Thursday 29 December 2016

咖喱鱼头 【Curry Fish Head】

八从冰箱里挖出了2个鱼头, 不懂几时买的, 幸好没有坏掉。  就用来煮一煲咖喱鱼头, 冰箱里有什么配料统统都加入进去, 来个一锅熟吧!


2个鱼头, 约600克
1粒大葱, 切片
2支香茅, 取白色部分, 切片

【调味料】1 茶匙盐 

1.  将鱼头洗净, 滴干水分, 放入热油里至熟。(我担心鱼头收太久不新鲜, 所以将它油炸)
2. 热2大匙油, 爆香葱片和香茅翻炒片刻。
3.  加入咖喱酱, 辣椒粉炒匀, 加入清水, 羊角豆, 茄子和豆腐卜煮至沸滚。
4.  倒入椰浆和鱼头煮至小滚, 加入调味料, 试味即可。

【Curry Fish Head】

600g fish head
1 onion, sliced
2 stalks lemongrass , white part only, cut into small pieces
right amount of okra
right amount of bean curd puffs
right amount eggplants
1 tbsp red chili powder
3-4 tbsp Tean's Gourmet instant curry paste
400-500g water 

Seasoning: 1 tsp salt 

1.  Clean and wash fish head.  Then, deep-fry fish head in hot oil, drain well. 
2.  Heat up 2 tbsp oil, saute onion and lemongrass until fragrant. 
3.  Add instant curry paste, red chili powder and stir well.  Pour in water, add okra, eggplant and bean curd puffs and bring it to boil.
4.  Pour in coconut milk, add fish head and bring it to boil.  Add salt , taste and serve.

Sunday 25 December 2016

圣诞酒香杂果蛋糕 II 【Christmas Rum Fruit Cake】

铃儿响叮当, 驯鹿拉着雪橇, 圣诞老人背着口袋,........圣诞节来了!

去年的圣诞节, 不记得自己忙什么而没将圣诞树立起。  而今年却7早八时的将它从仓库里取出,经过一番精心的布置, 圣诞树上挂满了缤纷的彩灯和一些五颜六色叮叮当当的饰物。圣诞树上彩灯昼夜闪耀着, 那气氛很温馨, 浓浓的圣诞气味弥漫在整个家里, 非常有喜庆的感觉。 在这里也将这份温馨和喜悦送达每有个人, 但愿, 每个人都幸福快乐。 

圣诞酒香杂果蛋糕 是他的最爱, 去年做过, 今年当然也不能例外。  干杂果浸泡了数日, 以为万事俱备了, 漏夜里赶着开工。一边用搅拌机搅拌牛油和细糖, 一边打算领取面粉过筛, 这时才发现原来底筋面粉缺货。  十万火急, 此时所有的店铺也关门大吉了, 只好自作聪明以高筋面粉取而代之。 之前看过姐妹们用高筋面粉做戚风蛋糕嘛,心想做戚风可以做牛油蛋糕应该也行吧!    

4个全蛋 (连壳55克), 打散隔水加热
200克高筋面粉+1茶匙发粉, 一起过筛
7 汤匙朗姆酒
100克核桃, 烤香切小
2 汤匙朗姆酒
2 汤匙柠檬汁
2 汤匙鲜奶
1 粒柠檬屑
1/2 茶匙盐

1.  将干杂果放入大碗里, 加入7汤匙朗姆酒拌匀, 以保鲜膜包紧, 浸泡3天。  (无须放入冰箱)
2.  预备2个8 X 5 X 2.5寸长方形烤盘, 预热烤箱160度。
3.  将牛油和糖粉以刮刀略混合后, 再以搅拌机打至松发乳白。  然后, 徐徐的加入朗姆酒, 鲜奶, 柠檬汁和柠檬屑混合均匀。
4. 将搅拌机以低速度将蛋液徐徐的分4次加入, 每次都必须等至蛋液充分被搅拌后才加入另一份。
5.  将过筛的面粉, 发粉和盐混合后, 取20%面粉放入杂干果里, 混合均匀。  将剩余的面粉加入蛋糊里, 以刮刀略混合, 再以慢速拌匀即可。(注:  把面粉加入杂果里为了避免杂干果沉淀蛋糕下端)
6.  轻轻的搅拌面粉和干杂果 (无须搅匀), 和烤香核桃一起倒入面糊里, 以橡胶刮刀翻拌均匀。  倒入烤盘, 并以橡胶刮刀抹平表面, 轻轻震一下烤盘。
7.  放入预热165度烤箱里, 烘烤50分钟即可或以竹签插入不带出湿沾的面糊即为熟透。
8.  取出蛋糕后, 分别在蛋糕表面上淋上2大匙朗姆酒(份量外)。  注:如果是用大烤盘, 那么必需每次淋上3-4汤匙)
9.  待蛋糕冷却后, 以保鲜膜包好, 放入冰箱里冷藏。
10.  每隔3天取出蛋糕在表面上淋上2大匙朗姆酒, 大概10天左右即可享用。

