过年会让人变得慵懒, 我想是的。 年过了, 离乡背井的游子们都纷纷的恢复岗位, 一切又回到原来, 恢复平静了。
唯独我啊, 依然还是那么的悠哉游哉,是慵懒还是惬意, 我分不清也辨不出。 此刻的我, 即使被一阵寒风拂脸, 也无法将我吹醒。 而今的我, 就算被一阵细雨淋湿秀发, 也无法驱散那股懒意。 风也过雨也走了, 徒留下心慵意懒的我。 当然, 还留下了这道烤药材皇帝鸡, 嘻嘻!
春节里的一道佳肴~ 烤药材皇帝鸡, 一道汤汁浓, 味道重, 味浓香醇的烤鸡。
1. 将鸡只洗净, 滴干水份, 取小支的水果叉, 轻轻的插在鸡身上。
2. 将所有药材混合放入铸铁锅, 加入清水和鸡只以中火煮只沸滚。
3. 上盖, 以小火继续焖煮10分钟, 离火 (不要立刻开盖, 让药材继续焗多10分钟,使药材出味以及软化)。
4. 小心的将鸡只从铸铁锅里取出, 并取适量药材塞入鸡肚里, 再以牙签封上。
5. 将鸡只重新放入步骤3的铸铁锅或烤盘里, 鸡胸朝上。
6. 将铸铁锅或烤锅放入预热烤箱200度, 封盖,以上下火烘烤1小时, 然后开盖取一些汤汁淋在鸡身上, 再封盖, 继续烘烤20分钟至鸡身表面金黄色。 (温度视自家的烤箱为确哦)
7. 烤好后, 加入少许盐巴调味即可, 趁热享用。
【Roast Herbal Emperor Chicken]
1 kampung chicken, wash and drain
500ml water
25g Huai Shan (Radix Dioscoreae Oppositae)
20g Dang Shen
16g Yu Zhu
22g Dried Longan
10g Wolfberries
6 Red Dates
2g Chuan Xiong
5g Tang Gui
15g Bei Qi
1. Rinse the chicken, pat-dry, take a fruit fork and gently inserted on chicken.
2. Place all herbal into the cast iron pot, add water and chicken and bring it to boil.
3. Cover with lid, simmer for 10 minutes with low heat. (don't open the lid immediately, let all the herbs soften for 10 minutes in the pot or )
4. Remove from stove, carefully remove the chicken and stuff some herbs in the cavity. Then sealed with a toothpick.
5. Return the chicken to the cast iron pot, with the chicken breast facing up.
6. Preheat oven to 200C and roast chicken for 1 hour with cover lid. Then, remove from oven and pour the herbal soup on the chicken. Continue to roast for another 20 minutes to brown the chicken skin with lid open.
7. Season with salt, and carve chicken or serve s whole.