Wednesday 31 May 2017

紫米豆沙粽 【Dual Coloured Red Bean paste Dumplings】

正当着手预备材料时, 瞄了一眼橱柜角落那些剩余的紫米, 花生,眉豆 以及红豆。  原本只想裹家乡的花生豆沙粽子。  而这一刻忽然改变主意, 把心一横将所有剩余的豆豆们都加入了,终于可以也清货了。

紫米豆沙粽, 12粒

60克花生, 浸泡隔夜

1.  将所有材料洗净, 沥干水份, 然后再把所有材料混合均匀, 加入1茶匙盐, 搅匀备用。

【自制豆沙馅, 食谱参考这里


1.  将粽叶以清水浸泡隔夜, 清洗干净并煎去硬蒂以及剪齐叶子的尾部。
2.  取2片粽叶, 折成圆筒, 加入适量糯米, 然后舀入豆沙馅料。
3.  最后再以糯米覆盖, 盖上粽叶并以粽绳绑好。
4.  取一大锅子, 加入足够的清水, 然后将捆扎好的粽子放入锅里, 盖上锅盖, 以中火煮至2小时半或3小时。  (必须将所有的粽子浸泡水里, 在煮粽子的过程中, 亦可添加热水。)
5.  取出煮熟的粽子,吊起滴干水份, 即可食用。

【Dual Coloured Red Bean paste Dumplings, 12 pieces】

【Ingredients A】
350g glutinous rice
60g dark glutinous rice
100g black-eyed pea
100g red bean
60g peanut , soaked overnight

*  at least 24 bamboo leaves (need 2 per bak zhang) 

1.  Wash and drain all the ingredients, and then mix all evenly.  Add 1 tsp of salt, mix well.

【Homemade Red Bean Paste with Palm Sugar,  recipe refer HERE

 [ Assembled]
1.  Soak the bamboo leaves in a large pot of cold water overnight.  Wash and drain it.  Then trim the ends if necessary.
2.  Using two pieces of leaves, and place them in opposite directors the tail end of one lining up with the end of the other.)  From leave into cone, fill the cone with glutinous rice and add in red bean paste .
3.  Then, top with more glutinous rice, till you reach the brim of the cone and form into the shape of dumpling. Secure the hemp leaves or string.
4.  Boil water in large pot, bring it to boil.  Gently place the bak zhang into the water (make sure the entire bak zhang is submerged in water).  Cover the pot with lid,  and cook over medium heat for 2 1/2 hours or 3 hours.
5.  Once cooked, remove from the pot and hang them up to remove excess water.  Serve with kampung koh chili sauce.

** In accordance with Fuzhou rice dumplings (Zongzi) method, glutinous rice is not soaked overnight.

裹了5粒家乡的花生豆沙粽子, 亦可以眉豆来取代。

Monday 29 May 2017

咸肉粽II 【Bak Zhang II】

又是粽叶飘香时, 在这快节奏的生活中, 端午节裹粽子的古老传统习俗, 至今依然让人难以忘怀。 说起来还蛮惭愧的, 去年才开始向妈妈学习裹粽子, 之后自己裹了娘惹粽, 记得当时煮好后的粽子有好多粒都脱掉“救生圈”游泳去了。

忽然一股愧疚涌上心头, 想到妈妈未曾吃过自己所裹的粽子, 今年就胆粗粗的裹了一公斤的糯米, 为妈妈献上我的第一个粽子吧!  今年裹得粽子算是及格了,同时也得到妈妈的赞同, 辛苦是值得的! 

最起码嘛这一次, 每粒粽子都把“救生圈”紧紧的套在身上, 不再私自游泳去!  嘻嘻。。。

咸肉粽, 29粒

1公斤糯米, 100克眉豆, 2茶匙盐,150克蒜蓉, 200克红葱碎

1大匙酱油, 1大匙黄糖, 2大匙黑酱油, 2茶匙盐, 1/2大匙胡椒粉, 2茶匙五香粉

1.  将糯米洗净, 沥干, 加入盐备用。
2.  热油锅, 加入适量油约4-5大匙, 爆香蒜蓉和葱碎, 然后加入糯米和眉豆翻炒均匀。
3.  最后加入调味料炒至均匀, 盛起备用。

