说是做给好友的生日蛋糕, 可又不像, 因为只切了2块蛋糕祝贺她。 早已看烦了那罐收藏在冷冻库里百香果肉,想念那又酸带着微甜的百香果芒果慕斯蛋糕, 口水泛滥了, 嘻嘻!
所以啊,倒不如说是自己馋嘴想吃。 说真的我个人是超喜欢这蛋糕, 喜欢那蛋糕的微甜又带酸, 所以姑且忘却了一切, 吃了2块哦!是的, 只能吃两块, 因为二弟媳也超爱这蛋糕, 所有切切分分的就没了!
用了棉花蛋糕体来做这蛋糕, 只能说太棒了。 软绵绵的蛋糕体很有mousse的感觉, 每吃一口就觉得蛋糕在嘴里融化了, 入口即化哦!
【芒果百香果慕斯棉花蛋糕, 7寸圆形活底蛋糕模】
** 蛋的重量一粒62克(包括壳)
1. 葵花油加热至出现纹路, 加入过筛的面粉, 离火快速搅拌均匀。
2. 加入鲜奶翻拌均匀, 最后加入蛋黄搅拌至均匀, 备用。
3. 将蛋白以电动搅拌机打发至呈粗泡沫状, 把白糖分3次加入, 继续打发至硬性发泡。
4. 把打好的蛋白霜分2次加入蛋黄糊里, 搅拌均匀后再加入剩余的蛋白霜, 由上翻拌均匀。
5. 将蛋糕糊倒入7寸圆形活动模里, 抹平表面并轻敲几下模具,敲出小气泡。
6. 放入预热烤箱150度, 以水浴法烘烤60分钟至熟。(我把蛋糕模放置在铁架上, 然后再将铁架放在一个装有水的大盘里, 才放入烤箱里蒸烤)
7. 取出蛋糕, 立刻倒扣至完全冷却后方可脱模。
8. 冷却后, 将蛋糕切成3片, 待用。
1. 将吉利丁片浸泡水中至软, 捞起挤干水份。
2. 将鲜奶隔水加热后, 加入步骤一的泡软吉利丁片, 煮至吉利丁完全融化, 待凉备用。
3. 把酸奶, 芒果肉和百香果混合后, 倒入冷却的步骤2里, 搅拌均匀。
4. 把鲜奶油和糖粉以电动搅拌机打发至8分发, 然后倒入步骤3的混合液里, 拌匀即成慕斯酱。(将慕斯酱分成3份)
5. 以同样的7寸圆形活动模(洗净后), 铺入一片蛋糕, 倒入一份慕斯酱 放入冰箱15分钟。
6. 取出, 再铺入第二片蛋糕, 重复以上的步骤, 至最后一片蛋糕, 倒入最后一片慕斯酱, 放入冰箱里冷藏最少4个小时以上。
7. 将吉利丁粉加入热水, 隔水煮至融化, 并加入百香果和芒果泥, 拌匀即成百香果果冻。
8. 从冰箱里取出慕斯蛋糕, 将百香果果冻液倒在蛋糕上, 放入冰箱里冷藏待隔夜才切片食用。
** 脱模纪录:
以热毛巾围绕着蛋糕模的周围至慕斯开始脱落, 方可脱模。
**上层的百香果层带酸, 喜欢甜者亦可加入糖粉
【Mango and Passion Fruit Mousse Cotton Cake, 7 inches loose bottom round pan】
【Cotton Cake Ingredients】
35g sunflower oil
55g cake flour/superfine flour (sieved)
40g fresh milk
4g egg yolk
4g egg whites
70g castor sugar
** The weigh of 1 egg above 62g, with shell
1. Heat sunflower oil with low heat until lines appear on it. Add in flour mixture immedialtely, then remove from heat and mix well.
2. Add fresh milk , mix well. Add in egg yolk , mix well until smooth mixture is formed.
3. In another bowl, whisk the egg white until mixture appear with small bubble. Gradually add in sugar, whisk until the mixture is frothy and soft peaks form.
4. Gently fold 1/2 of meringue into egg yolk batter, mix well by using a rubber spatula. Then add the remaining meringue until blended.
5. Pour the batter into 7 inches round cake pan, and lightly tap the pan to remove air bubble.
6. Bake in water bath method at preheated oven for 150C for 60 mins until it cooked.
7. Remove from oven, invest the cake immediately and let it cool before cutting into 3 layers.
** I didn't wrap the cake pan with aluminium foil. I placed the wire rack into the baking tray which contained water, and put the cake pan on top of the wire rack and make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the cake pan.
【Mango and Passion Fruit Mousse Ingeredients】
200g Anchor UHT whipping cream
30g icing sugar
150g yogurt cream
210g mango puree
80g passion fruit puree with seeds
80g fresh milk
12g gelantin sheet
【Passion Fruit Topping】
100g passion fruit juice(seedless)
50g passion fruit fruit puree (with seeds)
30g mango puree
1+3/4 gelatine powder+ 7 tbsp hot water
1. In a small bowl, soak gelantin sheet in the cool water until soft state and squeeze up the water.
2. Heat fresh milk with low heat (double boiled), then add in gelantine sheet(step 1) and keep stirring until gelantine sheet fully dissolved. Set aside.
3. Combine yogurt, passion fruit and mango pureer, mix well. Then, add the passion fruit mixture into gelatin mixture and mix well.
4. Whisk whipping cream with icing sugar to form mousse state, pour the meringue into gelantine mixture and well mixed. (divide it into 3 portions)
5. In the same 7 inches round pan (washed), place a layer of cake and pour in a portion of passion fruit mousse (do take note of the corners), let it slightly set for 15 minutes in the fridge.
6. Lay another layer of cake and pour in another portion of passion fruit mousse and let it set for 15 minutes in the fridge. Remove from the fridge, lay the last layer of cake, pour the last portion of passion fruit mousse and let it set again for 30 minutes in the fridge.
7. Meanwhile, dissolve gelatin powder in the hot water. Mix in passion fruit and mango pureer and mix well.
8. Remove the cake from the fridge, pour in passion fruit jelly mixture and chill for at least 4 hours or overnight before serving.
9. Take out mousse cake, use a hot towel to wrap around the cake tin until the top of jelly started to loosen from the mould. Then, slowly remove the cake and serve.
** The upper layer of passion fruit jelly is sour, you may add some icing sugar if you prefer sweet taste.