Wednesday 10 October 2012

古早锡纸鸡 Claypot Chicken

这是在家附近的餐馆享用晚餐时,那熟悉的老板娘所介绍的菜肴。觉得蛮不错的,于是自己就尝试,来来回回也煮了几次,一家大小都爱这道菜肴。  我还对那老的说以后要多带我去餐馆吃,那么我就可以从中偷师了也!呵呵


古早锡纸鸡 Clay-pot Chicken

半只马来鸡 , half of kampong chicken
 1 鱼鳔  1 piece fried fish maw
cut small, soak  in water for 20mins and squeeze out the water

3 条菜干(小), 3 stalk of dried cabbage, chopped
3 粒磨菇 (切块), 3 mushrooms, sliced
3 只干鱿鱼 (), 3 dries squids, sliced
20克花生 (浸隔夜), 20g peanut (soak in water overnight)
4片姜, 4 cloves garlic, chopped

5粒蒜 , 5 cloves garlic,
2大匙麻油, 2 tbsp sesame oil
食油(用来炸鸡), oil for deep fry
清水盖过鸡块 (大约800毫升,我忘了量), approximately 800 ml water

2大匙蚝油, 2 tbsp oyster sauce
2大匙绍兴酒, 2 tbsp shao xing jiu
半茶匙盐, ½ tsp salt
少许胡椒粉, A dash of pepper

1大匙玉粟粉+2大匙水, 1 tbsp corn flour + 2 tbsp water


1.     热油锅,待油温热时,放入半只鸡,以中火炸至鸡的表面呈黄,沥干油,盛起放入铺好锡纸的砂煲里, 备用。
Heat oil in wok, deep fry the chicken until golden brown, remove, drain and dish out put into the clay- pot.

2.     热锅, 放入麻油,加入姜,蒜稍微炒香。
     Heat sesame oil, stir fry ginger and garlic until fragrant.

3.     加入菜干,磨菇,干鱿鱼和花生继续炒2-3分钟后再把调味料加入,这时也把鱼鳔倒入 ,翻炒均匀。
Add in dried cabbage, mushrooms, dry squids and peanut stir for 2-3 mins, and add seasonings, stir fry until fragrant.  Add fish maw, mix well.

4.     再加 入清水, 汤滚后再把玉粟粉水加入勾芡拌匀。
Pour in water, and bring it to boil with corn flour solution, stir fry evenly.

5.     盛起,倒入(1)的砂煲里, 盖上锅盖转用小火焖约35分钟即可。
Dish out, pour the sauce over fried chicken in the clay-pot, simmer until chicken is cooked and absorbs most of the sauce for around 35mins.

这个是叫菜干. Dried cabbages


  1. Haiyaiii...Harith will love this,but I tak tahu buat!!!

  2. 这个看起来就超正,我得空也要试试看。先得去买砂锅。谢谢分享。

    1. 我也是为了煮这个才去买砂锅的,买了一个,结果太大了又再买多了一个,真是浪费呢!


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