Thursday 31 December 2015

核桃奶油蛋糕 【Mrs. Ng SK's Walnut Butter Cake】


12月不单是身心变得散漫, 就连烤箱也停止歇息了。 找来数月前所做的蛋糕, 就把它成为今年的最后一个贴子吧!说起这蛋糕, 明明已经万事俱备, 蒸好了南瓜泥,预备要着手做爱人那明声籍甚的南瓜牛油蛋糕。  在制作的过程中, 搅拌好了面糊才发现并没用到南瓜泥, 这才详细的看了一遍食谱, 原来只需南瓜块而非南瓜泥! 糊里糊涂的人啊, 本想就此将南瓜泥加入, 可又不想坏了这蛋糕的”名誉“, 只好随意的摆上数粒核桃成了核桃奶油蛋糕了! 嘻嘻。。

[材料 A]
 150克蛋白, 50克黄糖
[材料 B]
3粒蛋黄, 220克奶油 (温室软化), 140克细糖, 200克蛋糕粉+1茶匙发粉, 60克鲜奶
装饰: 烤香核桃 

1.  将奶油和材料B中的细糖, 以搅拌机打发至乳白。
2.  将蛋黄逐粒的加入, 每次必须等至蛋黄充分被搅拌均匀后才加入另一粒。  然后, 以低速加入一半的过筛粉类, 搅拌均匀。 
3.  将鲜奶分两次的倒入面糊里, 混合均匀后再把剩余的低粉加入, 搅拌均匀, 备用。 
4.  将材料A中的黄糖分次加入蛋白里, 打发至坚挺状。
5.  将一半的蛋白霜加入步骤(3)的奶油面糊里, 拌匀后再加入剩余的蛋白霜, 拌匀。 
6. 把面糊倒入模型里至7分满, 再将烤香核桃粒摆在面糊表面。7.  放入预热烤箱, 以165度烘烤50分钟至熟或以竹签插入不带出湿沾的面糊即为熟。


【Mrs. Ng SK's Walnut Butter Cake】
[Ingredients A]
 150g egg whites, 50g brown sugar

[Ingredients B]
3 egg yolks, 220g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
140g castor sugar, 200g cake flour+ 1 tsp baking powder, 60g fresh milk 

Deco:  roasted walnut 

1.  Cream butter with sugar (ingredients B) till light and fluffy or pale. 
2.  Add in egg yolk, beat well after each addition of egg yolk until creamy.  Then, add in 1/2 portion of flour to the mixture and mix well.
3.  Gradually pour in fresh milk, mix well.  Add the balance of flour and mix to combine.
4.  Cream brown sugar with egg whites till fluffy and peak.
5.  Spread half portion of meringue into butter mixture, mixed to combine.  Then pour in the remaining meringue batter and mix well.
6.  Pour batter into prepared cake pan until 70% full, arrange the roasted walnut on top of the mixture.  7. Bake in preheated oven at 165C for 50 minutes until cooked or a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.

Recipe adapted from Eileen Dairy

”祝大家新年快乐 2016!“

Friday 25 December 2015

圣诞玻璃曲奇 【Stained Glass Cookies】

走在大街上, 那浓厚的圣诞气氛似乎也不输失于东方人的传统节日。   
早在一个月前, 走在广场里,
为了招来顾客, 各大商家出尽法宝作出了圣诞佳节的点缀,
只是可怜了圣诞老人, 也累坏了圣诞老人, 
被逼着早早就伫立在角落处, 成了各行各界的推销产品。 
然而, 今年啊今年, 
当忙完了该忙的账目, 才刚放下那“陪战”的重任时, 
那”叮叮当, 叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当。。“的乐声, 
是懒也好, 是藉口也罢,
今年啊, 那七尺高的圣诞树,
就当作累了, 同时也让圣诞老人歇息着吧!

每年的圣诞节, 脑海就会想着要做这个面包那个曲奇的。结果,想啊想的却什么都做不成。几乎每个周末不是南下就是北上, 日子过的即忙碌又累人。  然而, 这样东跑跑西走走的,日子溜得太快了。 仿佛才眨了几下眼,  这个学校假期又即将要溜了! 

“临时临急”和丫头们做了这款漂亮的玻璃曲奇, 岂知只不过压了几个饼皮,搞到姜人“断手断脚”了, 结果一不做二不休, 跑了!  毕竟是年少而缺少了几分的耐性啊,留下来的手尾, 当然有我这妈妈来“包尾”了! 相较星形的玻璃曲奇比姜人曲奇容易摆放果汁糖。镂空的部分越小就越难摆放果汁糖呢! 

