说到乳酪蛋糕就是这般的令人欲罢不能,想吃却不敢随心所欲而任意的吃, 那滋味不好受。 于是选了这个酸奶蛋糕, 不论是外表,还是口味都和乳酪蛋糕相似的“姐妹”。 这蛋糕是乳酪蛋糕者又爱又恨的最佳选择了, 真的。。不骗你!
就连挑食的女儿也分辨不出, 以防她对奶酸的抗拒, 当然我对她说这是乳酪蛋糕了。 看着我大口大口的吞吃着蛋糕, 她对我说: 妈咪, 你还是少吃乳酪蛋糕,这蛋糕我帮你吃! 哈哈。。。
这蛋糕我已经做了数次,切片的照片是第一次在夜里完成的, 又是切切分分的, 没有了全照。 第二次做的送了给朋友, 就是照片里的“全身照”,但是蛋糕的表层却不烘得不比第一次的美, 嘻嘻!
酸奶蛋糕(Yogurt Cake)
3个蛋黄, 120克酸奶,20毫升淡奶油,35克无盐奶油(加热融化),30克低粉,15克粟米粉
1. 将酸奶从冰箱取出放置到常温和融化的奶油混合搅拌至均匀无颗粒状。
2. 加入淡奶油和蛋黄拌匀后, 加入过筛的底粉和粟粉搅拌至细腻光滑, 即成酸奶糊。
3. 将蛋白打至起粗泡, 分3次的加入细糖,打至拿起打蛋器上部呈略弯弧度而盆中的蛋白糊中有弯钩状即可。
4. 将1/3蛋白糊加入酸奶糊中,以刮刀从边缘刮下后的切拌方法搅拌。 (切记不可画圈搅拌,这样蛋白容易消泡)
5. 将剩余的蛋白糊全部倒入,用切拌的方法搅拌均匀, 不可画圈搅拌。
6. 将蛋糕糊倒入6寸裹好锡纸的模具中, 轻轻敲出气泡。(我在模具底铺上一张不粘纸)
7. 用水浴法以150度烘烤70分即可。 (将蛋糕模放在烤盘上,在烤盘里倒入热水烘烤, 即是水浴法了。)
Yogurt Cake
3 Egg yolk , 120g Natural yoghurt, 20g Whipping cream, 35g Butter( melted)
30g plain/cake flour, 15g Corn flour
3 Egg white, 40g Caster sugar, few drop of lemon juice
1. Combine natural yoghurt and melted butter together, and stir with a hand whisk still smooth.
2. Add in whipping cream and egg yolks, mix well. Sieve in cake flour and corn flour mix till smooth.
3. Beat egg white until mixture forms soft peaks. Gradually add in sugar in 3 batches and whisk until frothy and stiff peak form.
4. Gently fold egg white mixture in 3 batches to yoghurt mixture until well incorporated. (Use cut and fold method, do not circle stirring)
5. Pour batter into 6 inch round (lined base) cake pan and gently knock the cake pan to release the bubbles.
6. Steam-bake the batter in preheated oven at 150c for 70 minutes.
7. Leave cake in pan to cool down completely before removing. Chill in the fridge before serve.

I am submitting this post to Little Thumbs Up Event ( Butter ), organised by Zoe ( Baked for Happy Kids) and Mui Mui ( My Little Favourite DIY ), hosted by Jozelyn ( Spice Up My Kitchen).