这也是唯一让我吃的安心的点心, 不必按着胸口“硬硬”的将它吞入, 更不必再闻到那股猪腥味! 做了12个, 不到半日已经被消灭的无踪无影了, 非常的畅销叻!
** 1/2 大匙泡打粉
40克蘑菇(浸软, 去蒂, 切成颗粒)
3粒红葱 (切碎)
1棵青葱 (切粒)
1条红辣椒 (切碎)
1 茶匙盐, 1+1/2茶匙糖, 1茶匙酱油, 1大匙蚝油, 1茶匙麻油, 1/2茶匙胡椒粉
1大匙粟粉, 1小匙油
1. 将鸡肉碎加入调味料搅拌拌匀,再加入蘑菇,红葱碎, 红辣椒碎及青葱粒充分的搅拌均匀。
2. 最后加入粟粉和油, 拌匀, 分成12等份。
3. 将所有皮料(除却泡打粉)混合均匀, 搓成光滑的面团,盖上湿布休面让它发酵至双倍大。
4. 加入泡打粉, 充分将其混合柔至均匀, 盖上湿布松弛20分钟。
5. 再度轻柔面团, 分割成12份, 搓圆擀成中心厚, 外围薄的圆片, 包入餡料, 收口。
6. 放在蒸盘上, 待发15分钟至按下面团有弹性。
7. 待水滚后,放入蒸笼里,以大火蒸约15分钟即可。 放置2 分钟后才开盖。
温馨提示: 面团加入了泡打粉必须充分的搓揉至均匀混合, 否则蒸好的包子皮会出现小褐点。
6. 放在蒸盘上, 待发15分钟至按下面团有弹性。
7. 待水滚后,放入蒸笼里,以大火蒸约15分钟即可。 放置2 分钟后才开盖。
温馨提示: 面团加入了泡打粉必须充分的搓揉至均匀混合, 否则蒸好的包子皮会出现小褐点。
【Mushrooms and Chicken Buns, recipe adapted from Agnes Chang, Delightful Dim Sum】
Skin ingredients :
250g pau flour
a pinch of salt
1 tsp instant yeast
40g sugar
130g water
15g shortening
** 1/2 tbsp baking powder
150g chicken meat
40g dried mushroom (soaked and cut into cubes)
3 shallots (diced)
1 stalk of sping onion (cut into cubes)
1 red chili (diced)
1 tsp salt, 1+1/2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp corn flour, 1 tsp oil
Skin ingredients :
250g pau flour
a pinch of salt
1 tsp instant yeast
40g sugar
130g water
15g shortening
** 1/2 tbsp baking powder
150g chicken meat
40g dried mushroom (soaked and cut into cubes)
3 shallots (diced)
1 stalk of sping onion (cut into cubes)
1 red chili (diced)
1 tsp salt, 1+1/2 tsp sugar, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1/2 tsp pepper
1 tbsp corn flour, 1 tsp oil
1. Mix chicken meat with seasoning, and add mushroom, shallots, red chili and spring onion, mix well.
2. Lastly add corn flour and oil and divide into 12 portions.
3. Mix all the skin ingredients (except the baking powder), knead into a smooth and elastic dough.
4. Add baking powder and knead evenly, rest for 20 minutes.
5. To knead the dough again, and divide the dough into 12 portions. To shaft a round shape and wrap in filling, seal up.
6. Place it onto well organized steamer for fermenting 15 minutes.
7. Moving into boiled steamer and steam it for 15 minutes, and let it stay for 1 minutes before open the steamer.
Tip: You have to knead well after adding in baking powder, otherwise there will be small brownish spots on the pau skin.
1. Mix chicken meat with seasoning, and add mushroom, shallots, red chili and spring onion, mix well.
2. Lastly add corn flour and oil and divide into 12 portions.
3. Mix all the skin ingredients (except the baking powder), knead into a smooth and elastic dough.
4. Add baking powder and knead evenly, rest for 20 minutes.
5. To knead the dough again, and divide the dough into 12 portions. To shaft a round shape and wrap in filling, seal up.
6. Place it onto well organized steamer for fermenting 15 minutes.
7. Moving into boiled steamer and steam it for 15 minutes, and let it stay for 1 minutes before open the steamer.
Tip: You have to knead well after adding in baking powder, otherwise there will be small brownish spots on the pau skin.

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com)
带有辣味的鸡肉包更美味, 快手把面包丢了, 来你点心楼yum cha。
ReplyDelete楼主太有心思了,让我们每天都有新鲜好吃的点心! 加油!
我很喜欢吃包,这个一定不能错过 :)
ReplyDelete说来惭愧。。我近期一直想做这鸡肉包子。。。心有余而力不住。。。想做个老面发的,又懒得发面。。。 亲亲这直接法最适合我这大懒虫了
ReplyDelete老板娘, 我要包子两笼! 今天是周末胃口比较好, 哈哈!
ReplyDeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteAgnes Chang's pau recipe is so popular! I have made them before too and like it very much! I like how neat you have pleated your pau! And looks really good!