又见烤鸡!是的, 餐桌上逢餐必有鸡,3个孩子中只有小丫头吃鱼吃虾, 这也是我最为头痛的事。我的他却不怎么喜欢啃鸡肉, 最爱的也离不开海鲜二字。 每次步入厨房打开冰箱时, 我左右为难,取鸡也不是取鱼也不是, 很烦! 家里只有五张嘴等着开饭, 却是各有各的喜欢。 唉! 难也!
这次尝试了杨桃的蜜汁烤鸡制作方式, 也蛮不错的, 起码封住了那几张嘴!
1大匙蒜末, 1茶匙黑胡椒粉, 2大匙绍兴酒, 2/4茶匙盐, 2茶匙黄糖
2大匙蜂蜜, 1大匙黄糖, 3大匙番茄酱, 1/4茶匙盐, 2茶匙蒜末, 1大匙姜泥, 2大匙柠檬汁
1. 将鸡腿洗净, 然后再鸡肉上割两刀备用。
2. 将所有腌料拌匀, 涂抹在鸡腿上腌制至少6小时或隔夜。
3. 把酱料拌匀, 即成蜜汁酱备用。
4. 从冰箱里取出腌制的鸡腿, 放入预热烤箱以190度烘烤15分钟, 取出涂抹蜜汁酱, 再放回烤箱烤10分钟, 再取出涂抹蜜汁酱, 重返回烤箱继续烤10分钟即可。
【Baked Honey Chicken Leg】
3 whole chicken legs
1 tbsp minced garlic, 1 tsp black pepper powder, 2 tbsp shaoxing wine
2/4 tsp salt, 2 tsp brown sugar
2 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp brown sugar, 3 tbsp tomato sauce, 1/4 tsp salt
2 tsp minced garlic, 1 tbsp minced ginger, 2 tbsp lemon juice
1. Wash chicken and pat dry. Cut two scores across it.
2. Mix all the marinade ingredient, rub chicken with marinade for at leave 6 hours or overnight.
3. Combine all the sauce ingredients, mix well.
4. Take out the chicken from the fridge, arrange chicken legs on wire rack with foil-lined tray beneath and place it in preheated oven and roast it at 190C for 10 minutes. Remove tray from oven, brush with honey sauce and bake for another 15 minutes. Then, repeat the same step and continue bake for another 10 minutes or until golden brown.
存库里有好多的烤鸡, 尽量努力的贴了它!
This post is linked to the event Bake Along #93 (Baked/Roasted Chicken) organised by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids), Joyce (Kitchen Flavours) and Lena (Frozen Wings).

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (March 2015 Event: Honey) organized by Zoe (Bake for Happy Kids) and Doreen (My Little Favourite DIY) and hosted by Joyce (joycescapade.com).
诱人的鸡腿还有汤喝, 我来"七餐"了。今天这餐真的是很丰富, 太满足了。
ReplyDelete对不起, 这鱼鳔汤没有记录下食谱!
DeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteBoth the marinating and the baking sauce are loaded with wonderful flavours! The chicken legs must be incredibly tasty!
i want that bowl of sea cucumber soup please!