700克五花肉, 我用400克五花肉和300克瘦肉

2 大匙酱油

1.  将猪肉切成约29大块状, 并加入调味料腌制料隔夜。
2.  热油锅, 爆香蒜蓉和葱碎炒至转色, 倒入腌制好的猪肉和栗子, 翻炒至5分钟至猪肉变色, 加入5大匙虾米水并翻炒片刻即可。

10朵香菇, 浸泡后1切成4块
150克眉豆, 清洗滴干水份
100克虾米, 浸泡15分钟, 滤干 (留5大匙浸泡虾米水, 用来炒猪肉时使用)

2大匙酱油, 2茶匙盐, 2茶匙五香粉

1.  将虾米浸泡片刻, 沥干水分备用。
2.  热4大匙热油, 将蒜蓉和葱碎炒至黄色, 加入虾米爆香, 然后加入香菇块和眉豆翻炒均匀。
3.  最后, 加入调味料炒至均匀, 试味盛起。


1.  将粽叶以清水浸泡隔夜, 清洗干净并煎去硬蒂以及剪齐叶子的尾部。
2.  取2片粽叶, 折成圆筒, 加入适量糯米, 然后舀入馅料(肉块, 虾米眉豆馅和咸蛋黄)。
3.  最后再以糯米覆盖, 盖上粽叶并以粽绳绑好。
4.  取一大锅子, 加入足够的清水, 然后将捆扎好的粽子放入锅里, 盖上锅盖, 以中火煮至2小时半或3小时。  (必须将所有的粽子浸泡水里, 在煮粽子的过程中, 亦可添加热水。)
5.  取出煮熟的粽子,吊起滴干水份, 即可食用。

~食谱参考了去年的, 做了更改, 该加的都加了。

【Bak Zhang, 29 pieces】

【Ingredients A】
1kg glutinous rice
100g black-eyed pea
2 tsp salt
150g chopped garlic
200g chopped shallots

*  at least 60 bamboo leaves (need 2 per bak zhang) 

1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp dark soy sauce
2 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp pepper
2 tsp five spice powder

1. Wash and drain glutinous rice, add insalt and set aside.
2.  Heat up oil (4-5 tbsp oil), saute garlic and shallot until fragrant.  Then, add in glutinous rice and black-eyed pea, stir well to combine.
3.  Lastly, add in seasoning and stir to combine.  Dish up (add extra dark soy sauce if needed)

【Ingredients B
700g pork (cut into 29 pieces, about 2cm chunks)
30 dried chestnuts (soak overnight)
120g chopped shallots
100g chopped garlic
5 tbsp dried shrimps water

2+1/2 tbsp dark soy sauce
2 tbsp light soy sauce
2 tsp pepper
4 tsp salt
2 tsp five spice powder
1 tbsp brown sugar
60g chopped garlic
6 tbsp shaoxing wine

1.  Mix pork pieces with seasoning, and leave to marinade overnight in the fridge.
2.  Heat up oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant, stir-fry until they turn lightly browned.  Add in shrimps water, stir fry for a while and remove from pan, place in a bowl, set aside.

【Ingredients C]
10 dried chinese mushroom (soaked and 1 cut into 4 pieces)
150g black-eyed pea, wash and drain
100g dried shrimps/heh bee, soaked for 10mins and drain.  (kept 5 tbsp soaked shimps water, use for fry pork)
60g chopped garlic
100g chopped shallots

2 tbsp light soy sauce, 2 tsp salt, 2 tsp five spice powder

1.  Soaked dried shrimps for 10 minutes, drain it.  (kept 5 tbsp soaked shimps water, use for fry pork)
2.  Heat 4 tbsp oil, saute chopped garlic and shallots until fragrant. 
3.  Add in dried shrimps, stir-fry until they become fragrant, then add in mushroom and black-eyed pea, stir fry for few minutes.  Remove and dish up.
4.  Lastly, add seasonings and taste, dish up.

