纯粹为了尝试而做的水煎包, 仅仅只做了6粒。 幸好啊, 只有6粒, 否则自己还得独吞呢! 孩子们都不喜欢带有高丽菜味的馅料, 还提议下回将内馅换成咖喱鸡馅,这样就不怕吃不完了!
而我自己也一样, 吃惯了蒸式的包子, 反而不怎么习惯这煎包。 但却独爱它那底部, 尤其是那被煎的黑黑的部份, 很脆口的! 嘻嘻。。
【水煎包, 食谱参考于中式点心】
68 克清水, 2克即溶酵母, 113克普通面粉
75克鸡肉(切碎),8克青葱(切粒), 75克高丽菜丝
1/2茶匙酱油, 1茶匙麻油,少许盐, 少许胡椒粉
100克清水+1大匙面粉 (调匀)
* 适量烤香芝麻, 适量青葱粒
1. 将所有材料混合搅拌均匀至光滑, 松弛20分钟。
2. 将鸡肉和调味料混合, 搅拌均匀。 使用前才将青葱和高丽菜丝拌入成内馅, 备用。
3. 将面团分成6份, 每个约30克, 擀品成圆扁状,包入馅料, 褶花收口。
4. 平底锅里倒入1大匙油, 放入水煎包, 淋入面粉水,封盖。 以中火煎至底部金黄色或面粉水收干即可。撒上烤香芝麻以及青葱, 趁热食用。
【Pan-Fried Stuffed Buns, Recipe adapted from Dim Sum Cookbook】
68 g water, 2 g instant yeast, 113 g plain flour
75g chicken (chopped),8 g spring onion (diced), 75 g shredded cabbage
1/2 tsp soya sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, a pinch of salt, a dash of pepper
Water flour syrup ingredients:
100 g water + 1 tbsp flour(mix well)
* cooked sesame, appropriate amount of chopped spring onion
1. Combine all the ingredients, mix well until it shows smooth status and rest for 20 minutes.
2. Mix chopped chicken with seasoning, stir it well. Then before using the filling, add in chopped spring onion and shredded cabbage as filling.
3. Divide the dough into 6 portion (30g each). To shape into round shape, flatten it and wrap in filling, seal up.
4. Add 1 tbsp oil into pan, put on the dumplings and pour in the flour syrup, let simmer until it turn to golden brown at bottom and dry. Sprinkle cooked sesame and spring onion , serve hot.

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
老板娘, 怎么只做6粒, 高丽菜馅ngam我呀。还好及早瞄到, 快快拿1粒闪人, 下次才付钱。。。
ReplyDelete高丽菜的口味不是很laku, 幸好得你的喜爱!
Delete免付了, 免付了。。。你是VIP叻, 哈哈哈!