【圣诞玻璃曲奇, 无泡打粉】

100克无盐奶油 (温室软化)
适量Fox's 果汁糖 
(稍微弄碎, 不要过早敲, 否则会果糖会黏在一块的)

1.  将奶油和糖霜放入搅拌盘里, 以搅拌机搅打至松发乳白, 加入柠檬汁, 拌匀。 
2. 筛入低筋面粉, 粟粉和苏打粉, 以刮刀将粉类和奶油混合均匀, 搓成光滑的面团。 
3.  将面团放在撒有面粉的工作台上, 以擀面棍擀成0。5cm.  (我在面团上摆上一张塑胶袋, 这样面团较容易操作) 
4.  以曲奇模具压出形状, 移至铺有不沾布或油纸的烤盘上, 然后才用较小的模子镂空, 这样较不容易将曲奇弄断。  
5.  将曲奇放入预热烤箱165度, 烘烤10分钟。 取出, 在镂空的位置放满已弄碎的果汁糖。  (果糖稍微放满一些,但不要沾到曲奇表面, 否则容易溢出。)
6.  再次将曲奇放入烤箱, 烤至6-8分钟。 最后从旁观察至果汁糖烤溶至平滑即可出炉。
7.  待稍微冷却后, 果糖凝固后, 再将曲奇移至凉架上放凉, 即可装入密封的容器里保存。 

(食谱取自 肥丁手工坊

【Stained Glass Cookies】

100g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
40g icing sugar
162g low flour/cake flour
12g corn flour
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp baking soda
Fox's fruity crystal candy 
(slightly cut into 1/3 or crack into small pieces)

1.  Use an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar till light and pale, add in lemon juice and mix well.
2.  In a medium bowl, sift cake flour, corn flour and baking soda together,  gradually add in flour mixture and mix well by using the spatula.
3.  Place dough on light floured surface, roll out to 0.5cm thickness.
4.  Use cookies cutters to cut into desired shapes and transfer to the prepared baking sheets. Cut out dough in center of each cookies by using a smaller cookies cutter. 
5.  Bake at preheated oven at 165 for 10 minutes, remove tray from oven.  Fill cutouts with crushed candy.
6.  Continue to bake for another 6-8 minutes until candy is melted.  
7.  Let cool completely on sheets on wire racks before store.

(Recipe adapted from  Beanpanda

买了一包Fox''s 果汁糖, 可是却只有两种颜色, 粉红色和青色。好好吃的玻璃曲奇, 感谢肥丁师傅的好分享!



This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015 
hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 
and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

祝大家圣诞节快乐! Merry Christmas 2015!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

圣诞酒香杂果蛋糕【Christmas Fruit Cake】

这个蛋糕, 早在两年前已经瞄上它了, 
这个等了好久, 也“服侍”了它好久的蛋糕, 
”服侍“- ,只因每三天必须”服侍“它“喝茶”, 
“喝茶”, 风雨不改的陪它“喝”朗姆酒。
等了足足的十天, 真是等了好久好久。。。。
几乎等不急了, 险些被他一刀给切下了,
当我告诉他, 我做了他最爱的蛋糕时,
他竟然退后几步,然后说“这么好? 不知有什么企图?”
哈! 等了两年的蛋糕, 
也难怪他会这么说了! 嘻嘻。。。



 [ 材料]
250 牛油 (温室软化)
4 全蛋 (约65克)
200 面粉 + 1/2 茶匙 发粉,一起过筛
1/2茶匙 混合香料 (我没加)
500 干杂果
100 西梅,切粒
汤匙 兰姆酒
100 核桃,烤香切小
汤匙 兰姆酒
汤匙 兰姆香精 (可不放)
汤匙 鲜榨橙汁( 家里没有鲜橙, 我用柠檬汁)
橙屑 (从一粒鲜橙取出, 我用柠檬屑)
1茶匙 Vanilla香精

1.  先将干杂果和西梅放入一个大碗中,加入8汤匙兰姆酒拌匀,用保鲜纸包紧,浸泡过夜。(不须收冰箱)
2.  准备一个八寸方烤盘 ,铺上两张烘焙纸,让纸的边缘高过烤模侧壁,备用。预热烤箱160度。(我用一个4.5寸圆形饼模和一个6寸方模}
3.  以中速度将牛油和细糖打至松发乳白,徐徐的加入兰姆酒,兰姆香精,橙汁,橙屑和vanilla香精混合拌均。
4.   然后, 将搅拌机调低速度将鸡蛋逐粒的加入, 每次都必须等至蛋液充分被搅拌后才加入另一粒。 
5.  1/4面粉和发粉加入干杂果上,剩余的面粉和混合香料慢慢的加入蛋糊里,用慢速度拌均即可。
6.  轻轻搅拌面粉和干杂果 (不须搅匀),和核桃一起倒入面糊里,用橡胶刮刀翻拌均匀。倒入烤盘,再用橡胶刮刀抹平表面,轻轻震一下烤盘。
7.  放入预热160度烤箱,烘烤1个小时半即可。(预防蛋糕烘烤时过于太黑,可在30-40分钟烘烤时加盖锡纸)
8.  蛋糕取出炉后,马上淋上3-4大匙兰姆酒(份量外)在蛋糕表面上。
9.  待蛋糕待凉后,用保鲜纸包好,放入冰箱冷藏。
10.  每隔三天在蛋糕表面淋上2-3大匙的兰姆酒。大概10天左右即可享用。

