Wednesday 31 October 2012

“Rotiboy” Mexican Coffee Buns

这个“rotiboy" 真是走到那吃到那儿,孩子们的最爱。每当逛街时看到rotiboy总会吵着买几粒回去。但是,自从会做面包开始,要吃rotiboy自己动手做吧!这rotiboy已不是rotiboy shop 的专有,而是人人都能自已在家做了。

“Rotiboy” Mexican Coffee Buns
(makes about 17 buns)

上层材料Coffee Topping Ingredients
200 克奶油200 g softened butter
160克糖粉160 g icing sugar
3粒蛋3 lightly beaten eggs
2大匙咖啡粉2 tbsp instant coffee dissolved in 1 tbsp water
少许肉桂分a pinch of ground cinnamon (我没放)
200克特幼面粉200 g super fine flour


将奶油和糖打至松软,加入蛋拌打均匀。加入咖啡粉和特幼面粉, 搅拌均匀,放入挤花袋中,藏入冰箱。   
Beat the butter and sugar until the mixture is light and fluffy. Gradually beat in eggs. Mix in coffee flavoring. Sift flour onto mixture and mix until combined. . Scoop the topping mixture into a piping bag Refrigerate the mixture.

甜面团材料Sweet Bun Dough Ingredients
A.500克高粉500 g bread flour
20克牛奶粉20 g milk powder
75克幼糖75 g castor sugar
6克盐6 g salt
1大匙干酵母8 g instant yeast
1粒蛋1 lightly beaten egg
270克水270 g water

B60克奶油60 g softened butter


  Mix all ingredients into electric mixer and mix into a smooth dough.                                                                               
2. 加入材料B 继续拌打只有弹性及可拉得很薄,但不会裂开.   
  Add butter and mix for 5 minutes more on medium speed until a soft, smooth 
  and elastic dough forms.

3.  将面团分成每个55 , 揉圆。休面10分钟。
     Divide the dough into 55 gram portions. Roll each portion in to a ball and 
   then cover and set aside for 10 minutes.

4. 将面团擀成圆扁, 包入10克的奶油。  盖上一块湿布,发酵40分钟至双倍大。 
   Flatten a ball of dough and place a 10 gram cube of butter into the
   center of the dough. leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled            
      Pipe the topping in a spiral pattern onto the buns.                        

      Preheat oven at 180C .Place in the middle shelve and bake for 15mins.

食谱参考于House of Ann ie

Tuesday 30 October 2012

巧克力马卡龙 Chocolate Macaroons




巧克力马卡龙 Chocolate Macaroons

材料A Ingredients A
25克杏仁粉, 25g ground almond
4克可可粉, 4g cocoa powder
38克糖粉, 38g icing sugar

材料B Ingredients B
23克蛋白, 23g egg whites
23克幼糖, 23g caster sugar

巧可力内馅 chocolate fillings
100gm黑巧克力, 100gm dark chocolate
50gm鲜奶油, 50gm whipping cream

(Combine the above ingredients and put into micro oven for around 5mins, mix well.)

     Combine ingredients (A) and shifted.

    Get ready a baking paper and draw 20sen small rounds.

   To make egg white foam, beat egg whites until mixture forms solf peaks.
   Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff  
   peaks form.

4.把(1)分两次加入(3) 里,搅拌均匀。
    Add in no. (1)  into no. (3) and well combine.

5.将 4)倒进挤花袋里,挤在已经画好(1)的烘纸上。
    Place no. (4) into piping bag,  pipe 20sens small rounds on a  
    parchment paper.

    Allow to stand for 30mins until a skin forms on top of the macaroons. 
   Use hand to touch of the macaroons.  Is should be dry if does not stick 
   to the finger.

7.预热烘炉180 度,把吹干的马卡龙放入底层的烘炉里,马上下降烘炉至150
   Preheat oven 180C.  Reduce temperature to 150C bake for 8mins.
   Then reduce the temperature to 120C continue to bake for 10mins.

