坦白说, 我也没吃过。
只需将馅料炒好, 买一包现成的馄饨皮,
当然, 如果你是属于勤劳派一族,
然后, 就这样捏一捏, 包一包, 完成咯!
烧卖的糯米炒多也无所谓, 也可以直接当作糯米饭食用,
或是以保鲜膜裹好, 放入冰箱冷冻保存,
想吃时, 就可以随取随用了!
10克虾米 (泡软, 切碎)
5朵香菇 (泡软, 切成颗粒, 保留泡发香菇的水。)
* 30片馄饨皮或更多
1大匙酱油, 1大匙绍兴酒, 数滴黑酱油, 适量胡椒粉
1 小匙盐, 2大匙蚝油, 1大匙酱油, 3大匙清水, 几滴黑酱油, 适量胡椒粉
1. 鸡肉碎加入腌料拌匀, 腌制15分钟备用。
2. 糯米泡冷水12个小时或隔夜, 沥干水份,蒸至熟。(这时的糯米粒是属于熟而费嚼的状态。)
2. 糯米泡冷水12个小时或隔夜, 沥干水份,蒸至熟。(这时的糯米粒是属于熟而费嚼的状态。)
3. 将香菇粒, 红萝卜粒以及虾米加入鸡肉碎中,拌匀。
4. 热2大匙粟油, 放入做法3的香菇肉糜翻炒, 加入大约70克的泡发香菇水略滚。
5. 加入调味料, 试味后加入蒸好的糯米饭,拌炒均匀至米粒完全吸收了汤汁后, 即可盛起, 放凉备用。。
5. 加入调味料, 试味后加入蒸好的糯米饭,拌炒均匀至米粒完全吸收了汤汁后, 即可盛起, 放凉备用。。
6. 取一片馄饨皮, 舀入一大匙糯米内馅,慢慢从外到内收拢外皮,最后用虎口收紧烧卖口,捏紧后用手轻轻把外缘的一圈往外翻出即可。
8. 放入沸滚的蒸笼里, 以大火蒸10分钟即可。食谱参考这里
【Mushroom Glutinous Rice Dumplings】
Glutinous Rice Filling:
200 g glutinous rice
35 g carrot (cut into small cubes)
10g dried shrimps (soaked, chopped)
200 g chicken meat / minced pork
5 dried mushroom (soaked and cut into cubes)
**30 pieces wanton skin or more
Marinate :
1 tbsp soy sauce,1 tbsp shaoxing wine,few drops of dark soy sauce and pepper
1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tbsp soy sauce, 3 tbsp water, few drops of dark soy sauce and pepper
1. Marinate chicken meat or minced pork for 15 minutes and set aside.
2. Soak glutinous rice for 12 hours or overnight and drained. Steam it till cooked.(At this moment , the glutinous rice is cooked but is hard to be chewed.)
3. Combine chopped mushroom, carrot cubes and shrimps with chicken meat and mix well.
4. Heat up 2 tbsp oil, add chicken mushroom mixture (step 3), stir well. Add about 70ml of water from soaked mushrooms, bring to boil and add seasoning then taste it.
5. Add cooked glutinous rice (step 2),stir and cook till glutinous rice has fully absorbed all the seasoning sauce, dish up.
6. Wrap up 1 tbsp filling with a piece of skin wanton and shape it into siew mai or flower shape.
7. Steam with high heat for 10 minutes and serve.
Recipe adapted from HERE, with some adjustments
你要一个吗? 让我夹给你吧! 嘻嘻。。
个人觉得, 做这烧卖时,随心啦! 喜欢花儿的就将其外圈轻轻的向外翻出。 想要简单的捏法, 就捏成传统的烧卖模样吧, 最重要是好吃就得了!
当然, 花边的较美咯, 谁人不爱花儿哦!
谢谢你这可爱的小碟子哦, 连鸟儿也飞来和我抢吃了, 呵呵!

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
捏得好美! 像小花朵。。。又好看,又好吃! 色香味俱全啊(⊙o⊙)
好看, 像朵朵绽放的花。老板娘, 我没吃过糯米烧卖, 请来一份。
ReplyDelete这个我多年前在古晋吃过,还不错吃,也很特别 :)
老板娘, 这个很特别! 我也要来抢吃咯。。。哈哈!