为了不想再敲一粒鸡蛋, 仅仅为了这酥皮的涂面。 我 用回了冰箱里剩余的全蛋涂面, 所以, 出炉后的酥皮有张小白脸似的脸孔, 嘻嘻!
2粒马铃薯 (220克, 蒸熟 压扁)
3粒红葱 (切碎)
150克- 170克清水
1小匙粟粉 + 1大匙清水
调味料: 1小匙盐
1. 锅里烧热3大匙油, 爆香葱碎以及蒜末, 拌入马铃薯翻炒片刻。
2. 加入鸡肉碎, 炒至均匀, 加入咖喱酱, 盐和清水炒至水分稍微收干, 再以粟粉勾茨, 盛起待冷。
165克面粉, 48克粟油,80克温水,7克糖粉,4克盐
135克面粉,35克猪油, 20克奶油
表面: 1粒蛋黄液
1. 将所有水油皮材料混合, 揉匀至光滑成团,可以拉出透明薄膜,放入保鲜袋中静置30分钟以上。
2. 将酥皮材料揉匀成团,放入保鲜袋里静置15分钟。
3. 将油皮平割分成每份25克, 酥皮则用手揪出每份16-17克,滚圆盖上保鲜膜避免风干。
4. 取一份油皮在掌心按扁,包入一份酥皮, 裹好合拢捏牢,收口朝下,按扁。再以擀面棍擀成长状,卷起。 再次以擀面棍将面团第二度擀成长状,卷起, 以盖上保鲜膜静置15分钟。
5. 取一份做法(4)的面团, 按扁,擀成椭圆形的薄皮。包入一大匙咖喱內馅, 裹成圆形。 捏好收口, 收口朝下。 摆入烤盘上,涂上一层蛋黄液(我用了全蛋液), 撒上白芝麻。
6. 送入预热烤箱以170度,烘烤30分钟至金黄色即可。
【Curry Pastry, yield 12 buns】
180g chicken meat
2 potatoes (220g, cut into small cubes)
3 shallots (diced)
1 tbsp chopped garlic
4 tbsp instant curry sauce
2 tsp red chili powder
150-170g water
1 tsp corn flour + 1 tbsp water
Seasoning: 1 tsp salt
165g all purpose flour, 48g corn oil, 80g water, 7g icing sugar, 4g salt
Oily dough ingredient:
135g all purpose flour, 35g lard, 20g butter
Topping: 1 egg yolk + 1/2 tsp fresh milk (mix well)
180g chicken meat
2 potatoes (220g, cut into small cubes)
3 shallots (diced)
1 tbsp chopped garlic
4 tbsp instant curry sauce
2 tsp red chili powder
150-170g water
1 tsp corn flour + 1 tbsp water
Seasoning: 1 tsp salt
1. Heat 3 tbsp cooking oil, saute chopped shallot and garlic until fragrant, add in potato stir fry over medium heat.
2. Add in chicken meat stir fry for a while, add in curry paste, salt and water until the liquid is reduced. Pour in corn, Dish and cool.
Watery dough ingredient:165g all purpose flour, 48g corn oil, 80g water, 7g icing sugar, 4g salt
Oily dough ingredient:
135g all purpose flour, 35g lard, 20g butter
Topping: 1 egg yolk + 1/2 tsp fresh milk (mix well)
1. Combine watery dough ingredients, mix and knead together till smooth, cover with cling film and rest for 30 minutes.
2. Oily dough: Mix flour, lard and butter until smooth (do not over mix), cover with cling film and rest for 15 minutes.
3. Divide watery dough and oily dough into 12 portions equally (watery dough , 25g and oily dough 19g each), cover with wet cloth and shape both dough into balls.
4. Flatten watery dough and place oily dough on top, wrap into ball. Roll flat and roll up like swiss roll. Repeat 2 times and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
5. With a rolling pin, roll pastry into circles with thick centre but thin rim. put some filling at the centre, pinch to seal opening. Line on baking tray with seam facing down. Press to flatten lightly. Brush on egg yolk and sprinkle sesames over.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 30 minutes till golden brown.

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
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