Sunday 30 July 2017

古早味芝士蛋糕 【Tawainese Cheese Sponge Cake】

喜欢烘焙的人, 总爱不停的尝试。 看到这款没做过也要做, 听闻那款好吃的, 更加不可放过。 吹不熄那股强烈的热风, 更 无法平息心中的那把”火焰“。  所有, 想做的和要做的料理实在是太多了, 而那份“To Do List”也愈来愈长了。  如今的我, 虽然已经改掉了在半夜里烘焙蛋糕的习惯, 偶尔看到未曾尝试过的却依然还是怦然心动。  

就如这款火爆的古早味蛋糕,不论是原味, 芝士味还是巧克力味, 都已经尝试做过无数次了.  只是懒得拍懒得写。 终于等到有“木”拍,有“木”写, 又有”木“整理照上阵咯! 



25克parmesan cheese

 5粒蛋白, 60克白砂糖, 数滴柠檬汁

适量Parmesan Cheese

1.  蛋糕粉过筛,备用。
2.  将粟米油和parmesan cheese以小火预热至出现纹路, 立刻加入过筛的粉类和盐, 搅拌至顺滑无颗粒。
3.  然后把牛奶和蛋黄加入, 搅拌均匀至顺滑。  
4.  将蛋白和柠檬汁打至呈现小气泡, 分次加入白砂糖, 打发至湿性发泡。
5.  将蛋白霜2分次加入蛋糕糊里, 搅拌均匀即成蛋糕糊。
6.  将蛋糕糊倒入备好的7寸方模里,铺平。 
7.  撒上parmesan cheese, 放入预热烤箱以150度烘烤50分钟, 然后调高至160度继续20分钟至熟 (水浴法)。

【Tawainese Cheese Sponge Cake】

[Ingredients A]
5 large yolks (with shell 65g each)
75g cake flour/ super fine flour
90g fresh milk
50g corn oil
25g parmesan cheese
1/4 tsp salt

【Ingredients B】
 5 large egg white
60g sugar, few drop of lemon juice

Parmesan Cheese

1.  Sift cake flour and set aside.
2.  Heat corn oil and parmesan cheese with low heat until lines appear on it. Then,  add in flour and salt immediately, mix well till there are no more lumps.
3.  Add fresh milk and egg yolk, mix well until a smooth batter is formed.  
4.  In another bowl, whisk the egg white with lemon juice until mixture appear with small bubble, gradually add in sugar, whisk until the mixture is frothy and soft peak form.
5.  Gently fold in meringue into egg yolk mixture until it is combined.
6.  Pour the batter into 7-inches square cake pan, sprinkled with parmesan cheese and lightly tap the pan to remove air bubble.
7.  Bake in water bath method at preheated oven 150C for 50 minutes, then raise the temperature to 160C for 20 minutes.

Friday 28 July 2017

奶黄南瓜面包【Pumpkin Custard Bun】

家里总是有消灭不完的南瓜和冬瓜, 虽然将它"分瓜“益了左邻右舍们, 而自己还得拼命的让它们变身成为烘焙和烹饪的美食料理。地位卑贱的南瓜, 情缘于农村, 生长于农村, 也和村民们朝夕相对。老妈子的菜园里亦不例外, 总有南瓜, 西瓜以及冬瓜的“瓜影”。  记得那日回乡时, 自己还取笑老妈子应该考虑种植北瓜去·, 因为田园里唯缺北瓜也! 

之前·做了马铃薯面包, 这回托付老妈之福, 再续南瓜情!


90克清水, 视面粉而加入必需的水量,不同品牌的面粉有着不一样的吸水量, 建议慢慢加入


将所有材料放入小锅里, 搅拌均匀后, 以小火边煮边搅拌成糊状。  待冷却后, 放入冰箱冷藏1小时。取出, 装入挤花袋里, 备用。

1.  将所有面团材料混合以面包机搅拌15分钟。
2.  然后加入奶油, 继续搅拌至面团具有弹性不易破裂的薄膜。
3.  取出平均分割成16粒, 排气后滚圆, 放入备好抹油或铺纸的烤盘里, 发酵60分钟或双倍大。
4.  挤上卡仕达酱装饰, 放入预热烤箱170度, 烘烤22分钟至面包表面呈现金黄色即可。(我省略了涂蛋液的步骤)


【Pumpkin Custard Bun】

300g bread flour
75g potato (peeled,boiled and mashed)
65g egg
60g brown sugar
90g water (depends on the flour, different types of flour has a different water absorption)
1 tbsp milk powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp instant yeast
25g butter

[Custard Topping】
1 egg yolk
65g fresh milk
10g brown sugar
15g bread flour

【To make custard 】
Place all the ingredients into a small pot,  using a hand whisk to whisk it until combined.   Then kept stirring under low heat until the mixture turn into a paste.  Leave it to cool and chill in the fridge for 1 hour.  Then, place the custard in a piping bag.

