Monday 31 December 2012

可可榛果蛋糕卷 (Chocolate Hazelnut Swiss Roll)

这蛋糕很好吃,尤其是这个可可蛋黄奶油霜,不会太甜又加了榛果粒,传来阵阵榛果的香味,没多久都被吃完了, 还会再做第二次。。。

(Chocolate Hazelnut Swiss Roll)
材料 Ingredients:
4粒蛋黄 (80克)4 egg yolks (80g)
25克糖 25g sugar
20克无盐奶油 20g unsalted butter

30克特幼粉30g cake flour
20克榛果粉 20g ground hazelnut
15克可可粉 15g cocoa powder
4粒蛋白约140克,4 egg whites120g 

70克糖 70g sugar

Fillings Cocoa Butter Cream:
120克无盐奶油 120g unsalted butter
*40克蛋黄40g egg yolk
*10克幼糖 10g sugar
**50克幼糖 30g sugar
**25克水 25g water
10克可可粉 10g cocoa powder
60g hazelnut (bake at 150C for 15 min,cut to small)
* 将蛋黄和幼糖放入容器内,用打蛋器搅散成蛋黄液备用。


Whisk egg yolks and caster sugar till light.

2把蛋白用搅拌机打在至起,再把糖分3次的加入,用搅拌机打至硬 (碗糊拿起,而蛋白糊不会掉下)
Beat egg whites until mixture forms solf peaks.  Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.

Gently fold beaten egg white foam into egg yolk batter, use cut and fold method until blended.

Add sifted cake flour and cocoa powder into the batter in 3 separate  additionadd in ground hazelnut. With each addition, use a spatula,  gently fold in the flour until well blended.

Add the melted butter, fold with spatula until well blended.

6. 将蛋糕糊倒入烤盘里,用刮刀将表面抹平。预热烘炉,用160度烘12分钟。
Pour batter into the tray. Spread and smooth out the batter evenly and bake at pre-heated oven at 160C for 12 mins.
7. 蛋糕出炉后,将蛋糕移至網架上,撕开蛋糕纸待凉。
Remove cake from tray and cool it down on wire rack.  Upon cooling, remove the parchment paper.

8. 拿一张大过蛋糕体的蛋糕纸盖在蛋糕上。双手抓住蛋糕纸两边慢慢将蛋糕体翻面。   Carefully turn the baked sponge cake onto a piece of parchment paper. invert the sponge carefully.

9。将蛋糕体尾端斜切,把蛋糕体的开端轻轻切刀痕而不可切断。抹上可可奶油霜, 撒下榛果碎慢慢的卷起即可。
Slice out a small piece of sponge on a 45-degree angle at another end. Spread evenly with cocoa butter cream, sprinkle with hazelnut and roll the cake up tightly to form a swiss roll.


Sunday 30 December 2012

鱼鳔扒鸡(Stewed Chicken with Fish Maw and Mushrooms)

回家乡时,妈妈又拿了很多的鱼鳔說是给我新年用的, 这么多的鱼鳔新年那吃的完呢! 于是,便用了少许的鱼鳔煮了这道美味的菜肴,也为这道菜肴取了名鱼鳔扒鸡。

鱼鳔扒鸡(Stewed Chicken with Fish Maw and Mushrooms

半只菜园鸡 half of free frange garden chicken
50克炸鱼(浸水10分钟) 50g fried fish mawsoak in water for 15mins
7 朵香菇 (浸软) 7 mushrooms soak in water
5 姜片 (5 slice ginger
10粒红枣 (10 red dates)
4 粒磨菇(切半)4 straw mushrooms
20克小干贝20g small scallops
1 棵青葱(切断)1 stalk of spring onion
少许蒜粒  few garlic
2 大匙麻油 2 tbsp sesame oil
500 毫升清水 500ml water
1 ½ 大匙玉粟粉+ 清水 1 ½ corn flour + water

Seasoning (A) (brushing chicken)
调味料(A) (涂鸡用)
1 tsp light soy sauce 1小匙酱油

调味料Seasonings B
1 大匙蚝油 1 tbsp oyster sauce
1小匙酱油 1 tsp light soy sauce
1小匙麻油 1 tsp sesame oil
1 大匙绍兴酒 1 tbsp shaoxing wine
1小匙黑酱油 1 tsp dark soy sauce

调味料Seasonings C
1小匙麻油1 tsp sesame oil
1 大匙蚝油1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 ½ 1 ½ salt
1 大匙绍兴酒tbsp shaoxing wine
少许胡椒粉 a dash of pepper


1.把鸡洗净后,用调味料(A) 将鸡外涂抹均匀,然后放入热油里以大火炸香呈金黄色,盛起。上浸泡冷水中约30分钟至冷却,取出备用。                                                                
Rinse chicken, brush seasoning (A) all over to the chicken skin. Deep fry in the hot oil over high heat until golden in colour.  Remove, soak in cool water immediately, soak it for 20 minutes.  Dish out, set aside.

