家里的厨房里, 几乎少不了蒜, 也离不开蒜。 就以这份与蒜具有的亲密关系, 不管是用它来拌菜或是清蒸, 也不管是蒜泥, 蒜片还是蒜米都各有各的用项, 皆不可缺少。
总而言之, 餐桌上顿顿少不了蒜的陪衬, 无论是在家里或是外面用餐, 都喜欢将蒜拌着辣椒挑着食物吃。 在这道烤鸡中, 蒜扮演了主台戏, 带来了我意想不到的惊喜。 鸡肉也因为蒜的提味, 增鲜, 变得活色生香,蒜香味浓了!
5大匙蒜末, 7大匙酱油, 6茶匙黄糖, 3大匙蜂糖
1. 将鸡腿洗净, 然后再鸡肉上割两刀备用。
2. 将所有酱汁拌匀, 涂抹在鸡腿上腌制至少6小时或隔夜。
3. 取出, 放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤40分钟, 撒上白芝麻即可。 (途中取出翻面,涂抹上剩余的酱汁)
【Garlic Roased Chicken Leg】
3 whole chicken leg
** white sesame seeds for sprinkle
5 tbsp minced garlic, 7 tbsp soy sauce, 6 tsp brown sugar, 3 tbsp honey
1. Wash chicken and pat dry.. Cut two scores across it.
2. Mix all the marinade ingredient, rub chicken with marinade for at leave 6 hours or overnight.
3. Place it in pre-heated oven and roast it at 180C for 40 minutes. Then, garnish with sesame seeds and serve. (Brush chicken with dripping while roasting)
This post is linked to the event Bake Along #93 (Baked/Roasted Chicken) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids), Joyce (Kitchen Flavours) and Lena (Frozen Wings).

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (March 2015 Event: Honey) organized by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Doreen (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Joyce (joycescapade.com).
ReplyDeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteI was wishing that I could grab one piece of your garlicky roasted chicken leg! Looks delicious!
Thanks for sharing with BA!
你家的烤鸡每款都让人食指大动! Yummy!^^
May家的烤鸡总是那么吸引人, 我忍不住要拿一支大鸡腿了。
ReplyDeletei also like to get some garlic and chilli padi whenever eating out. This garlicky chicken i'm sure it's delicious!