Friday, 25 March 2016

心型~南瓜戚凤蛋糕【Pumpkin Chiffon Cake】

蒸好了南瓜泥,预备要着手做爱人那明声籍甚的南瓜牛油蛋糕Mrs. Ng SK's butter cake)。 后来才察觉,原来食谱中所采用的是南瓜块并非南瓜泥, 所以才误打误撞变出了这道南瓜戚风蛋糕。这个蛋糕烤得不是很满意, 不知怎么地出炉后就像矮冬瓜似的,输失于之前的班兰和黑巧克力, 就是少了那份高挑的模样。 

再次感谢亲爱的, 借了这颗心! 


1 6粒蛋黄,100克南瓜泥,  60毫升鲜奶, 60毫升粟油, 90克特幼面粉/底粉, 

26粒蛋白,  80克幼糖
1.将蛋黄, 鲜奶, 粟油拌匀, 加入南瓜泥以打蛋器搅拌均匀,再将面粉拌入,搅匀。 
2. 将蛋白以搅拌机打至起泡,分次加入細糖,用搅拌机打至硬 (碗糊拿起,而蛋白糊不会掉下)
3. 再把做法(2)的蛋白糊分半加入蛋黄糊里,搅拌拌匀后, 再将剩余的蛋白糊加入拌匀。
4.将面糊倒入21cm 心型戚風模里, 送入预热烘炉里, 165度烘烤50分钟即可。
5.   取出,倒扣放着至冷却才取出蛋糕。

** 小小纪录:  455克鸡蛋连壳, 250克鸡蛋连壳

【Love Shape~Pumpkin Chiffon Cake 

1 6 egg yolks100g mashed pumpkin  60g fresh milk
      60g corn oil, 90g cake flour 

26 egg whites,  80g castor sugar

1. Combine egg yolks, sugar, corn oil and fresh milk in a mixing bowl. Add mashed pumpkin, mix well.
2. Fold in cake flour, mix until there are no more lumps and forms a smooth batter, set  aside.  
3. Whisk egg whites until mixture forms soft peaks, and gradually add in sugar, whisk until frothy and still peaks form.
4. Gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk batter until blended. 
5. Pour the batter into 21cm chiffon mould, lightly tap the pan to remove air bubble.  
6.  Bake in preheated oven at 165C for 50 minutes or until cooked. 
7.  Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled. 

** I used 4 eggs x 55g each with shell and 2 eggs x 50g each with shell


  1. 虽然是矮了一些,但是依然是一颗饱满,漂亮的心!

  2. 我不在乎高矮, 只在乎那颗金澄澄的心, 我可要一片吗?

  3. 你不说,我还不觉得咧。还是会给它多多个LIKE哦~

  4. 不管身高距离,它都让我心动,美丽的一颗心。。嘻嘻。。


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