太阳饼, 源起于台湾的一种薄饼, 也是台湾茶楼里数一数二的点心。 酥脆的饼皮, 带甜的麦芽糖内馅, 每一口咬下, 那香浓的奶油味,让你对它赞不绝口。
因为这饼皮相当酥脆, 也实在容易掉落, 记得将地上的饼屑清理好哦! 尤其是小朋友们, 最好将饼盛在碟子里, 否则“有排”你扫呢!嘻嘻。。
太阳饼, 理应盖上太阳的印章。即将送入烤箱的那一刻, 我苦寻友人相送已久的印章, 印象中那花纹与太阳的形状相似。 然而, 久未整理的橱柜里, 装满了那些琳琅满目的道具, 实在是无法想起那印章究竟身在何方!只好以“喜”字取代了, 嘻嘻。。。
【太阳饼, 可做10个】
155克普通面粉, 30克細糖, 60克无盐奶油, 60克清水
100克普通面粉, 50克奶油
40克底粉, 6克薯粉, 6克粘米粉, 1克盐,50克糖粉, 20克黄糖
20克奶油, 20克麦芽糖, 5克清水
1. 将馅料的粉类混合, 加入盐, 黄糖以及糖粉拌匀。 加入奶油, 搅拌均匀。 最后加入麦芽糖和清水, 搓成软团。 平分成10份, 每份15克, 备用。
2. 将所有水油皮材料混合, 揉匀至光滑成团,可以拉出透明薄膜,放入保鲜袋中静置30分钟以上。
3. 将酥皮材料揉匀成团,放入保鲜袋里静置15分钟。
4. 将水油皮平分成10份(30克), 酥皮则用手揪出每10份每个15克,滚圆盖上保鲜膜避免风干。
5. 取一份油皮在掌心按扁,包入一份酥皮, 裹好合拢捏牢,收口朝下,按扁。再以擀面棍擀成长状,卷起。 再次以擀面棍将面团第二度擀成长状,卷起, 以盖上保鲜膜静置15分钟。
6. 取一份做法(4)的面团, 按扁,擀成椭圆形的薄皮。包入15克的麦芽馅, 捏好收口, 收口朝下, 用手压扁, 松弛30分钟
7. 再擀成直径10cm扁圆状, 摆入烤盘上,在盖章上涂上红色素印在表面上
8. 送入预热烤箱以175度,烘烤20分钟即可。
7. 再擀成直径10cm扁圆状, 摆入烤盘上,在盖章上涂上红色素印在表面上
8. 送入预热烤箱以175度,烘烤20分钟即可。
【Sun Cake, yield 10】
Water dough ingredient:
155 g all purpose flour, 30g sugar, 60g unsalted butter, 6og water
Oily dough ingredient:
100g all purpose flour, 50g unsalted butter
40g high ratio flour, 6g tapioca flour, 6g rice flour, 1g salt, 50g icing sugar
20g brown sugar, 20g unsalted butter,20g maltose , 5g water
1. To make filling: Combine all flour, add salt and sugar, rub in butter, mix well. Add maltose and water, stir it evenly, shape into a balls and divide into 15g for each (10 pieces)
2. Combine watery dough ingredients, mix and knead together till smooth, cover with cling film and rest for 30 minutes.
3 . Oily dough: Mix flour and butter until smooth (do not over mix), cover with cling film and rest for 15 minutes.
4. Divide watery dough and oily dough into 10 portions equally (watery dough , 30g and oily dough 15g each), cover with wet cloth and shape both dough into balls.
5. Flatten watery dough and place oily dough on top, wrap into ball. Roll flat and roll up like swiss roll. Repeat 2 times and leave to rest for 15 minutes.
6. With a rolling pin, roll pastry into circles, then wrap with maltose filling, pinch to seal opening. and rest for 30 minutes.
7. Then, to roll them to 10cm flat and round shape and dress up with the food coloring on the stamp and printed on the surface.
6. With a rolling pin, roll pastry into circles, then wrap with maltose filling, pinch to seal opening. and rest for 30 minutes.
7. Then, to roll them to 10cm flat and round shape and dress up with the food coloring on the stamp and printed on the surface.
8. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 20 minutes till cooked. ,

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up ~ August 2015
Event Theme : Brown Sugar and Molassses, organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Jess of Bakericious

This post is linked to the Best Recipes for Everyone August 2015 Event (Theme: Dim Sum) organised by Fion (XuanHom's Mum Kitchen Diary) and hosted by May (厨苑食谱 @ mayck-law.blogspot.com).
早安! 我来饮早茶了。天天有这么棒的点心, 真是太享受了。
ReplyDelete嗨! Grace, 很高兴看到你来陪我yum cha, 赏你一个大大的太阳饼! 希望你每天都来yum cha, 嘻嘻!
DeleteHi May
ReplyDeleteI like to clarify with you on the filling - you mentioned in the Chinese version 40g low flour but in the English version it was high ratio flour. Which is the correct one? And is high ratio same as bread flour?
Priscilla Poh
Hi Priscilla,
DeleteThe high ratio flour that i have mentioned is 底粉 (low flour) and some people called bread flour as high protein flour which is 高粉。Sorry for making you confused. Regards
Thanks May for the quick response. I am still confused, so can I use cake flour as the (high ratio flour) for the filling?
Priscilla Poh
May, your no. (3) Oily dough: Mix flour and shortening smooth, are you able to clarify whether was butter or shortening used.
Priscilla Poh
Hi Priscilla,
DeleteYou may use cake flour too! I have corrected the typo error, either one also can be used, but i used butter lol! Regards,
Thank you May for all your responses. Your sun cakes are pretty! When I try out your recipe in future, I will feedback to you.
Priscilla Poh
哈哈。。小厨的这招要学起来, 以后我也一样叫他们去门口坐着吃, 嘻嘻!
ReplyDeleteHi May, May,
Hi May,
ReplyDeleteFor the filling, after rubbing butter into flour till look like fine crumbs, do I need to melt the maltose in water before mixing into the flour mixture?
And can I omit rice flour, or replace it with tapioca flour?
Hi Betty, Do not need to melt the maltose, just add it in separately with the water, and rub into the flour mixture until it is well incorporated. You may replace it with tapioca flour instead of rice flour. Regards,
ReplyDelete可以吃上一个的话,我会开心死 :P
ReplyDelete但不适合在我家出现....有排扫咧!吓素偶了~ :P
ReplyDeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the Asian pastries that I wish to make in the near future! Yours look so flaky and awesome! Bookmarked!
ReplyDeleteMay, your 太阳饼 looks like 台湾黎记one, looks so nice and good!