Monday 30 November 2015

芒果千层蛋糕 【Mango Mile Crepe Cake】

每当梦醒后, 心里就会盘算着要将它”弄到手“。
芒果月, 好时机啊!
晚饭后, 窗外是一阵的狂风暴雨, 
寒风吹起, 细雨迷离, 

有了第一次经验的美禄咖啡千层蛋糕, 这回制作起千层蛋糕, 不再手忙脚乱了。  尤其是在煎可丽饼的过程中, 可说是得心应手。  可是却在涂抹鲜奶油时, 误算了鲜奶油的份量而导致鲜奶油缺货。  无奈之下唯有以植物性鲜奶油取代, 而却没察觉到两者之间的颜色差易。 当一刀挥下时, 啊呀呀了一声,怎么会一层米色, 一层白色啊! 嘻嘻。。。

煎可丽饼是最重要饼皮要薄而均匀, 锅子也不能太热否则还未来得及摊平就已经凝固太厚了。     


1粒鸡蛋(连壳60克, 打散)
20克Maltitol 牌子的糖粉或细砂糖

400克动物性鲜奶油 +(另外打发:100克植物性鲜奶油)
(如果是采用植物性鲜奶油, 那么就无需加入糖粉了)
2粒熟芒果 (削皮, 切成薄片)

1.  将过筛的低粉, 盐,糖粉或细砂糖混合均匀, 备用。
2.  将蛋液加入鲜奶中, 以打蛋器搅拌至均匀。 
3.  然后拌入步骤1的粉类里, 搅拌均匀至无颗粒的状态。 
4.  最后拌入融化奶油, 轻轻搅拌面糊至顺滑。
5.  将面糊过筛, 盖上保鲜膜放置于冰箱冷藏至30分钟以上。 
6.  取一个20cm 平底不粘锅, 以小火加热, 在锅底涂上一层融化奶油。 
7.  倒入适量面糊, 并立即摇晃锅子使面糊摊成均匀的圆形薄饼。 
8.  以小火煎至面糊表面凝固后即可取出。  (无需翻面)
9.  重复以上煎面糊的步骤至面糊用完为止。  (可煎成20张小可丽饼和1张28cm大可丽饼.  将煎好的可丽饼整齐地叠好, 盖上一块干净的布, 待冷备用)
10.  将动物性鲜奶油和糖粉打发至表面呈现纹路。
11.  取一张可丽饼, 涂抹一层打发鲜奶油, 以刮刀抹平, 平均铺上适量的芒果薄片。 
12.  再叠第2张可丽饼,涂抹一层打发鲜奶油。然后再叠上第3张可丽饼, 平均铺上适量芒果薄片。重复以上的步骤至完全铺完20张可丽饼。  (每相隔一层涂抹鲜奶油, 才铺上一层芒果薄片)
13.  最后, 涂抹适量打发鲜奶油, 把大张的可丽饼覆盖最顶层, 
14.  将剩余的一些打发鲜奶油以作裱花装饰, 放入冰箱里冷藏至少4小时, 即可切片食用。

每层的鲜奶油份量大约@25克, 可以减至20克

【Mango Mile Crepe Cake

[Crepe Ingredients]
120g low flour/cake flour
1 egg ( with shell 60g, beaten)
420g fresh milk
20g Maltitol brand sugar powder or castor sugar
20g melted butter
a pinch of salt

400g UHT whipping cream+(extra of 100g non-daily whipping cream)
30g Maltitol brand sugar powder or icing sugar 
2 ripe mangoes (peeled and slice it thinly)

