Tuesday 31 May 2016

娘惹粽 【Nyonya Chang】

记得小时候,很喜欢吃外婆裹的粽子, 不仅因为她做的好吃, 而且也馅料多多。而今, 那令人回味悠长的粽子,都已成了美好的回忆。  那粽叶飘香的日子里, 总会忆起那外婆所包裹的粽子, 那是一种被记忆淡忘了的怀念。 妈妈不止一次的细说有关那个时代的故事, 尤其是在外婆过世后。 那个年代有着妈妈许多泛黄的记忆, 那个年代的那些人, 那些事。

想起那天, 看着妈妈那熟练的包粽子的技巧, 那一折一卷的没两下子就成形了, 快手的再以草绳紧紧地扎住粽腰。 我还偷窥了妈妈一眼, 心想着。。。妈妈真是名副其实属于那个年代女人啊!也因为家境清贫, 更因为是长女, 妈妈11岁便无师自通的自学裁缝, 家里的烂衣烂布逃不出她的”法眼“。 12岁的她,就已经开始当起小小裁缝师,为他人裁剪缝缀衣服帮补家计了。 听阿姨提过,做成了第一单的生意时, 足足让她们4姐妹高兴的无法安睡。  在那个年代, 做一件长裤只不过是区区的马币几令吉哦, 还不够我吃一碗清汤面呢!

包了咸肉粽子, 再接再厉又包了今天的娘惹粽, 但是我的手脚好慢, 消磨了好久才包完一个, 包了好久才大功告成啊! 难怪, 那日弟弟笑着说”哇! 你的粽子要卖贵些, 否则亏大本了!“ 哈哈。。。


依然选了Cass的拿手食谱。  这娘惹粽,我的他不大爱, 传统的男人只爱传统的粽子~咸肉粽。  但儿子却爱极了娘惹粽, 说是好香好香!  而家里的那俩位小美人, 像她老爸连口味也一样。然后, 就剩下我这个不吃猪肉的人, 没有肥肉的粽子, 我勉强还是吃的。  这就是为什么我以瘦肉来取代三层肉,而且还加入鸡肉。很难得可以学成包粽子, 做了而自己又不能吃, 感觉会很惨哦!嘻嘻。。。  

【娘惹粽, 30粒

1公斤糯米, 20朵干兰花, 1/4杯食油+2大匙, 2茶匙盐

200克瘦肉(切丁), 400克鸡胸肉(切丁),10朵泡发香菇(切丁)
120克冬瓜糖(切丁), 160克红葱碎, 10瓣蒜蓉 

6大匙豆酱(粒状, 切碎), 30克茜籽, 15克黑胡椒粒, 3片香兰叶(切成1寸), 3茶匙黑酱油

1.  将粽叶以清水洗净浸泡隔夜, 剪去硬蒂以及剪齐叶子的尾部。
2.  将糯米洗净, 沥干, 加入盐,浸泡隔夜,备用。  
3.  将 和胡椒粒炒香, 冷却后磨成粉。
4.  热3大匙油, 加入红葱碎和蒜蓉, 炒至香及黄金色。  然后加入切碎豆酱, 炒香。  再加入香菇丁和肉丁, 炒至肉丁转色。  最后加入冬瓜糖, 炒匀后加入200克清水, 加盖以小火焖煮10分钟。 
5.   加入和胡椒粉, 炒匀。  再加入黑酱油, 试味。  (亦可提早一日将馅料炒好, 放入冰箱里待用。)
6.  将兰花以清水煮滚, 待置10分钟, 备用。  
7.  取1/4杯的食油加入糯米里, 搅拌均匀。  然后取1/3的分量加入兰花水, 拌匀。  浸泡15分钟后, 倒掉多余的水份。
8.  取两片粽叶, 折成圆筒, 加入兰花糯米接着加入白糯米, 然后舀入一大匙馅料, 最后再舀入白糯米, 而两边则填入适量兰花糯米, 加上一片香叶。 盖上粽叶, 并绑上草绳.  7.  取一大锅子, 加入足够的清水, 然后将捆扎好的粽子放入锅里, 盖上锅盖, 以中火煮2小时。  (必须将所有的粽子浸在水里, 在煮粽子的过程中, 如需要亦可添加热水)
9.  取出煮熟后的粽子, 吊起滴干水份, 即可食用。 

** 我将冬瓜糖的份量减了, 因为怕太甜而这样也比较适合家人和自己的口味。
**  这次, 我有将糯米浸泡隔夜, 所以相较起没有浸泡隔夜的咸肉粽, 果真如妈妈所言糯米是较粘和熟烂的。 所以,浸不浸糯米都无所谓啦, 纯属个人喜欢, 个人的口味! 

