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Wednesday 21 June 2017
Tuesday 20 June 2017
韩国石锅饭【Stone Pot Bibimbap】
这道石锅是以体制的石头锅所做成的米饭, 煮好的石锅饭底有一层锅巴, 别有一番风味。 石锅饭放入米饭后, 并铺上各种蔬菜佐料以及肉类与鸡蛋, 加热后当麻油“滋滋”作响时, 浓香四溢, 忍不住者就得 趁热食用了!
姐妹们, 饿了吧! 煮饭婆手脚慢了几拍, 赶上了晚餐时间! 嘻嘻。。。
【韩国石锅饭, 2人份】
1碗熟饭, 我用糙米饭(100克糙米所煮成的糙米饭)
* 122克鸡肉碎
* 72克白玉菇, 亲尾洗净, 沥干水份
* 适量黑木耳(浸泡)
(炒用调味料:2粒红葱碎,1粒大葱, 一条红辣椒(切碎),1大匙蒜蓉,1大匙蚝油和1大匙花雕酒,适量盐和黑胡椒粉, 数滴黑酱油)
60克豆芽, 去尾洗净
40克红萝卜, 去皮切丝或刨丝
1粒鸡蛋, 煎成单面熟即可
1. 将黄瓜和红萝卜切成一样长度, 备用。
2. 取一小锅倒入清水, 大火煮滚后, 加入豆芽和1茶匙盐,烫热捞出沥干。
3. 炒锅中加入适量油,爆香大葱片,红葱碎和蒜蓉, 加入鸡肉碎炒匀, 倒入白玉菇和黑木耳, 翻炒均匀后, 加入炒用调味料 , 翻炒片刻, 试味盛起。 分别将白玉菇和黑木耳夹起分类。
4. 在石锅内壁均匀的涂上麻油, 铺好熟米饭, 以小火加热约5分钟。
5. 将煸炒好的菜类, 鸡肉, 白玉菇和黑木耳铺在米饭上面, 再将煎成单面熟的鸡蛋放在中心。
6. 石锅以小火加热, 当听到米饭发出滋滋的声音时便可熄火, 此时锅底的米饭会形成微黄的锅巴。
7. 享用时配上韩国甜辣酱, 拌在饭里即可。
Friday 16 June 2017
塔吉锅~麻辣马铃薯焖鸡 【Tagine ~ Stew Spicy Potato with Chicken】
据知塔吉锅源自北非的摩洛哥, 因为当地气候的特殊性, 水资源严重短缺, 而塔吉锅这顶“高帽子”的锅盖, 可以将食材里的水分蒸发出。 在烹调的过程中, 不需加很多水, 又能保持食物的原汁原味。
喜欢这“高帽子”的锅盖, 于是就将它领回家了。 初体验这顶“高帽锅”, 还是加入了少量的水,确保自己不会搞到焦锅底也!非常不错的懒人锅熟煮法, 够辣够味称得上原汁原味吧!
2个全鸡腿 ,去骨切块
2粒马铃薯, 去皮切块
2朵蘑菇, 浸软切块
【材料B, 拌匀】
13粒红葱头 (切碎或搅碎)
5克马六甲椰糖, 切碎
1. 将鸡腿肉以热水浸泡10分钟去除腥味, 沥干水份, 加入蘑菇块,材料B和调味料腌制1小时入味。
2. 取塔吉锅涂上一层薄油, 直接将马铃薯块倒入锅底, 然后将腌制入味的鸡肉块放在马铃薯上。
3. 盖上锅盖, 大火煮约10分钟, 关小火煮多10分钟。 关火, 此刻不要打开锅盖, 用余热温焖约5-8分钟即可。
4. 打开锅盖, 稍微拌匀即可享用。
** 亦可用普通锅子来取代塔吉锅, 材料方面都是一样的。 清水是300-350克, 而鸡肉只需以适量盐腌制30分钟, 无需以材料B来腌制哦。
** 但是就得预热3大匙油, 然后再爆香红葱, 蒜蓉并加入豆瓣酱翻炒片刻, 再加入鸡肉, 马铃薯和蘑菇炒匀。 最后加入300-350克清水, 加盖焖至马铃薯熟透, 最后加入调味料即可。
** 这塔吉锅也能进入烤箱哦
【Tagine ~Stewed Spicy Potato with Chicken】
【Ingredients A】
2 chicken whole legs, deboned and cut into pieces
2 potatoes, peeled and cut into pieces
2 dry mushroom, soaked and cut halft
【Ingredients B】
13 shallots
3 tbsp chopped garlice
3 tbsp spicy bean paste
2 tbsp fermented bean paste (whole)
100g water
5g palm sugar/gula melaka and salt
1. Let the chicken immersed in hot water for 10 minutes, drain well. Add in mushroom, ingredients B and seassoning marinade for 1 hours.