[To make crepe cake]
1.   In a mixing bowl, sift in flour, salt and sugar powder or castor sugar, mix well.  
2.  Combine fresh milk, beaten egg together and hand whisk until well combine. 
3.  Gradually pour in the liquid into the flour mixture and mix it well.
4.  Lastly, add the melted butter and whisk gently until the smooth.
5.  Sift the batter, cover with cling wrap and place it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
6.  Heat a 20cm non-stick pan on low heat and brush the pan with melted butter.
7.  Pour the batter into the center of the pan, and then quickly swirl the batter around to make a crepe the size of the of the bottom of the pan.  
8.  Cook until the center of the crepe is almost dry and the edges are lightly browned and dry.  Remove the crepe from the pan and place on baking sheet. (do not need to flip)
9.   Repeat, and continue making the rest of the crepes.  Grease the pan only when the crepe seems difficult to release otherwise you shouldn't need to butter the pan。(Makes 20 pieces of 20cm crepes+1 piece of 28cm crepe and cover with clean cloth until it cold)
10.  Whipped the whipping cream and icing sugar until stiff peaks.
11.  To assemble the crepe:  Lay a layer of crepe, then spread an even layer of whipped cream on top,  arrange with mango slice on top of the cream. 
12.  Then, place the second layer of crepe, spread an even layer of whipped cream and place the third layer of crepe and spread some cream and arrange with mango slices on top of the cream.  Repeat to complete the 20 pieces of crepe.  
13.  Lastly, top the large crepe with remaining cream and decorate the cake as you wish. 
14.  Place the cake in the fridge for at leave 4 hours or overnight until set before serving.

Note:  I have spread approximately 25g of whipped cream on each layer and should reduce it to 20g each.

简易马铃薯咖喱千层派【Simple and Easy Curry Potato Puff】

我就紧跟着他, 千叮万属的说了该说的,
我只能对着孩子们说, 你们吃马铃薯的日子又来了! 
之后, 就不难想象了, 
早餐, 来个马铃薯吐司
午餐, 摆上了充满娘惹风味的豆鼓马铃薯鸡
午茶嘛, 来个百吃不腻的马铃薯咖喱角 
晚餐嘛, 懒洋洋地来个简易马铃薯炒饭+南乳炸鸡块吧! 

厨房里缺盐缺醋缺什么的, 就是不缺马铃薯。  好难得的消了一袋, 谁知他又带回了另一袋, 对他出手的狠辣, 实在是心有余悸。 往后, 若是要买什么的, 还是自己勤快的走一趟吧!呵呵。。

这款做了好久的简易爽口又讨喜的小食, 数不清是第几次的出现了。 无论是早茶或是午茶都是绝配小点, 亦可当着解馋的夜宵美食, 都绝对是有滋有味!

简易马铃薯咖喱派, 可做30个千层派 

520克马铃薯 (削皮, 切粒)

2+1/2 茶匙盐

** 3包 kawan 千层皮 (大约30片)

1.  锅中烧热3大匙油, 爆香葱碎和蒜末, 加入鸡肉碎炒至均匀。
2.  加入马铃薯粒, 以小火翻炒片刻。
3.  加入所有调味料(除了清水)炒至均匀后, 再加入清水,以小火继续翻炒至水份稍微收干或马铃薯熟透, 试味, 即可盛起, 备用。  
4.  撒一些面粉在台面, 取一片千层皮, 稍微擀成12cm x 7cm, 对切成一半。
5.  取适量内馅放在半边的面皮上, 在面皮的四周涂上蛋液, 覆盖上另半边以拉网刀割好的面皮。 
6.  然后, 再以叉子压紧, 在面皮的表面涂上一层蛋黄液。 
7.  放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤25分钟至金黄色即可。 

Simple and Easy Curry Potato Puff, yield 30 puff 

520 g potatoes (peeled and cut into small cubes)
200 g chicken breast, chopped
2 big onions, chopped
3 tbsp chopped garlic
some curry leaves 

2 tsp red chili powder
4 tbsp Tean's Gourment instant curry paste
2 tsp salt
1 tsp brown sugar
。140 g water