 [ Assembled]
1.  Soak the bamboo leaves in a large pot of cold water overnight.  Wash and drain it.  Then trim the ends if necessary.
2.  Using two pieces of leaves, and place them in opposite directors the tail end of one lining up with the end of the other.)  From leave into cone, fill the cone with glutinous rice and place one chunk of pork, one chestnut, 1/2 of salted egg yolk and 1 tbsp dried shrimps.
3.  Then, top with more glutinous rice, till you reach the brim of the cone and form into the shape of dumpling. Secure the hemp leaves or string.
4.  Boil water in large pot, bring it to boil.  Gently place the bak zhang into the water (make sure the entire bak zhang is submerged in water).  Cover the pot with lid,  and cook over medium heat for 2 1/2 hours or 3 hours.
5.  Once cooked, remove from the pot and hang them up to remove excess water.  Serve with kampung koh chili sauce.

** In accordance with Fuzhou rice dumplings (Zongzi) method, glutinous rice is not soaked overnight.


Sunday 28 May 2017

3D果冻 【3D Flower Jelly】

初体验3D果冻花的魅力, 可惜乱手乱脚的, 搞到花不成花, 鲜花变残花也! 摆了3天, 眼见残花变色也变样了, 才即刻将它”抓拿下“做记录。  哎哎。。不清楚自己这几天都在忙什么? 

感恩有你带来的好康, 让我免费上了一堂课!


Tuesday 23 May 2017

桂花茶熏鸡 【Osmanthus Tea- Smoked Chicken】

这次的做法依然很简单, 预先将鸡腿蒸好,然后再放上熏料熏即可。不同的是,今天所采用的熏料是以桂花和茶叶取代了smoke chips, 然后撒上黄糖, 就大功可成了。   熏鸡和烤鸡的味道不同, 那浓重的烟熏味从锅里钻出久而不散,房子里弥漫着芬芳的桂花茶香味, 好香好香哦!

说真的, 好喜欢, 喜欢这熏鸡。  还有我那亲爱的他, 对熏鸡更是爱之入骨了,说是喜欢熏鸡的皮薄里嫩, 肉质细嫩!按说熏鸡必须先卤而后熏, 而卤料还得以几种中药配制而成。   看来下一次的熏鸡, 应该尝试先卤而后熏的做法了!



50克 茶叶香片

1。 将鸡腿洗净, 滴干水份并以适量的盐涂抹腌制隔夜。
2。 然后以中火蒸熟成白斩鸡, 这里我蒸了25分钟。 (蒸熟即可, 不要蒸至熟烂)
3。 把铁锅放置在炉上,垫上一层锡纸, 平均放上烟熏料(茶叶,黄糖), 再撒上菊花, 放上网架, 再把鸡腿排在网架上, 不要重叠。(最好用旧锅, 这样就不怕熟坏锅子而肉痛, 嘻嘻!)
4。 盖上锅盖, 以中火烧约2分钟后再转大火继续熏至10分钟至锅盖边缘冒烟,即可关火。 但不要立刻揭盖, 让它在多熏5分钟才揭盖。  
5.  揭盖后, 检查熏制的色泽, 鸡腿熏制呈现红色最为理想, 如果色浅, 亦可盖上盖锅,重熏多5分钟。 

** 这回改用了黄糖, 向较之下黄糖的色泽较容易上色!  
** 亦可以干玫瑰花, 菊花干来取代桂花, 成品也是香香的!

Smoked Chicken
5 whole chicken legs

[Smoking Ingredients]
50g tea leaves
50g brown sugar
2 tbsp dried osmanthus

1.        Wash and drain the chickens legs, spread with salt, then rub over the chicken.  Cover the chicken with plastic wrapper and place it in the refrigerator overnight.
2.        Steam the chicken legs with medium heat for 25 minutes.(Do not over steamed)
3.        Place the steam wok on the heat, line a layer of aluminium foil and evenly arrange tea leaves and brown sugar ont he foil, then sprinkle dried osmanthus on top.   Then, put the grill on top of the smoking ingredients.
4.        Place the chicken on the grill, and to ensure do not overlap. 
5.        Cover with lid, smoke over high heat for 5 minutes, then turn to medium heat and continue to smoke for 10 minutes until the smoke rises. Turn off the heat now. But do not immediately open the lid. Just let it stand for 5 minutes with the lid on. 
6.  Open the lid, check the colour of the smoke chicken and if the colour is too light, you may continue smoke for another 5 minutes.

煮完晚饭, 天色暗淡, 只好再出绝招拍几张!

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