注: 这次的蛋糕采用了西西里香橙蛋糕, 以2个8.5 x 5 x 2.5的模具

Christmas Rum Fruit Cake

225g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
165g icing sugar
4 eggs (with shell 55g each),  heat it with double boiled method
200g bread flour + 1 tsp baking powder, sifted
500g mixed dried fruit
7  tbsp rum
100g roasted walnut, slighly chopped
2 tbsp rum
2 tbsp lemon juice
2 tbsp fresh milk
lemon zest from 1 lemon 
1/2 tsp salt 

1.  In a large bowl, add mixed dried fruit with 7 tbsp of rum and mix well, cover with cling wrap for 3 days.
2.  Using an electric mixer set to slow mode, beat butter and icing sugar till light and fluffy, slowly add in rum, lemon juice, lemon zest and fresh milk, mix well.  
3.  Set an electric mixer to slow mode, gradually add in beaten egg and beat well after each addition of egg until creamy.  
5.  Add sifted flour, baking powder and salt , and add 20% of flour to the mixed dried fruit, mixed well.  Add the balance of flour to butter mixture, mix with rubber spatula.  Then whisk with electric mixer until well combine. 
 6.  Stop an electic mixer, pour in mixed dried fruit and chopped walnut, mix well with a rubber spatula then pour into cake tin(8.5 X 5 X2.5).  Slightly tap on the desk to remove the bubble.
7.  Bake at preheated oven at 165C for 50 minutes, or until cooked or a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
8.  Individually pour 1 tbsp of rum on the fruit cake as soon as it comes from the oven.
9.  Leave cake to cool, wrap with cling wrap and store in the fridge.
10.  Pour 2 tbsp of rum on cake every three days (around 10 days) until it is ready to serve.  

Wednesday 21 December 2016

冬至寄语~福州汤圆/橙薯豆沙汤圆 【Tangyuan】

忙手忙脚的搓了几粒汤圆, 幸好有得大小丫头帮忙, 否则今天没有汤圆下肚了。说到汤圆, 搓圆圆, 煮好后, 再撒上黄豆粉和细砂糖, 亦可以加入花生碎, 香香的好好吃, 孩子们最爱的还是福州汤圆。

福州汤圆年年少不了它,食谱也大同小异, 搓圆了, 蒸好了, 滚上黄豆粉即可食用! 

腐竹薏米糖水 容易煲, 加清水加薏米再加入腐竹, 只要将腐竹煲至碎就行了。  然后,加入煮好的汤圆,即可喝上一碗热烘烘的糖水汤圆, 暖心的冬至夜晚, 一家人好团圆哦!


Monday 19 December 2016

潘妮朵芮 【Panettone】

潘妮朵芮(Panettone) 又称“米兰大面包”, 是意大利经典的圣诞水果面包。  传统 Panettone是以天然菌种发酵, 经过长时间的发酵制作, 并加入各式的干果蜜而成。  这款吃法别与一般的面包, 烤好封密后, 味道更佳, 香气扑鼻, 酒香诱人, 是一款非常独特风味的面包。 

终于做了这款即像蛋糕又像面包的圣诞经典面包, 从N年想到今年, 总算完成所愿! 


A:  25克高筋面粉, 1克即溶酵母,25克鲜奶, 5克朗姆酒
B:  75克蛋黄, 25克全蛋液, 3.8克盐, 30克细糖, 20克蜂蜜
C:  125克高筋面粉, 2.5克即溶酵母

D:  38克清水, 38克鲜奶, 100克高筋面粉, 2克即溶酵母, 75克鲜奶
E:  100克葡萄干+ 80克蔓越莓干+ 3大匙朗姆酒浸泡隔夜, 100克核桃(烤香)