【Nyonya Chang makes 30 pieces

1kg glutinous rice
20 dried butterfly pea flowers
1/4 cup of oil+2 tbsp oil
2 tsp salt
at least  60 pieces of bamboo leaves (need 2 per nyonya chang)

200g pork (cut into cubes), 400g chicken breast (cut into cubes)
10 dried mushrooms (saok and cubes), 120g candied wintermelon (cubes)
160g shallots (diced), 10 cloves chopped garlic 

6 tbsp bean paste (granular, diced), 30g conriander seeds, 15g black pepper
3 pieces pandan leaves (cut into 1cm), 3 tsp dark soy sauce
** 350g water

1.  Wash and drain glutinous rice, add in salt and soaked overnight. 
2.  Soak the bamboo leaves in a large pot of cold water overnight.  Wash and drain it, then trim the ends if necessary.
3.  Dry-fry coriander seeds and black pepper until fragrant and then ground into a fine powder.

4.  Heat up wok, add 3 tbsp oil, saute garlic and shallot until fragrant.  Add bean paste, and mushroom cubes stir-fry for few minutes.  Then add pork and chicken cubes, stir-fry until they turn lightly browned and the candied wintermelon is added last.  Pour in water and let it simmered overlow heat for 10 minutes till the flavours are combined. (cover with lid) 
5.  After 10 minutes, add incoriander seeds mixture, stir well.  Add in dark soy sauce and taste .  Remove from pan and place in a bowl.  
6.  Boiled butterfly pea flowers with water, and let stand for 10 minutes.
7.  Add  1/4 cup of oil into glutinous rice and stir well to combine. Mix flower water with 1/3 of glutinous rice, and let it stand for 15 minutes, then discard the excess water.
8.  Using two pieces of leaves, and place them in opposite directors the  tail end of one lining up with the end of the other).  Form leave into a cone, fill the cone with blue glutinous rice and follow by white glutinous rice.  Place 1 tbsp of filling, top with white glutinous rice and cover the two edge with blue glutinous rice.   You reach the brim of the cone, place 1 pcs of pandan leave and  form into the shape of dumpling.  Secure with hemp leaves or string.
8,  Boil water in large pot, bring it to boil.  Gently place the Nyonya chang into the water (make sure the entire bak chang is submerged in water).  Cover the pot with a lid, and cook over medium heat for 2 hours.  
9.  Once cooked, remove from the pot and hang them up to remove excess water.  Serve with kampung koh chilli sauce. 

下次以糙米来取代糯米, 这样就可以毫无顾忌的吃, 呵呵!这兰花的颜色不是很鲜艳, 或许是这兰花干已被我收藏过久了吧!

Wednesday 25 May 2016

巧克力香蕉蛋糕 【Chocolate Banana Muffin】

扔了好多次吃不完的香蕉, 当正想再度将那3条的烂香蕉扔进垃圾桶时, 他开口说以往的你,总喜欢将烂香蕉变成蛋糕哦, 怎么如今竟然将它轻易的扔了?“  

是的, 好久没烘烤蛋糕了。 即刻脑海里就闪过这款已经收藏了好久的食谱, 谢谢阿Man~WSM @ Kitchen 的好分享!

用了2个款式的纸杯子来烘烤, 结果发现一·个烘烤得鼓鼓的, 而另一个则是扁塔塔的。

拍了两组的照片, 黑色背景的是当日拍的, 而白色背景却在第二日又重拍了几张。


1 茶匙发粉

表面装饰 - 适量巧克力粒和坚果。

1)  将奶油和糖以电动搅拌机搅打至乳白色, 分次加入鸡蛋搅拌打至混合均匀。
2)  加入香蕉泥以橡皮刀拌匀后,加入粉类轻拌匀
3)  将蛋糕糊舀入满芬杯子里至八分满表面撒上巧克力粒和坚果。
4)  预热烤箱, 175C, 20分钟 或至熟

Chocolate Banana Muffin】:

2 large eggs
130g cake flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
65g brown sugar
110g butter
150g mashed banana
15g chocolate powder/ 

Topping Deco:  Chocolate Chips and Nuts

1)  In a mixing bowl, add butter and sugar, beat the mixture until light and creamy by using electric mixer.   
2)  Add in egg, beat well after each addition of egg until creamy.  
3)  Add mashed banana, use spatula to mix well.  The, fold in shifted flour into the mixture, mixed to combine.
4)  Fill the paper liners 80% full and spread with chocolate chip and chopped almond on top.
5)  Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 20 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean

Monday 23 May 2016

金钱面包 【Money Bread】

尚若没有各种杂事缠身, 尚若还有那么一点点的时间, 我都会搓面团而去。往往面包出炉时已经是夜阑人静,然而那香味却飘向了满屋,哪怕是会熏醒梦中的人啊!

