吃。 结果,女儿带去一日游的面包只剩下廖廖无几的数粒而已。我家那老的看到我在上这面包,问到: 为什么我没吃到这面包呢?
Luncheon Meat Mayonnaise Bread
Tangzhong dough 汤种法:-
50g bread flour 50克高粉
35ml hot boiling water 35毫升热水
Method 做法:-
1. 把高粉放入里。
Place flour in a mixing bowl.
2. 加入热水,用汤匙将面粉混合成面团。
Add hot boiling water and mix with wooden spoon to form a rough dough.
3. 然后,用保鲜纸盖上。放入冰箱里1小时至48小时。
Cover bowl with cling film and leave dough to cool in the fridge for at least 1 hour, and up to 48 hours.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 这甜面团的材料,我用这里的。
Basic sweet bread dough 制作甜面团:
1 quantity of tangzhong dough, 1份汤种面团
A。150g bread flour, 150克高粉
50g plain flour, 50克普通面粉
40g sugar,40克幼糖
10g milk powder,10克奶粉
1 tsp instant yeast, 1小匙干酵母
1/4 tsp salt,1/4小匙盐
B。80ml cold water,80毫升冷水
1 cold egg, 1粒蛋
30g cold butter, cubed, 30克牛油
Method 做法:
Basic sweet bread dough 制作甜面团:
1 quantity of tangzhong dough, 1份汤种面团
A。150g bread flour, 150克高粉
50g plain flour, 50克普通面粉
40g sugar,40克幼糖
10g milk powder,10克奶粉
1 tsp instant yeast, 1小匙干酵母
1/4 tsp salt,1/4小匙盐
B。80ml cold water,80毫升冷水
1 cold egg, 1粒蛋
30g cold butter, cubed, 30克牛油
Method 做法:
1. 混合所有(A)的材料。
2。 把汤种面团撕片加入蛋碗里。
3。 用搅拌机搅拌,低速度。再慢慢的加入冷水。
4。 混合直到面团结合一起。
< 1.Combine (A)together。
2. Tear the tangzhong dough into pieces and add to the bowl along with the eggs。
3. Using a stand electric mixer, mix on low speed, adding cold water gradually.
4. Mix until dough is well combined and leave the sides of bowl.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
5. Add in the cold butter cubes and mix on medium speed until dough is smooth.
6. Shape dough into a ball, leave to proof for 40mins or until doubled.
馅料的配方来自: mayck-law.blogspot.com
1 quantity of basic sweet bread dough, 1份甜面团
3 tbsp mayonnaise, 3 大匙美奶滋
2 eggs , 2粒蛋
½ canned luncheon meat (cut into small cube),
半罐午餐肉 (切成(小)方块;切成丁)
black sesame, 黑芝麻少许
Method 做法:
半罐午餐肉 (切成(小)方块;切成丁)
black sesame, 黑芝麻少许
Method 做法:
1.Deep fried luncheon meat.
2.Fry the eggs into fried egg , then cut it into small pieces .
3。Mix (1 )with (2)together , combine well.
混合 (1) 和(2),搅拌均匀。
4. Add in mayonnaise into (3), combine well. Weight 25g each.
把美奶滋加入(3)里,搅拌均匀, 秤每份25克。
5. Divide sweet bread dough into 25g each, 3g each (for tortoise head & 4 legs). Let rest for another 10mins.
把甜面团分成每份25克 和每份3克(用来做头和4肢),然后休10分钟。
6. Flatten the dough and fill it with luncheon meat, wrap into dough. Put the dough onto
tortoise head and legs. Use sesame to arrange tortoise eyes. Let it proof for 45mins.
7. Egg wash and place in the middle shelve of the oven. Bake at 170c for 12-15mins.

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