全蛋液, 细糖适量

1.  将材料A混合搅拌均匀, 放入容器里冷藏发酵12小时。
2.  将作法(1)和材料B以慢速搅拌均匀, 加入材料C拌匀成光滑面团, 放入容器里, 温室发酵3小时。
3.  将主面团材料中的清水,鲜奶(38克)和作法(2)混合均匀。
4.  加入主面团中的面粉, 即溶酵母混合均匀, 再转快速搅拌至顺滑。  
5.  加入鲜奶(75克)搅拌至光滑的面团。 
6.  最后加入主面团材料中的材料E, 拌匀即可。
7.  将面团放入适合的容器里, 发酵1小时。
(原食谱将面团向上折1/3, 前端向下折1/3, 翻面轻拍几下, 再折3折, 折线朝下, 整成圆球状, 放入模具或纸模里。我的面团太湿, 很难操作, 我无法跟着步骤折上折下, 只好将面团放入模具算了。)
8.  表面涂上蛋液, 剪出十字切口, 塞入奶油并撒上细糖。
9.  放入预热烤箱里以170度烘烤30分钟即可。冷却后, 撒上一些糖粉, 即可切片享用。

小小记录: 我用1个5”x 5"圆模和2个纸杯


[Starter ingredients】
A:  25g bread flour, 1g instant yeast,25g fresh milk, 5g rum
B:  75g egg yolks, 25g egg (beaten), 3.8g salt, 30g brown sugar, 20g honey
C:  125g bread flour, 2g instat yeast

【Main dough ingredients】
D:  38g water, 38g fresh milk, 100g bread flour, 2g instant yeast, 75g fresh milk
E:  100g raisin+ 80g dried cranberries+ 3 tbsp rum, 100g walnut(roasted)

egg wash, castor sugar

1.  Combine the starter ingredient A , mix well.  Cover and place in the fridge, allow them to rest over night for 12 hours. 
2.  Combine method (1) and ingredients B,  mix and whisk well.  Then, add ingredients C until you get a soft and smooth dough.    Allow the dough to rise, covered for 3 hours until it's puffy (at room temperature)
3.  Add in water, fresh milk (ingredients D) with Method (2), mix to combine.
4.  Add in flour, instant yeast and mix evenly.  Then turn to fast mode, whisk well。
5.  Add fresh milk (75g), mix to combine until smooth and soft dough.
6.  Lastly, add in ingredient E and shape the dough into a ball, and place it in a panettone pan or other sutaible pan.  Let the dough rise until just crested over the rim of the pan, above 1 hour.
7.  Gently brush the egg on top of the panettone, cut out the cross incision,  stuffed with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
8.  Bake in preheated oven 170C for 30 minutes.
9.  Leave to cool completely before dusting lightly with icing sugar and cut and serve.

## I used 5X 5 inches round mould and 2 paper liners, refer picture below

Wednesday 7 December 2016

快手烘焙~ 香蕉杏仁杯子蛋糕 【Banana Almond Cupcakes】

犹豫着,是否该将桌面上那几条外皮黑点斑斑的香蕉给扔了。  但是又考虑到明日的早餐, 想着想着就想起JJ Sharon 的简易香蕉蛋糕, 一款即简单又快手的做法, 只需搅搅拌拌即可完成的小蛋糕。  

浓缩自然的香蕉味蛋糕, 蓬松的蛋糕体, 无论是配上一杯黑咖啡或是清茶都是那么的完美!


1.  将软化奶油和黄糖以手动打蛋器搅拌均匀, 无需打发。
2.  分次的加入鸡蛋, 必需确定鸡蛋被充份的搅拌均匀才加入另一粒鸡蛋。
3.  加入香蕉泥和酸奶, 搅拌均匀成豆花状。
4. 筛入蛋糕粉和苏打粉, 以刮倒从底部翻拌而上, 拌匀即可。
5.  倒入备好的纸杯里至8分满, 撒上杏仁片。
6. 送入预热烤箱以175度烘烤22分钟即可。  

【Banana Almond Cupcakes】
110g unsalted butter (at room temperature) 
150g natural molasses sugar
2 eggs (with shell 60g each), beaten
260g mashed bananna
100g low fat greek yoghurt
200g cake flour
1 tsp sodium bicarbonate powder

1.  Hand whisk butter and brown sugar, mix well.  (not necessary to beat until light and fluffy)
2.  Add in beaten egg, beat well after each condition of egg until creamy.
3.  Add mashed banana and yogurt and mix to combine.
4.  Gradually sift in flour mixture, use the rubber spatula gently fold from the bottom to top and mix to combine
5.   Fill the paper liners 80% full and spread with almond slice on top.
6.  Baked in preheated oven at 175C for 22 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

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