忙里偷闲的烘焙乐,让人觉得幸福。  这夜来面包香啊, 哪怕只是闻闻那味道也已足矣!

做了好久好久好久的面包, 写了3次的好久, 因为它真的是很有历史性的旧作。 不知为何, 这小小粒的面包被称为金钱面包, 即没金钱模样又没金钱形状。 哎哟!不管了, 金钱就金钱吧,就来个金钱滚滚来吧!




涂面: 蛋液, 蜂蜜
1.  将所有材料放入面包机里搅拌15分钟(除了奶油)至面团混合。
2.  然后再加入奶油, 继续搅拌至15分钟至面团顺滑混合。
3.  取出面团滚圆放入盆中以湿布盖好, 进行基础第一次发酵(60分钟)。
4.  取出,将面团放在撒有高粉的桌面上, 以手掌紧压并将空气排出,将面团滚圆, 盖上湿布休面15分钟。
5.  将面团分割成每份6克或将面团以擀面棍压成一块厚度2cm的方形面皮, 并以圆模压出小面团。
6. 再将面团排入烤盘里,进行第二次发酵30分钟至双倍大。
7.  表面涂上蛋液, 放入预热烤箱将烤箱预热175度至15分钟至表面呈现金黄色即可。
8.  取出,在面包表面涂上蜂蜜, 放置铁架上放凉。


【Money Bread

150g bread flour
150g low flour/cake flour
4g instant yeast
30g castor sugar
125g fresh milk
1 egg
3g salt
50g unsalted butter

Topping: beaten egg, honey
1.  Place all the ingredients except butter) into the a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together .  (First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients) 
2.  When all ingredients come together, add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3.  Cover dough with wet cloth and let it proof until doubled in size (about 60 minus).  
4.  Sprinkle some flour over the work surface, place the dough on it and press the dough to release the air and rest for 15 minutes.  
5. Flatten it and roll it with rolling pin into a flat and square sheet, with thickness of 2cm.  Using a round cutter, cut into small cubes.
6.  Arrange it into baking tray and let it proof until doubled in size (about 30 minutes).
7.  Brush with glaze and bake in preheated oven for 175Cfor 15-17 minutes until golden brown.
8.  Remove it from oven, and brush with honey.  .

撒了一些芝士和粗糖变成了乱乱来的“金钱面包”! 呵呵。。

Sunday 22 May 2016

煎网饼 【Roti Jala】

存库的收藏了好多的旧货, 已经非常尽力的贴着。  有些是乱乱拍的,左看右看后,就”狠心“的按键删除了。  而也有一些是还没写材料的, 已经记不起材料和食谱的来历, 都一一的让它消失在存库里了。 当然也有些是按不下手的, 那就收着放着然后再慢慢消磨了。  


【煎网饼, 食谱参考这里

200g 普通面粉, 100ml 鲜奶, 280ml 清水
1粒蛋, 1/3 小匙盐,少许黄姜粉, 1 大匙粟油

1. 将所有材料混合, 用打蛋器搅拌至光滑无颗粒的面糊状。 
2.  将面糊过滤, 休面30分钟, 备用。 
3. 取一个不沾锅, 以中火加热, 把面糊舀入roti jala 网杯里, 在热锅上绕上几个圆圈成网形。 
4)以小火把饼煎熟, 重复的做完面糊, 即可。(无需翻面煎)

【Roti Jala】

200g all-purpose flour
100ml fresh milk
280ml water
1 egg
1/3 tsp salt
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
1 tbsp corn oil

1. Mix all the ingredients in a big bowl, and hand whisk the mixture until smooth.
2.  Sift the batter twice and set aside for 30 minutes.
3.  Heat up a non-stick frying pan on low heat and transfer the batter into roti jala mould or squeezy bottle.
4.  Squeeze the bottle and scribble a net of the batter  into the pan, work as quickly as you can.  Let the crepe cook and firm up, it will take 1-2 minutes and watch them closely to avoid burn on the bottom.  Repeat to finish the remaining batter.  (if the batter is too thick, add in water as needed.  )
5.  Fold the two sides of the crepe and roll up like a spring roll and serve with curry chicken. 

(Recipe adapted from here)

咖喱食谱: 泰式咖喱鸡

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