1.   Place the all ingredients (except butter) into a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together.  ( First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients.)
2.  Add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3.  Divide the dough into 16 portions equally, shape into a ball shape.  Place it into greased pan to have of proffing until double in size. (about 60 minutes)
4.  Pipe the custard onto the buns and bake in preheated oven at 170C for 22 minutes until golden brown.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

乡村面包【Country Bread】

乡村面包,是一款造型非常朴朴实的欧式面包。  自热爱烘焙开始, 我早已对这款截然不同风味的欧式面虎视眈眈已久。  然而一拖再拖,始终未曾尝试它的魅力。 初体验这梦想已久的欧包, 有点遍体鳞伤的感觉, 哈哈。。。    

【乡村面包, 一个20cm 藤篮】



30克全麦面粉, 另加20克=50克

表面装饰: 高粉

1.  将所有面团材料和海绵面团混合以面包机搅拌至面团具有弹性不易破裂的薄膜。
2.  将搅拌好的面团滚圆, 收口朝下放在涂有少量油的盘中, 在面团表面喷些水避免干燥。
3.  把面团放入烤箱里, 关上烤门进行第一次发酵约1小时。  (我放入2杯热水来提高温度)
4. 将面团放在撒有面粉的桌面上, 在面团表面撒些面粉, 把面团中的空气压出, 搓圆滚圆。
5.  抓着收口将面团放入撒有面粉的篮藤中, 放入烤箱里, 关烤门继续发酵40分钟至满模。
6.  把面团小心的倒扣在烤盘上, 用锋利的刀子在面团上画上十字。 
7.  在面团的表面香喷上数次水, 放入预热烤箱190度烘烤5分钟, 然后将温度调高至200度,继续烘烤15-20分钟至表面呈金黄色即可。  
8.  转移冷架上待冷却后, 切片享用。

** 面团扁湿, 也许是不同品牌的面粉,所以面团有点难操作。  在篮藤里撒了面粉, 同时也把面团裹上一层薄粉, 结果面团还是咔在藤篮里无法”脱身“。  最后, 虽然是被救了出来, 可是分成两段了!  最后, 只能以这样的方式呈现了!嘻嘻。。。

食谱参考于 Carol 自在生活

【Country Bread, 20cm Basket of rattan】

【Zhongzhong Dough
250g bread flour
2.5g instant yeast
150g water

【In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together and stir with the handle of a wooden spoon until a smoist dough forms. 】

【Main dough ingredients
60g bread flour,plus additional of 20g= 80g
30g whole wheat flour, plus addtioanl of 20g=50g
18g brown sugar
5g salt
40g water

Topping decoration:  bread flour

1.  Place all the main ingredients with zhongzong ingredients into a bread marker, until all the ingredients come together 
2.  Place the dough on greased pan, spray some water on the surface of the dough to avoid drying.
3.  Put the dough in the oven with closed door for proffing until double in side for about 1 hour.  (i placed 2 cups of hot water to increase the temperature)
4.  Place the dough on floury desk, spread some flour on the surface of the dough, press out the air and shape it into a ball shape.
5.  Put the dough seam side up in bread proofing baskets and place it in oven for proofing of 40 minutes until double in side. ( i just shape it into a ball shape, then used the knife to cut a cross of deep slashes on it)
6.  Gently invert the dough onto the baking tray, let the dough fall naturally out of the basket and make a cross deep slashes with a moistened serrated knife.  
7.  Spray water on the surface of the dough, and bake in preheated oven at 190C for 5 minutes.  Then, open the oven and spray water again and continue to bake at 200C for 15 minutes until bread is deep brown.

以这样夹着火腿, 芝士, 煎蛋的吃法, 是绝对受欢迎的。  所以, 眼儿都还没眨几下, 家人已经扫光了所有的面包。  这也让我决定再来一次, 再接再厉的挑战它! 为自己加油吧! 

Wednesday 19 July 2017

白蘭氏雞精蒸兔肉 【Steamed Rabbit Meat with Chicken Essence】

兔肉被称为"保健肉”, 也得以古诗赞誉“兔肉处处有之, 为食品之上品”, 飞禽莫如鸪, 走兽莫如兔“。  兔肉鲜美可口, 营养价值也高。  不但如此, 兔肉属高蛋白蛋质, 低脂肪, 少胆固醇的肉类, 长期食用可增进健康。  也是高血压,肝脏病, 冠心病, 糖尿病患者的理想肉食品。

托了妈妈的福, 时不时从家乡捎来鲜美的兔肉, 说是多吃兔肉能保健身体。  以往总是将兔肉炖人参,这次听妈妈的话, 倒入2罐的白兰氏鸡精。  说到鸡精, 我这人啊,最怕就是它的味道哦! 

小时候的我体弱多病, 记得有一次被妈妈逼得喝下一罐鸡精, 这回吞了下去, 那头又将它统统的呕了出来。 结果气得妈妈脸都发黑了, 妈妈对于此事, 至今仍然难忘。而我自己也紧紧的将此事锁在心房里, 牢牢的记住了鸡精那难闻的味道, 也从此与它绝缘了。  可没想到, 将它加入肉类里, 经过炖和蒸后, 却变成了一道美味可口的汤汁! 


595克兔肉, 斩块 

1.  兔肉从冰箱取出, 退冰。  
2.  将兔肉以热水浸泡10分钟, 清洗干净, 沥干。
3.  将兔肉排入碟子里, 再把姜丝和甜当归铺在兔肉上, 最后淋上生抽和白兰氏鸡精。
4.  将碟子放入蒸锅里, 以中火蒸20-30分钟至兔肉熟透, 撒上葱花即可享用。

Steamed Rabbit Meat with Chicken Essence

595g rabbit meat, cut into small pieces 
25g shredded ginger
2 bottles brand's chicken essence
2 dang-gui slices
1 tbsp light soy sauce

1.  Let rabbit meat immersed in hot water for 10 minutes, wash and drain well.
2.  Arrange rabbit meat on a steaming plate and place sheredded ginger and  dang-gui slices on it.  Then, pour soy souce and chicken essence over the rabbit meat.
3. Place the steaming plate in a steamer and steam over medium heat for 20-30 minutes. Remove and garnish with spring onion. 

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