** 3 packets of kawan brand frozen puff pastry
** egg yolk to brush on top of the puff pastry

1.  Heat up 3 tbsp oil, saute chopped onions and garlic until fragrant.  Stir in minced chicken and stir-fry until aromatic.
2.  Add in potato cubes, stir-fry for a while.
3.  Then, add in seasonings and stir evenly, pour in water and cover with lip and simmer until potatoes is fully cooked and soften, taste and dish up. 
4.  Sprinkle some flour over the work surface, lay out 1 sheet of puff pastry and roll it with rolling pin over the pastry (12cm x 7cm ) , and cut into half. 
5.  Place some filling on the center of the pastry and brush the edge with egg white. Then, use a lattice cutter to cut a slits on another half layer of pastry and place the slits puff pastry on top of the the fillings.  
6.  To press the edges and seal it by using a fork.  Brush with egg yolk on top of each puff pastry pocket.  Repeat the same to finish the remaining pastry sheets. 
7.  Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 25 minutes until golden brown. 

Friday 27 November 2015

芝士麻糬波波 【CheesyMochi Bread】

其实, 我并不感兴趣。
出炉后, 最想知道的就是其味如何,
然而, 在好奇心驱使之下, 
正确来说, 这款麻糬波波该是来自巴西吧!
这是一款巴西面包, 巴西文为[Pao de Queijo], 
只是巴西的Pao de Queijo 是100% 采用木薯粉, 
两者的区别应该就在于采用了不同的粉类 吧!

个人却认为, 它蛮像之前韩式麻磁面包, 尤其是它那外表的龟裂, 外层的酥脆。 其实很想要尝试原谱的蓝莓爆浆的感觉, 无奈孩子们都不爱而家里也没有新鲜蓝莓。 所以, 只好将食谱分半, 一份加入了蔓越莓干,做了一样食谱两样的口味。  

若果你问我好吃与否, 我只能说原味的麻糬波波含有阵阵的芝士香, 以及一股的咸味。 个人的口味不同, 而我却特爱加有蔓越莓干果的麻糬波波。  

吃不完的麻糬波波会变得干硬, 只要放入烤箱预热, 最好喷上一些水, 这样又能吃到好吃酥软的波波了!


25克mozzarella 芝士丝

** 30克蔓越莓干

1.  将奶油隔热水融化, 备用。 
2. 将糯米粉, 木薯粉混合过筛,加入盐巴以及mozzarella 芝士, 混合均匀。
3.  将鸡蛋打散, 倒入融化奶油,加入鲜奶拌匀后, 注入步骤2的粉类中, 以刮刀搅拌均匀, 再搓成光滑的面团。 (这时, 可以加入30克的蔓越莓干, 拌匀)
4.   这时, 预先将烤箱预热170度至10分钟。 然后, 将面团搓成长条状, 平均分割成20份 (每份约16克), 滚圆成小圆球, 排入烤盘里。
5.   送入预热烤箱, 烘烤20分钟至波波稍微膨胀, 以及表面略烤至金黄色即可。 
6.  取出, 放置铁架上凉却后, 即可享用。

Chessy Mochi Bread

110g glutinous rice flour 
15g tapioca flour
1/2 tsp salt
55g fresh milk
25g shredded mozzarella cheese or parmesan cheese 
1 egg (60g)
35g melted butter

1.  In a mixing bowl, sift glutinous rice flour and tapioca flour together.  Add in salt and shredded mozzarella cheese, mix well. 
2. Beat the egg, pour melted butter in and add in fresh milk, mix well. Then, pour the liquid over the flour mixture (step 1) and use a spatula to combine until the dough is soft and smooth. (I have divided the dough into 2 portions, add 30g dried cranberries into one of the mixture)
3.  At this time, preheat your oven in advance at 170C for 10 minutes.  Then, knead the dough into long strips, cut it equally into into 20 portions (16g each) and shape it into round balls and place them on a baking tray. 
4.  Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes until golden brown or the surface slightly 
5.  Remove from oven, let's it cool on the wire rack. 

Recipe adapted from 肥丁工作坊

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