Place chicken in a deep steaming tray or platter, add in water mushrooms, red dates and an entire ingredients (B), steam in the preheated steamer over high heat for 40 minutes until the chicken meat is tender.  Remove the chicken. (retain 400ml of the stock)

3.锅里烧热2大匙麻油,爆香姜片和蒜粒。放入鳔和磨菇,略炒香浓,加入清水和调味料(C)拌炒均匀,用少许粟粉水勾芡, 放入青葱。盛起,淋在扒鸡上,即可食用。
Heat up 2 tbsp sesame in the hot wok, saute garlic and ginger slices until fragrant. Put in fish maw and mushrooms stir-fry till fragrant.  Add in seasoning (B), toss well.  Thicken sauce with cornstarch solutions add in spring onion.  Dish up all ingredients and gravy, pour over to the chicken, Serve hot.



Saturday 29 December 2012

椰丝干南瓜圆粿(Dried Coconut Pumpkin Balls)

用了做汤圆时所剩余的糯米粉,做了这个很像汤圆的圆粿。 这圆粿是从名食谱里看到的,名字也是从名食谱看到的。汤圆也好,圆粿也好,总之好吃便得了。。。嘿嘿!

椰丝干南瓜圆粿(Dried Coconut Pumpkin Balls)

材料 Ingredients A :
150克糯米粉 150g Glutinous rice flour
160克南瓜泥(南瓜去片蒸熟)160g mashed pumpkin (steam)
20-40克清水 20-40g water

材料 Ingredients B:
70克椰丝干60g Dried Coconut 

馅料Filling :
120克白椰丝+ 70克椰糖(120g fresh grated coconut + 70g gula melaka)
30克奶油 30g butter

** Cook the butter and gula melaka until dissolved,add in grated coconut stir and cook until almost dry. Set it aside to cool.


   Mix mashed pumpkin and flour.

   Add in water and mix to form a dough.

   Roll to make into balls shape and wrap in coconut filling.

   Put the balls into a boil water,once it floating on top, dish up and coat
   the balls with dried coconut.

Friday 28 December 2012

榛果巧可力烫面戚风(Hazelnut Chocolate Chiffon)

今天清理冰箱时,发现原来几个月前,弟媳拿过来的榛果粉尚余250克,止日期是31/12  我就立刻做了这个50x37风用70克的榛果粉,但是,尚有180克!怎么办呢?

榛果巧可力烫面戚风Chocolate Hazelnut Chiffon
 (食谱参考于Helena's Kitchen)


100 食油 100g corn oil
100克鲜奶100g fresh milk
6 蛋黄 6 egg yolks
100 低筋面粉 100g superfine flour
70榛果粉70g ground hazelnut

6 蛋白
100 砂糖

**(把食油,鲜奶放入微波炉加热10秒, 然后加入蛋黄搅均拌匀。 再加入面粉和榛果粉搅拌均匀。)
**Heat up corn oil and fresh milk in micro oven for 10sec, add in egg yolks mix well.  Fold in flour and ground hazelnut until forms batter.

1. 把蛋白用搅拌机打在至起,再把糖分3次的加入,用搅拌机打至硬 (碗糊拿起,而 糊不会掉下)
Beat egg whites until mixture forms solf peaks. Gradually add in sugar,  beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.

2蛋白糊次加入蛋黄糊里,用搅拌刀拌均匀 Gently fold beaten egg white foam into egg yolk batter, use cut and fold method, mix well.

3. 把蛋糕糊分成2份,一份加入已搅好的可可酱搅拌均匀。然后,先把可可糊倒入烘 盘里,再把榛果糊倒入即可。
Divide the batter into two portions, add in cocoa paste into one of the mixture.  Pour the cocoa mixture into chiffon pan and follow by hazelnut

4.预热烘炉,用160度烘35分钟。Bake in pre-heated oven at 160c for 35mins.

5.  取出蛋糕,倒扣在桌子上,待完全冷却。
 Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled.

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