这款爆红网络的挤挤小面包, 相信大家对它都非常的熟悉吧! 几个月前做的面包, 终于等到好时机把这些可爱的小猫们“释放”了。为了增加它的畅销量, 我在面包里添加了椰蓉馅,用心良苦啊!
外表可爱的小猫, 不太适合将它装入便当里哦。 丫头说,“那些可爱的小猫经过一路的奔波劳累, 抵达校园时, 已经变成了一脸的花脸猫了, 好难看! ” 呵呵。。。
差强人意的画功, “没眼看”咯!
1. 将所有材料放入面包机里搅拌15分钟(除了奶油)至面团混合。
5. 然后擀成圆形, 包入椰丝内馅(也可不加), 捏紧封口, 排入烤盘里,进行第二次发酵至双倍大。(取一杯热水帮助提高温度, 让面团加速发酵。 发酵时间不是固定的, 温度不同发酵的时间长短也不一样了。)
6. 在面团上方插入一粒烤香杏仁, 并在面团的表面筛少许高筋面粉。
7. 送入预热烤箱里以175度烘烤25分钟至表面呈现金黄色即可。
7. 送入预热烤箱里以175度烘烤25分钟至表面呈现金黄色即可。
8. 取出,将面包放置铁架上放凉。
9. 将巧克力隔热水融化, 装入裱花袋里, 在前端剪一个很小的洞,在面包上画上小猫的表情即可。
【Cat Shape Coconut Bread】
250g bread flour
50g cake flour
40g egg (beaten)
15g milk powder
4g instant yeast
150g fresh milk
35g castor sugar
3g salt
30g unsalted butter
Chocolate for drawing:
adequate amount of chocolate,32 pieces of almond (roasted)
Recipe for coconut filling, please refer HERE
Recipe for coconut filling, please refer HERE
1. Place all the ingredients (except butter) into the a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together . (First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients)
2. When all ingredients come together, add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes.
3. Cover dough with wet cloth and let it proof until doubled in size (about 60 minus).
4. Sprinkle some flour over the work surface, place the dough on it and press the dough to release the air. Divide the dough into 16 portions (35g each) equally and rest for 15 minutes. Then, shape it into ball and wrap with coconut filling.
5. Place into greased pan to have of proofing until it's doubled in size.
4. Sprinkle some flour over the work surface, place the dough on it and press the dough to release the air. Divide the dough into 16 portions (35g each) equally and rest for 15 minutes. Then, shape it into ball and wrap with coconut filling.
5. Place into greased pan to have of proofing until it's doubled in size.
6. Insert roasted almonds on top of the dough, and sieve with some bread flour on it.
7. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 25 minutes until it golden brown .
8. Remove the bread buns from the baking tray and allow them to cool down completely on a wire rack.
9. Gently melt the chocolate over water simmering in a saucepan until melted and smooth.
10. Then, took a pipping bag of melted chocolate and drew on the kitten's features.
10. Then, took a pipping bag of melted chocolate and drew on the kitten's features.
These buns are so cute. I love it very much.
ReplyDeleteAwww so cute ,I love it 😍