Thursday 29 November 2012

鼓椒生虾(Water Prawns with Fermented Black Beans)


虾,我不敢多吃。所以,平时我都控制自已最多只能吃2只。 但是 , 今天这道鼓椒生虾,让我失控制,破例吃了5只,希望不会因此搞到病症发作吧!

鼓椒生虾 (Water Prawns with Fermented Black Beans)
(食谱参考于Nostalgia Chinese Cuisine , page 16)

材料 Ingredients
400克生蝦400g fresh water prawns
1大匙薑末1 tbsp chopped ginger
1大匙红辣椒末 1 tbsp chopped red chilies
1 大匙蒜末 1 tbsp chopped garlic
1大匙豆鼓(剁碎)1 tbsp fermented salted black beans (chopped)
1大匙豆酱 1 tbsp salted bean paste
1大匙绍兴酒 1 tbsp shaoxing wine
30克青葱粒/葱花 30g chopped spring onions

调味料 Seasoning:   
1大匙蠔油 1 tbsp oyster sauce
½小匙鸡晶粉 ½  tsp chicken stock powder
1小匙糖 1 tsp sugar

做法 Method:
1) 将生蝦处理后洗干净,沥水,放入热油里以大火炸香呈金黄,捞起备用。
   Rinse the prawns, pat-dry. Deep fry in the hot oil over high heat until cooked and golden in colour.  Remove and keep aside.

2) 锅里烧热2大匙油,爆香姜末,辣椒末,豆鼓和豆酱,加入调味料略炒香浓。
   Heat up 2 tbsp oil in the hot wok, sauce chopped ginger, chilies, salted black beans and bean paste till fragrant.  Add in seasoning, stir-fry until aromatic.

3) 加入生蝦及葱花,以大火快速翻炒片刻,最后撒上绍兴酒,既可上碟。
   Add in prawns and chopped spring onions, stirring constantly over high heat until well combined.  Lastly, splash in shaoxing wine. Dish up, serve hot.




Wednesday 28 November 2012

鸡肉酥皮浓汤 (Chicken Potpie)

这是今天的早餐。 趁着学校假期,每天早上不到8-9点都赖着不起床。所有,这个早餐的材料都在前一天晚上都预备好了, 就算起床晚了,也还来得及做这个孩子们喜爱的早餐。

看着孩子们坐在庭院里享用这个早餐,看着那一群的蜻蜓在花园里飞舞。不知为何,我家的花园总是有一大群的蜻蜓在那飞舞“游荡”着。 所以,总是听到小女儿喊着:“哇!好多的蜻蜓在飞舞啊!。。。。”

鸡肉酥皮浓汤 (Chicken Potpie)
(食谱参考于Home Baking, page 139)

浓汤材料A Cream soup ingredients A:
1粒马铃薯(切丁)1 potato (cubed)
½ 条红萝不 (切丁)1/2 carrot (cubed)
1粒葱 (切片)1 onion (sliced)
1/2 杯罐装豌豆 ½ cup canned green peas
2块鸡肉 (切小块)2 diced chicken meat

浓汤材料B Cream soup ingredients B:
1大匙麻油 1tbsp sesame oil
30克无盐奶油 30g unsalted butter
30克面粉 30g flour
2 杯鸡汤 2 cups of chicken soup
2杯牛奶 2 cups of fresh milk

调味料 Seasonings
1小匙盐 1tsp salt
½ 小匙椒粉 ½ tsp pepper

酥皮Puff pastry:
1150克高粉 150g high protein flour
   150克特幼面粉 150g super fine flour
   4克盐 4g salt
   10克糖10g sugar

2 1粒蛋 1 egg
    50克清水 50g water

190克无盐奶油 190g unsalted butter

酥皮做法Puff pastry:
Combine ingredients no.(1) and add in butter, rub butter and flour, mix well.

2。然后加入蛋和水搅拌均匀揉成团状放入冰箱冷藏1/2 小时以上。
 Add in egg and water, shape dough into ball.  Put it into the fridge for at least 1hour.

Roll into a thin round sheet and cut the pastry according to the bowl size.

浓汤做法 To made cream soup :
Heat up sesame oil in the preheated hot wok, add in all the ingredients (A) and add in seasoning keep stirring.

2)在另一个锅,把牛油在锅内烧溶,加入面粉混合。 然后再把鸡汤和牛奶倒入锅中,煮出浓汤后加入做法(1)的食材。
In another wok, melt the butter add in flour and mix well. Pour chicken soup and milk into flour mixture and mix smoothly with the whisk. Lastly, add in method no (1) stir well.

3)倒入备好的碗中,将酥皮盖在碗上. 再用牙签刺几个小洞。
Pour into the bowl and cover up with piece of pastry. Use a toothpick prick some small holes.

Glaze with beaten egg and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 15minutes until golden brown.


Tuesday 27 November 2012

田园南瓜面包 (Pumpkin bread)


这几天,好忙好忙,有很多很多的工作要做。年尾将至,跟了我许多年的顾客都找上门来了,推也推不掉,只好接了这些帐目。 所以,接下来我必需赶完手上的工作,才能轻轻松松的过我的假期。。。。

田园南瓜面包 (Pumpkin bread)

Tangzhong Dough 汤种法:-
100g bread flour  100克高粉
70ml hot boiling water 70毫升热水

Method 做法:-

1.  把高粉放入里。
 Place flour in a mixing bowl.

2.  加入热水,用汤匙将面粉混合成面团。
Add hot boiling water and mix with  wooden spoon to form a rough dough.

3.  然后,用保鲜纸盖上。放入冰箱里1小时至48小时。
Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for atleast 1 hour, and up to 48 hours.

To prepare Pumpkin Bread制作田园南瓜面包

   1 quantity of Tangzhong dough 1份汤种面团

A  250g bread flour 250克高粉

     50g plain flour 50克普通面粉
     30g sugar,30克幼糖

        80g steamed pumpkin 80克蒸熟南瓜泥
     1/2 tbsp instant yeast 1/2 大匙干酵母

     1/4 tsp salt,1/4小匙盐

     88ml fresh milk,88毫升鲜奶
     1 cold egg 1粒蛋
B.   30g butter 30克牛油

   C  360g Pumpkin Paste 360克南瓜馅料
     (Divide into 30g each, 分成每份30克)

Method 做法:

1.  混合所有(A)的材料。Combine (A) together.    

2.  用搅拌机搅拌,低速度。混合直到面团结合一起。
Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl. 

3.  将牛油加入面团里,用中速搅拌至光滑。
Add in butter and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.

4.  团搓成圆团,将面团放在盆中,盖上一块湿布,发酵40分钟至双倍大。
Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.

Divide sweet bread dough into 55g each. Let rest for another 10mins.

Rub the dough into a ball and fill it with the fillings, wrap into dough. Use toothpick and make the pumpkin shape. Let it proof for 45mins.

7. 搽上蛋黄,放入中间层预先烘热的烘箱里,烘烤16015分钟。
Egg wash and place in the middle shelve of the oven. Bake at 160c for 15mins.    



Sunday 25 November 2012

苹果果凍( Apple Jelly)



苹果果凍 (Apple Jelly)

½ 根香草豆荚



做法 Method:


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