五香芋角也是一款著名的点心。主要的材料当然是芋头为主角了, 然后就是以猪肉或鸡肉, 以及其它的配料等所炒成的馅料。 接着将包好的芋角炸至外皮色金黄,表层布满了许多像似“泡泡”的颗球,却又像极了蜂巢。 裹上一层“泡泡”的外层, 不但外皮酥脆,内层也滑软,香浓鲜美。
心存不甘啊! 无法让我输的心服, 更不愿就此屈服。 于是,又再度出手了。 第二次的芋角, 虽有些进展, 然而距离那蜂巢般的外形依然遥远啊! 这回,总算是心服口服了。 心服了, 因为累了。 口服了, 因为嘴巴也涨饱了! 嘻嘻。。
250克芋头(蒸熟, 压成泥), 80克澄粉, 35克奶油, 84克沸水, 1小匙双倍发粉
1小匙黄糖, 1/2茶匙五香粉, 1/2 茶匙盐, 1/2 茶匙麻油, 适量胡椒粉
70克鸡肉粒, 50克虾子(切粒),2粒红葱(切碎)
1大匙蒜末,1朵冬菇(浸软, 切小),20克玉米粒, 20克青豆
1大匙蚝油, 1/2茶匙黑酱油, 1/2茶匙盐, 1/2茶匙麻油, 适量胡椒粉
1. 锅里烧热2大匙油, 爆香红葱和蒜末, 加入鸡肉和虾仁炒香, 继续加入剩余的馅料, 炒至均匀, 加入调味料炒匀。 最后加入芡水拌匀。盛起, 备用。
2. 将澄粉和双倍发粉混合置盆里, 冲入沸水, 快速的以筷子搅拌均匀, 揉成团。
3. 加入芋泥, 奶油以及其余的材料, 揉至均匀成软团。平分成10份, 包入馅料成芋角。
4. 热炸油, 将芋角放入热油中炸至金黄色或蜂巢状, 捞起即可。
Skin ingredients:
250g yam, steamed and mashed, 80g wheat starch, 35g butter, 84g boiled water
1 tsp double action baking powder, 1 tsp brown sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp five spice powder,
1/2 tsp sesame oil, a dash of pepper
70g diced meat, 50g prawn meat (diced), 2 shallots (diced), 1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 mushroom (soaked and diced), 20g fresh corn, 20g green peas
1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1/2 tsp dark soy sauce, 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp sesame oil, a dash of pepper
1 tbsp corn flour + 5 tbsp water
1. Heat 2 tbsp cooking oil, saute shallots and garlic until fragrant. Add chicken and prawn meat stir-fry until aromatic, add the balance of the ingredients and stir well. Add seasoning and mix well. Thicken with corn flour water and dish up. Leave it to cool.
2. In a mixing bowl, put in wheat starch and double action baking powder, pour in boiling water, use chopsticks stir quickly to mix well.
3. Add mashed taro, butter and the balance of the ingredients, to knead well until well incorporated. Divide into 10 portions and wrap in filling and to make taro puff.
4. Deep fry in boiling oil until cooked or honeycomb-like. Dish up.。
详细的看过了几个食谱, 有些加入了臭粉。 这回我就在食谱里添加了1小茶匙的双倍发粉。 结果, 炸出来的芋角出现了少许的“泡泡”, 看来要炸出蜂巢似的芋角, 必需要添加臭粉了!
非常喜欢这个小点心, 非常非常的好吃。。。所以才说口服了, 因为真的吃了很多! 呵呵。。

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
Jom! Let's go yum cha。。

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up ~ August 2015
Event Theme : Brown Sugar and Molassses, organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess of Bakericious
ReplyDelete你很厉害liao, 如果是我的话,应该是没有眼睛看…
ReplyDelete这个也是我很喜欢的点心,用芋头做的,超香超美味的 :)
下午茶时刻, 来到阿may家就对了。肯定有好料吃。你好棒哦。
ReplyDeleteWow, 好棒吖
ReplyDelete好好吃的芋角,这个我有在网络看到,它也可以变身天鹅哦,就是在前面加入天鹅脖子 (但好像给人多次一举的感觉:-P)
ReplyDeleteMay, 你真的是高级点心师傅。
ReplyDelete我超喜欢芋角的, 口水都流出来了, 失仪态, 哈哈哈。。
哦! 芋角是我婆婆的拿手点心, 也是我的最爱。 May,像这样自制已经很完美了。 无需加什么臭粉了, 听起来很可怕, 哈哈哈!
ReplyDeleteMay, I got a bit of sore throat leh... but still salivating when looking at it!
ReplyDeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteMust salute you! You are very pro in making dim sum and can even cook this very difficult yam puff!!!