这是11岁大公主最爱吃的月饼,她只对这班兰月饼情有独锺,其它的她一概也不爱。 非常的专情,也非常固执的爱,无论我们如何千方百计的劝她, 她却从不移情别恋,只独锺情于一个。 许多年来都是如此的不变,希望若干年后,她会尝试去选择才去做决定, 不会执迷不悟的傻爱。
皮材料skin Ingredients:
1.40克花生油, 40g peanut oil
5克硷水,5g lye water
110克糖浆,110g golden syrup
2. 150克高粉,150g high ratio flour
5克粟粉, 5g cornflour
¼ 盐,1/4 salt
馅料 Filling:-
1. 750克班兰馅料, 750g pandan lotus paste
2. 20克白瓜子, 20g melon seeds
3. 7 粒蛋黄,7 eggs yolk
@月饼皮:40克, mooncake skin 40g
@馅料:110克 加一粒蛋黄, filling 110g plus 1 egg yolk
1.把(1) 材料混合一起,放在热锅里用慢火煮至滚,这时要不停搅拌, 至到糖浆便
Combine ingredients (1). Stir over low heat until golden syrup
softens. Remove from heat and stir until mixture is almost cool.
材料(2)加入,搅拌成团。 (往年,我都是把全部的材料(2)一起加入
搅拌。 (今年,有幸得到一位老前辈的指教,这样饼皮会更好,包馅料时容易操
材料(2)加入,搅拌成团。 (往年,我都是把全部的材料(2)一起加入
搅拌。 (今年,有幸得到一位老前辈的指教,这样饼皮会更好,包馅料时容易操
Add in half of ingredients (2). Mix to form a soft and smooth
dough. Cover dough with plastic cling wrap . Stand for 4 hours
and add in another half of ingredients (2), mix to form and
smooth dough.
dough. Cover dough with plastic cling wrap . Stand for 4 hours
and add in another half of ingredients (2), mix to form and
smooth dough.
3.把馅料放在面团的中间包入, 然后放入月饼模里,挤压印花。
Place a ball of filling in the centre, wrap up and seal edges, press
into a floured mooncake mould.
4.放入预热烘炉,用180度烘, 12分钟后取出。休面10分钟后搽上蛋黄, 再休5
Bake in preheated oven at 180c for 12 minutes. Remove and
leave mooncake to cool for 10 min. Brush mooncakes with glaze
Stand for 5 minutes.
leave mooncake to cool for 10 min. Brush mooncakes with glaze
Stand for 5 minutes.
5. 再放入大约烘炉里大约12分钟即可。
Return mooncakes to oven bake for 12 minutes.
6. 把月饼放在铁架上待冷。等2-3天回油才松软。
Store mooncakes for two to three days to allow pastry to soften
before serving.
Ayoo..you make me jealous la...I am going to try making mooncake this weekend..
ReplyDeleteYeah! sure you can do it...
ReplyDelete哎唷。。美咯。 花纹和颜色都上得很好。Pandan口味的我这里休想吃到咯,来你家吃!! :)
ReplyDelete等着!我马上寄2盒给你,by nationwide express serial no. 123456!