Tuesday 22 August 2017

蓬松の日式火腿鸡蛋面包【Fluffy and Chewy Okazu Pan, Bread with Savoury Filling】

有人习惯了饭后一支烟, 也有人习惯了饭后喝茶以消化肠胃中的食物。 常言道“饭后百步走, 活到九十九”, 所以很多人也习惯了饭后散散步吹吹风。  那么, 我的习惯又是什么呢?  那就是敲蛋,撒面粉,搓揉面团, 尤其是在晚饭后, 就为了明早的早点而忙。  

这是一款晚饭后所制作的面包, 一款超棒的直接法~日式面包。  谢谢远方的你~ Jessie, 捎来信息大力推荐这所一级棒的食谱, 做过无数次, 今天终于如愿的记录下。 


1 茶匙盐

3粒熟蛋, 去壳后切碎
2 大匙芝士碎
6 片火腿
** 将所有馅料混合, 火腿片除外
** 黑白芝麻, 撒面

1.  将所有面团材料(奶油除外)混合以面包机搅拌15分钟。
2.  然后加入奶油, 继续搅拌至面团具有弹性不易破裂的薄膜。
3.  取出,轻压面团排气, 把面团以擀面棍擀成可铺入6片火腿的面团。(一排铺6片)
4.  铺上火腿片, 再把馅料摆在火腿片的中央,然后慢慢的把面团卷起。
5.  将卷好的面团分割成9份, 放在烤盘里,发酵60分钟或双倍大。 
6.  在面包表面略微扫上适量蛋液, 撒上黑白芝麻。
7.  放入预热烤箱170度, 烘烤22分钟至面包表面呈现金黄色即可。 


【Fluffy and Chewy Okazu Pan, Bread with Egg and Ham

300g bread flour
20g castor sugar
1 tsp salt
1+1/2 tsp instant yeast
210g fresh milk
30g butter

3 boiled eggs, remove shell and chopped
1 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp sherreded cheese
6 slices ham
** Mix all the filling ingredients, except ham.
** black and white sesame, for spreading 

1.   Place the all main dought ingredients (except butter) into a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together.  ( First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients.)
2.  Add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3.  Press the air out, roll out the dough until it is big enough to place 6 slices of ham. on it.
4.  Lay the ham, arrange the filling on top, and then slowly roll it up.
5.  Cut it into 9 portions with a knife, and place it in the baking tray.  Allow the dough to rise for 60 minutes until double in size.
6.  Slightly apply with egg wash,  and then sprinkle with sesame on it.
7.  Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 22 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe adapted fromCookpad


  1. 这个我喜欢,食谱我收下了。谢谢亲爱的


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