2. Grease tagine with a layer of oil, add potatoes directly into tagine pot, then pour in marinade chicken on the potatoes.
3. Cover with lid, let simmer with high heat for 10 minutes, then turn to low heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and do no open the lid at this moment, let it simmer with the remaining hot temperature for about 5-8 minutes.
4. Open the lid, slightly stir and serve hot.
** You may replace tagine with other pot, and all the material is the same. But have to add 300-350g water, and just manaride the chicken with 1/2 tsp salt well do.
** Add 3 tbsp oil , sauce chopped onion and garlic. Add bean paste until aromatic. Then, add chicken and mushoom, stir well.
** Add 300-350g water, cover with lid and lower the heat, let it simmer until chicken and potatoes are well cooked. Lastly add in seasoning and stir well, taste and dish up..
Tuesday 13 June 2017
古早味~咖啡厅椰丝面包 【Kopitiam Milk Buns with Coconut Filling】
谢谢好姐妹们互相推动,互相鼓励, 这道 古早味~咖啡厅面包再度现身咯! 夜里“开工”时, 才发现家里没有全脂牛奶,也没有鲜奶。 没法子之下, 只好以奶粉冲热水,面包依然还是好软好软咯!
见甜妹煮了好香好幼滑的kaya, 我也贪婪的跟风, 结果第一次煮kaya, 就煮了好粗好粗的kaya, 见不得人了。只好以之前煮的豆沙馅和椰丝来取代了, 椰丝和豆沙也是古早味咖啡面包的最佳拍档吧! 应该不会被”淘汰“吧!嘻嘻。。。
才拍了几张, 孩子说饿了一手就抓了3粒面包, 你一粒我一粒她一粒! 哈哈。。
【古早味~咖啡厅椰丝面包, 可做21粒@40克面团】
** 预先将牛奶粉和适量热水搅拌至奶粉溶融化, 再加入冷水拌匀即可。
** 亦可以全脂牛奶来取代奶粉水的做法。
1. 将所有材料拌匀, 搓成面团即可。 发酵约4-5小时或放入冰箱里冷藏隔夜即可(12-16小时)。
(海绵团比较是比较干的面团, 以手搓揉后, 拌匀即可, 不可另加水份了!【面团材料】
【椰丝馅料, 可做12粒@25克】
5片班兰叶 (剪成2cm)
170克马六甲椰糖 (切碎)
* * 将椰糖, 班兰叶和清水混合煮至溶解, 加入椰丝并以小火炒至香浓略干。 然后加入粟粉翻炒均匀即可。
1. 将所有面团材料和海绵面团混合以面包机搅拌15分钟。
2. 然后加入奶油, 继续搅拌至面团具有弹性不易破裂的薄膜。
3. 取出平均分割成21粒(每粒40克), 滚圆分别包入椰丝和豆沙馅料(每份馅料25克), 封口, 放入备好抹油或铺纸的烤盘里, 发酵60分钟或双倍大。
4. 放入预热烤箱170度, 烘烤22分钟至面包表面呈现金黄色即可。
** 共做了12粒椰丝面包和9粒豆沙面包, 总算清了豆沙馅!
【Kopitiam Milk Buns with Coconut and Red Bean Filling】
1. 将所有面团材料和海绵面团混合以面包机搅拌15分钟。
2. 然后加入奶油, 继续搅拌至面团具有弹性不易破裂的薄膜。
3. 取出平均分割成21粒(每粒40克), 滚圆分别包入椰丝和豆沙馅料(每份馅料25克), 封口, 放入备好抹油或铺纸的烤盘里, 发酵60分钟或双倍大。
4. 放入预热烤箱170度, 烘烤22分钟至面包表面呈现金黄色即可。
** 共做了12粒椰丝面包和9粒豆沙面包, 总算清了豆沙馅!
【Kopitiam Milk Buns with Coconut and Red Bean Filling】
【Sponge Dough】
321g bread flour
60g milk powder
140g (hot and cold water)
3g instant yeast
** Add milk powder and appropriate amount of hot water, stir until the milk powder fully dissolved. Then, add cold water and stir well.