食谱取自 Anncoojournal

Christmas Fruit Cake

250g unsalted butter
60g brown sugar
60g castor sugar
4 eggs (65g each)
200g cake flour + 1/2 tsp baking powder (sifted together)
1/2 tsp mixed spice
500g mixed dried fruit
100g pitted prune,  cut to small pieces
9 tbsp rum
100g roasted walnut, chopped
2 tbsp rum
2 tbsp rum compound (optional)
2 tbsp lemon juice
lemon zest from one lemon
1tsp vanilla extract

1.  In a large bowl add mixed dried fruit and pitted prune together with 8 tbsp of rum and mix well, cover with cling wrap until next day.
2.  Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy, slowly add in rum, rum compound, lemon juice, lemon zest and vanilla extract, mix well. 
3. Add eggs, one at a time and scrape bowl. 
4.  Add 1/4 portion of flour to the mixed dried fruit. Slowly add 3/4 portion of flour and mixed spice to butter mixture, mix well. Stop machine. Pour in mixed dried fruit and chopped walnut, mix well with a rubber spatula then pour into cake tin. Bang tin on table once to settle the content. 
5.  Bake at preheated oven at 160C for 1 1/2 hour. **After about 30-40 mins when the cake starts to turn brown, cover cake with foil loosely on top and continue baking.
6.  Pour 3-4 tbsp of rum on to Fruit Cake as soon as it comes from the oven.
7.  Leave cake to cool, turn out from cake tin and wrap with cling wrap and store in the fridge. 
8.  Pour 2-3 tbsp of rum on cake every three days until it is ready to serve .

( I used one 6 inches square pan and one 4.5 round biscuit tin)
Recipe adapted from Anncoojournal

非常好吃的蛋糕, 否则要被他说我在浪费他所收藏的朗姆酒了, 含有香浓的酒香味! 太赞了, 谢谢Ann的好分享!


This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Christmas 2015 
hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe 
and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids.

Thursday 17 December 2015

酸奶烤鸡 【Baked Yogurt Chicken】

它, 除了是孩子们最爱, 
孩子们爱吃, 而我却爱它的简易与方便。
忙碌时, 将它提早一日腌制, 
然后, 放入冰箱里让它慢慢的吸取所有的腌料。
预备着其它的菜肴, 清洗着厨房里的锅锅碟碟。 
"的一声, 香味十足的烤鸡也随着出炉了,  

For Saffron Rice recipe refer  HERE



[腌料, 混均]
150克酸奶/优格, 2大匙柠檬汁, 1大匙鲜奶, 1大匙油
2大匙黄糖, 2茶匙盐, 1大匙红辣椒粉, 1大匙黑胡椒粒(压碎)
15克姜末, 1/2茶匙黄姜粉, 2支香茅 (切碎)
1茶匙意大利混合香料, 1/2 茶匙小茴香

(24/12/2015-几天前, 重新烤了这道烤鸡, 个人认为尚可在调味料里添加少许的盐和糖)

1.  将鸡腿肉洗净, 沥干水份, 备用。
2.  将所有腌料混合,搅拌均匀。  然后, 加入鸡腿肉腌制6个小时或隔夜。
3.  烤盘铺上锡纸, 将鸡腿肉摆放在烤盘架上, 送入预热烤箱以180度烘烤50分钟或熟 (半途烘烤时, 取出翻面,涂熟腌料)

食谱参考这里, 稍微更改

Baked Yogurt Chicken

4 chicken whole legs

[Marinade, mixed]
150g yogurt, 2 tbsp lemon juice. 1 tbsp fresh milk, 1 tbsp oil
2 tbsp brown sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp red chili powder, 1 tbsp black pepper (crush it)
15g chopped ginger, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 2 lemongrass (chopped)
1 tsp italian mixed herbs, 1/2 tsp cumin seeds

1.  Wash chicken and pat dry.  
2.  Rub chicken with marinade for at least 6 hours or overnight.
3.  Line baking tray with aluminium foil and place chicken onto a baking rack.  Bake in preheated oven for 180C for 50 minutes until chicken is golden brown and well roasted. (Brush chicken with some dripping while roasting.)

(24/12/2015-few day ago, I have baked this yogurt chicken again and i personally think that you may add in some salt and sugar )

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