     Pipe the chocolate fillings onto cooled macaroons like sandwich.



Monday 29 October 2012

芒果沙谷布丁 Mango Sago Pudding

一直以来,看的网友们所拍的照片,都是若隐若现的,月朦胧鸟朦胧的, 美极了。于是,我便时常在那老的面前唠叨。昨日,刚巧去到 Subang Parade 有相机展览,机会来了,便趁机会在那老的面前摆出一副可怜相。儿子也说:“Daddy, you still owe mummy a birthday present." 哈!可爱的儿子,于是便事成了。

 今天,便用它来拍了这个美味可口的芒果布丁,这布丁很好吃。但是,这新的相机却很麻烦,很难控制,不像之前的一卡便”搞掂“了。可能是不熟悉, 不会用吧!所以,这第一批相片也是"麻麻地。" 无任如何,心里都蛮高兴的,我终于也可以拍到那些月朦胧鸟朦胧的照片了!

芒果沙谷布丁 Mango Sago Pudding

A3匙燕菜粉, 3 tbsp agar-agar powder
   160克幼糖 160g sugar
   700毫升热水700ml hot water
B. 350椰浆350g coconut milk
C60沙谷 (煮至透明,沥干)60g sago (cooked till sago becomes clear,drained)
D 3 粒芒果(忘了量,蛮大粒的芒果),3 big mangoes, slice (forgot to take measurement)


1. 把(A)混合轻轻不停搅拌至小滚
     Combine (A) and stir non-stop till it comes to a boil.

2.       将(B)加入(1小火煮不停搅拌至小滚,再加入沙谷和芒果搅拌均勺,熄火。
     Add in (B) into (1) , use low heat and stir non-stop till it comes to a boil and add in sago and mango stir non-stop.  Turn off heat.

3.       把布丁糊倒入容器里。
       Pour some pudding into container.

4.       待凝固后反倒扣取出,冷藏后待用。
      Cool, keep chilled before serving.



Sunday 28 October 2012

巧可力戚风蛋糕 Chocolate Chips Chiffon

又是戚风, 真是起了戚风的风啊!
连女儿也对我说:“ 妈咪,我朋友都说我最近好像都在吃这种类似的蛋糕也!我回答她说最近妈妈起了戚风的风啊!”

巧可力戚风蛋糕 Chocolate Chips Chiffon
(食谱参考于chiffon cake is done, 稍微修改)
22cm chiffon pan

蛋黄糊 Egg yolk batter:
6 粒蛋黄 6 egg yolks (medium size)
80克幼糖 80g sugar
60克玉米油60g corn oil
150毫升鲜奶150ml fresh milk
140克特幼面粉140g super fine flour
4大匙可可粉4tbsp cocoa powder
40克可可粒40g chocolate chips
¼ ¼ salt
蛋白糊Egg white foam
6粒蛋白 6 egg whites
95克幼糖 95g caster sugar

1蛋黄糊: 搅拌盆中用打蛋器拌匀蛋黄,幼糖,玉米油,鲜奶,可可粉和
   To made egg yolk batter, combine egg yolks, caster sugar, corn oil,
   fresh milk, cocoa powder and salt in a mixing bowl.  Fold in super fine
   flour until forms batter.

2蛋白糊: 把蛋白用搅拌机打在至起,再把糖分3次的加入,用搅拌机打至硬 (碗
   To make egg white foam,beat egg whites until mixture forms solf peaks.
   Gradually add in sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff
   peaks form.

3蛋白糊次加入蛋黄糊里,用搅拌刀拌均匀, 最后加入可可粒。
   Gently fold beaten egg white foam into egg yolk batter, use cut & fold
   method until blended and add in chocolate chips . 

   Pour batter into ungreased tube pan.  Bake in pre-heated oven at 160c for 40mins.

5. 取出蛋糕,倒扣在桌子上,待完全冷却。
   Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled.

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