12月不单是身心变得散漫, 就连烤箱也停止歇息了。 找来数月前所做的蛋糕, 就把它成为今年的最后一个贴子吧!说起这蛋糕, 明明已经万事俱备, 蒸好了南瓜泥,预备要着手做爱人那明声籍甚的南瓜牛油蛋糕。 在制作的过程中, 搅拌好了面糊才发现并没用到南瓜泥, 这才详细的看了一遍食谱, 原来只需南瓜块而非南瓜泥! 糊里糊涂的人啊, 本想就此将南瓜泥加入, 可又不想坏了这蛋糕的”名誉“, 只好随意的摆上数粒核桃成了核桃奶油蛋糕了! 嘻嘻。。
[材料 A]
150克蛋白, 50克黄糖
[材料 B]
3粒蛋黄, 220克奶油 (温室软化), 140克细糖, 200克蛋糕粉+1茶匙发粉, 60克鲜奶
装饰: 烤香核桃
1. 将奶油和材料B中的细糖, 以搅拌机打发至乳白。
2. 将蛋黄逐粒的加入, 每次必须等至蛋黄充分被搅拌均匀后才加入另一粒。 然后, 以低速加入一半的过筛粉类, 搅拌均匀。
3. 将鲜奶分两次的倒入面糊里, 混合均匀后再把剩余的低粉加入, 搅拌均匀, 备用。
4. 将材料A中的黄糖分次加入蛋白里, 打发至坚挺状。
5. 将一半的蛋白霜加入步骤(3)的奶油面糊里, 拌匀后再加入剩余的蛋白霜, 拌匀。
6. 把面糊倒入模型里至7分满, 再将烤香核桃粒摆在面糊表面。7. 放入预热烤箱, 以165度烘烤50分钟至熟或以竹签插入不带出湿沾的面糊即为熟。
[Ingredients A]
150g egg whites, 50g brown sugar
[Ingredients B]
3 egg yolks, 220g unsalted butter (at room temperature)
140g castor sugar, 200g cake flour+ 1 tsp baking powder, 60g fresh milk
Deco: roasted walnut
1. Cream butter with sugar (ingredients B) till light and fluffy or pale.
2. Add in egg yolk, beat well after each addition of egg yolk until creamy. Then, add in 1/2 portion of flour to the mixture and mix well.
3. Gradually pour in fresh milk, mix well. Add the balance of flour and mix to combine.
4. Cream brown sugar with egg whites till fluffy and peak.
5. Spread half portion of meringue into butter mixture, mixed to combine. Then pour in the remaining meringue batter and mix well.
6. Pour batter into prepared cake pan until 70% full, arrange the roasted walnut on top of the mixture. 7. Bake in preheated oven at 165C for 50 minutes until cooked or a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
Recipe adapted from Eileen Dairy
”祝大家新年快乐 2016!“