近来不知干啥的, 夜里总是彻夜难眠。 虽然昨夜里还是反反复复的醒了又醒,然而大清早起来, 却是精神奕奕也充满了活力。 清晨, 晨光熹微, 一切都是这般的美好, ”一日之计在于晨“ 这句话说的好啊! 清晨的思绪是清晰的, 此刻脑海里就在不停的旋转着, 该为他预备什么样的生日蛋糕呢?
都怪这恍恍惚惚不中用的身子, 夜里就是醒了又醒, 而日间除了睡还是睡。牵挂了数日的蛋糕, 也盘算着要前往蛋糕店里“物色”了。 趁着今早精神饱满, 终于可以开炉了, 说来说去始终还是不甘愿到外去购买蛋糕。 也许是这美丽的早晨, 让我“无风无浪”匆匆忙忙的完成了这个“天使与魔鬼”组合的生日蛋糕。
称它为天使~巧克力乳酪蛋糕, 因为之前这蛋糕是我家天使所为。 称它为魔鬼~令人着魔的巧克力杯子蛋糕, 因为它本已是魔鬼化身, 让人追逐它而去。两者的组合称得上是天衣无缝~棒极了!
[蛋糕体, 7寸圆形活底模]
【乳酪蛋糕, 一个7寸圆形活动模】
[鲜奶油外层, 打发]
【Chocolate Devil's Oreo Cheese Cake】
[Chocolate Devil's Cake Base]
40g unsweetened cocoa powder
60g semi sweet chocolate
120g boilling water (1/4 cup)
120g buttermilk (1/4 cup)
160g cake flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
200g brown sugar
90g corn oil
2 large egg (120g without shell)
1. Combine cocoa powder and chopped chocolate, pour boiling water over it and whisk till smooth.
2. Add in butter milk and mix well.
3. In a bowl, sift cake flour and baking soda together, add in salt and mix well. Set aside.
4. In a mixing bowl, add brown sugar, corn oil and egg, beat the mixture until light and creamy by using electric mixer.
5. Mix in flour mixture, alternating with chocolate mixture in additions.
6. Pour the batter into 7" inches round cake pan and bake in preheated oven at 175 deg c for 40 minutes until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.
7. Remove from oven, leave to cool and cut into 2 pieces.
[Cheese Cake Layer]
315g cream cheese (soften)
2+1/2 eggs (150g)
60g castor sugar
75g UHT whipping cream
70g oreo biscuit (break into small pieces)
1. Place the spring form or loose bottom pan on aluminium foil, gently fold up the sides of the foil around the pan and press the foil around the edges of the pan. (repeat to fold up with 2 layers to avoid the water leaks into it while baking)
2. Cream cream cheese and sugar till creamy and smooth.
3. Add in egg, beat well after each addition of egg until creamy. Add in whipping cream and mix until incorporated.
4. Pour the cream cheese mixture into 7"inches loose bottom pan and spread evenly.
5. Place the foil-wrapped loose bottom pan in a large pan and pour the water into the large pan (water level = about 1/3 inches of the loose bottom pan)
6. Bake in preheated oven for 170C for 1 hour until cooked. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool aside. (do not unmould it)
7. Place the cake pan into the fridge for 4 hours.
1. Place the spring form or loose bottom pan on aluminium foil, gently fold up the sides of the foil around the pan and press the foil around the edges of the pan. (repeat to fold up with 2 layers to avoid the water leaks into it while baking)
2. Cream cream cheese and sugar till creamy and smooth.
3. Add in egg, beat well after each addition of egg until creamy. Add in whipping cream and mix until incorporated.
4. Pour the cream cheese mixture into 7"inches loose bottom pan and spread evenly.
5. Place the foil-wrapped loose bottom pan in a large pan and pour the water into the large pan (water level = about 1/3 inches of the loose bottom pan)
6. Bake in preheated oven for 170C for 1 hour until cooked. Remove the pan from the oven and let it cool aside. (do not unmould it)
7. Place the cake pan into the fridge for 4 hours.
8. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and gently remove the cake. ( (you may use the hot tower to heat the sides of the pan to make it easier to remove)
[Whipped Cream]
180g UHT whipping cream, 15g icing sugar
1. Place a layer of chocolate cake, spread some whipped cream. Then, top with Oreo cheese cake, spread whipped cream on it. Lastly, lay the last layer of chocolate cake.
2. Frost side and top of cake with whipped cream and sprinkle with crushed Oreo cookies. 1. Place a layer of chocolate cake, spread some whipped cream. Then, top with Oreo cheese cake, spread whipped cream on it. Lastly, lay the last layer of chocolate cake.
3. Decoration as shown or to your own desire and chill before serving )
这涂抹鲜奶油的功夫依然还是那么的不堪, 所以只能以这不规矩的线条来完成它了! 就如小丫头所言,一看就知道你又涂抹不平啦! 呵呵。。。
三月七日寄上我的祝语, 祝我的他生日快乐!
美! 天使与魔鬼的结合, 这款蛋糕好诱人, 我也想尝尝了。。。祝福妳的他生日快乐。
很rich的一款蛋糕,你好会变哦 :)