** you may replace with full cream milk instead of using milk powder.
** you may replace with full cream milk instead of using milk powder.
1. Mix all the ingredients and knead into a dough. let it prove for 4-5 hours or place into the refrigerator for 12-16 hours. ( sponge dough is quite dry, just knead to combine and do not add any addition of water)
【Main dough ingredients】
138g bread flour
12g evaporated milk(cool)
55g egg (1 egg)
5g instant yeast
7g salt
50g brown sugar
【Red bean filling, recipe refer HERE】
【Coconut Filling, yield 12 pcs @ 25g filling】
225g shredded coconut
138g bread flour
12g evaporated milk(cool)
55g egg (1 egg)
5g instant yeast
7g salt
50g brown sugar
20g milk powder
70g unsalted butter
【Coconut Filling, yield 12 pcs @ 25g filling】
225g shredded coconut
5 pieces pandan leaves (cut into 2 cm)
170g gula melaka (chopped)
85g water
3/4 tbsp corn flour
** Mix gula melaka, pandan leaves and water in a pot, bring it to boil until gula melaka dissolved. Add shredded coconut and stir fry until the mixture slightly dry. Lastly, thicken with corn flour, stir well and set aside. (remove the pandan leaves)
1. Place the all main dought ingredients (except butter) with sponge dough ingredients into a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together. ( First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients.)
2. Add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3. Divide the dough into 21 portions equally (40g each), then wrap with coconut filling and red bean filling (25g each), seal up. Place it into greased pan to have of proffing until double in size. (about 60 minutes)
4. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 22 minutes until golden brown.
** Mix gula melaka, pandan leaves and water in a pot, bring it to boil until gula melaka dissolved. Add shredded coconut and stir fry until the mixture slightly dry. Lastly, thicken with corn flour, stir well and set aside. (remove the pandan leaves)
1. Place the all main dought ingredients (except butter) with sponge dough ingredients into a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together. ( First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients.)
2. Add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3. Divide the dough into 21 portions equally (40g each), then wrap with coconut filling and red bean filling (25g each), seal up. Place it into greased pan to have of proffing until double in size. (about 60 minutes)
4. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 22 minutes until golden brown.
Friday 9 June 2017
火腿饭丸 【Rice Ball with Ham】
我呀往往都是随意的, 将它加盐加蛋的胡乱地, 炒成一碟最为普遍的家常炒饭。
早餐就靠它了, 就这一小碗的冷饭,
来给不一样的pattern, 不一样的早餐,
花点心思, 让孩子们有所惊喜, 从惊喜中迎接这美丽的早晨吧!
【饭丸, 可做13粒饭丸】
8条四季豆/乌龟豆, 切丁
3 片火鸡腿, 切成小方块
2条青葱。 切成丁
2 粒鸡蛋
2 茶匙盐, 1/4茶匙黄糖, 适量胡椒粉
美乃滋, 章鱼烧酱, 柴鱼丝
1. 四季豆洗净, 去掉前后蒂头,去老筋并切成丁。
2. 将鸡蛋打散, 倒入米饭中, 搅拌均匀。
3. 在米饭中, 加入四季豆, 拌入一半的火腿块, 青葱粒和调味料再次拌匀。
4. 在章鱼烧烤模涂上一层油,并以大火加热后,转中火,然后舀入米饭混合物至满。
5. 加入适量火腿, 撒入少许青葱粒, 然后再加入一些米饭混合物。
6. 最后将饭团翻身, 不够米饭的就加米饭混合物, 把周围所有材料都往塞入模具里。
7. 上色后, 继续把丸子翻翻身, 待丸子呈现均匀后即可盛起。
8. 配搭美乃滋, 章鱼烧酱, 撒上柴鱼丝即可享用。 (我家的大小丫头不爱章鱼烧酱, 所以不敢乱乱配上以上的酱料来拍摄, 只有3粒是最后才挤上的, 嘻嘻)
** 若果家里没有章鱼烧烤模, 亦可采用平底锅, 将米饭混合物搓圆压扁, 煎成金黄色即可。
【Rice Ball with Ham, yields 13 balls】
280g cooked rice
8 green beans, diced
3 slices of ham, cut into small squares
2 spring onion, diced
2 eggs
1+1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp brown sugar, pepper
【Decorative sauce】
mayonnaise , tokayaki sauce, katsuobushi/fish flake
1. Wash the beans, trim the ends and diced。
2. Beat the eggs and mix into the cooked rice, mix well.
3. In the rice bowl, add green beans, mix in half portion of ham, spring onion and seasonings and mix to combine.
4. Heat the takoyaki pan over medium heat, brush with oil on all the holes, until the oil begins to smoke. Then, spoon the rice mixture to fill the holes of the pan until full.
5. Drop ham pieces, spring onion in the batter in each hole and fill with rice mixture.
6. Cook at medium heat for 1-2 minutes and turn over using a takoyaki turner or skewers. Stuffing in the edges as you are turning.
7. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, keep turning constantly so each piece will have nice round shape. Dish up until the ball get even brown color.
8. Transfer the rice balls onto a plate and pour takoyaki sauce, mayonnaise. Finish the dish by sprinkling the katsuobushi and serve hot.
** If you do not have takoyaki pan at home, you may replace it with saucepan. Flatten the rice balls and fried until the rice balls become gold in color.
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