咸水角是广东常见的点心,主要的馅料里含有猪肉, 虾米, 冬菇, 以及沙葛。 而皮料的制作则以沸水冲入澄粉里, 搓均后再加入糯米粉以及其它的材料中均匀。 裹好馅料后, 再放入热油里炸至淺金黃色即可。
炸功失败了,无法炸出外皮带有“泡泡”的咸水角。 然而, 味道却十分美味, 又懒得重做。 只好厚着脸, 让它悄然的躲在角落的一角吧!
150克糯米粉, 38克澄粉, 55克細糖, 20克白油, 1/4杯沸水, 1/2杯冷水
90克鸡肉, 20克虾米, 2朵冬菇 (16克), 70克沙葛, 1大匙蒜末, 1棵青葱
1 茶匙耗油, 1 茶匙盐, 1 茶匙糖, 少许胡椒粉, 1/2茶匙麻油
1. 热2大匙热油, 爆香蒜末, 加入虾米至香浓。 加入鸡肉和冬菇翻炒片刻, 最后加入沙葛翻炒至均匀。
2. 加入调味料炒匀, 试味, 盛起待冷。
3. 将澄粉放置盆里, 冲入沸水, 快速的搅拌拌匀。
4. 将糯米粉放置另一盆中, 加入糖, 白油以及冷水搅拌均匀。
5. 然后加入步骤3的澄粉团搓至光滑的软团, 分成8份, 逐一的包入适量的馅料, 捏成橄榄形。
6. 放入热油中以中火炸至浅金黄, 捞起沥干油份, 即可。
Skin ingredients;
150g glutinous flour
38g wheat starch
55g castor sugar
20g shortening
1/4 cup boiling water
1/2 cup cool water
90g chicken meat, diced
20g dried shrimp (soaked and diced)
2 dried mushrooms (soaked and diced)
70g sweet turnip
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 stalk of spring onion
1. Heat 2 tbsp cooking oil, saute chopped garlic until fragrant. Add dried shrimp, chicken meat and mushrooms stir fry until aromatic. Then, add sweet turnip and mix well.
2. Add seasoning, stir well. Taste and dish up.
3. Place wheat starch in a mixing bowl, pour in boiling water and mix well
4. Place glutinous rice in another mixing bowl, add sugar, shortening and pour in cool water, mix well.
5. Combine steps 3 and steps 4 together and mix well, knead into a smooth and pliable dough. Divide into 8 portions, shape into a balls, flatten, roll into a round piece and wrap in filling.
6. Heat up oil for deep-frying, deep-fry puffs until light golden brown, dish and serve.

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
may,你的 speed 加速了。哈哈哈哈 。。。。。 engine 马力很大哦。要踏猛油我才能追上。
哈哈哈。。。在加快脚步,engine依然是没力, 否则这个咸水角我就重做了! 嘻嘻。。。见Kit Wai上了这个, 既然都万事俱备了, 也就趁机随风而去, 其实是不打算贴上的! 哈哈哈。。。