若没记错, 这里的司康一个售卖马币3.20,
而且是小小的一个, 我起码可以一口气的吞下4个呢!
所以, 每次品尝后,
我都会念念不休的说, “ 好贵, 好贵!”
那老的也总爱擦上一句, “ 没什么特别的, 还不是面包一个! ”
吃不起外卖的司康, 只好自己在家学做了。
那时如果随手一扔, 无任是谁中招,
那时就请教了Li Shuan, 关于做司康的窍门。
记得她说, 只能以手指将面团结合,
那手指要轻轻的, 犹如在弹钢琴般,
否则, 烤出来的司康会“硬邦邦” 的。
之后就成功了, 也连续做了几次,
但是, 总是觉得比不上外面所买的司康。
总之, 就是缺少了那一股香味,
外卖的司康, 很香很香!
最后, 就在食谱里加了些奶粉,
然后, 又再加了些帕尔马乳酪,
2个月前做的司康, 得知涂上少许鲜奶油及草莓酱, 那么司康也属甜品之一。 我就快快的行动, 整理好又上贴了!
恰好也煲了薏米糖水, 也摆上亮相了!
食谱参考Carol 自在生活, 大约做8个
170克低粉, 10克奶粉, 20克帕尔马乳酪粉
2小匙泡打粉, 50克无盐奶油
2克盐, 30克細糖
1粒鸡蛋 (打散), 80克原味Greek Yoghurt,
1. 将所有粉类混合过筛, 加入乳酪粉, 盐和糖, 拌匀。 放入冰箱里冷藏30分钟。
2. 加入从冰箱里取出的切丁奶油, 以手指将奶油和混合粉类慢慢的混合成松散的状态。
3. 倒入蛋液和优格, 再加入葡萄干以手指快速的混合成无粉粒的面团。 (不可过度搅拌搓揉面团, 以防面团起筋)
4. 将面团以保鮮膜包起, 擀成长方型, 放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。
5. 撒上一些低粉在台面, 将面团擀成長方形, 折三折再擀开,重复这个步骤3次。
【Yogurt Parmesan Cheese Scone】
170克低粉, 10克奶粉, 20克帕尔马乳酪粉
2小匙泡打粉, 50克无盐奶油
2克盐, 30克細糖
1粒鸡蛋 (打散), 80克原味Greek Yoghurt,
1. 将所有粉类混合过筛, 加入乳酪粉, 盐和糖, 拌匀。 放入冰箱里冷藏30分钟。
2. 加入从冰箱里取出的切丁奶油, 以手指将奶油和混合粉类慢慢的混合成松散的状态。
3. 倒入蛋液和优格, 再加入葡萄干以手指快速的混合成无粉粒的面团。 (不可过度搅拌搓揉面团, 以防面团起筋)
4. 将面团以保鮮膜包起, 擀成长方型, 放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。
5. 撒上一些低粉在台面, 将面团擀成長方形, 折三折再擀开,重复这个步骤3次。
6.将面团擀成大約2.5cm厚的面皮, 以圆形模具切出圆饼。
7. 表面刷上一层牛奶, 放入預热烤箱里以180度,烘烤12-15分鐘或表面呈有黃色即可。
7. 表面刷上一层牛奶, 放入預热烤箱里以180度,烘烤12-15分鐘或表面呈有黃色即可。
Recipe adapted from Carol easy life, makes 8
170g high ratio flour, 2 tsp baking powder
20g Parmesan cheese, 10 milk powder
2 tsp baking powder, 50g unsalted butter
2g salt, 30g caster sugar
1 egg (beaten), 80g original favorite yogurt (I used Greek Yogurt)
40g raisin
1. Mix the flour with baking powder in a mixing bowl and sieve it. Add Parmesan cheese, milk powder, salt and sugar, mix well. Put the bowl into refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. Add the cool and diced butter, then rub in with your finger until mix looks like breadcrumbs.
3. Pour in egg and yogurt, then add raisins to the mixture, knead quickly and lightly with your fingers. (do not over knead)
4. Wrap the soft dough with cling film, roll into square and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
5. Put it on a floured work surface, roll the dough into a rectangle. Fold the dough over 3 times into 3 layers, then roll out again and repeat the same for 3 times.
6. Roll the dough into 2.5cm thick and stamp out with the cutter straight down without twisting then at the end twist make sure it’s cut all the way through.
7. Brush the tops of the scones with the milk and bake in preheated oven at 180 degree C for 12-15 minutes until golden.
170g high ratio flour, 2 tsp baking powder
20g Parmesan cheese, 10 milk powder
2 tsp baking powder, 50g unsalted butter
2g salt, 30g caster sugar
1 egg (beaten), 80g original favorite yogurt (I used Greek Yogurt)
40g raisin
1. Mix the flour with baking powder in a mixing bowl and sieve it. Add Parmesan cheese, milk powder, salt and sugar, mix well. Put the bowl into refrigerator for 30 minutes.
2. Add the cool and diced butter, then rub in with your finger until mix looks like breadcrumbs.
3. Pour in egg and yogurt, then add raisins to the mixture, knead quickly and lightly with your fingers. (do not over knead)
4. Wrap the soft dough with cling film, roll into square and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
5. Put it on a floured work surface, roll the dough into a rectangle. Fold the dough over 3 times into 3 layers, then roll out again and repeat the same for 3 times.
6. Roll the dough into 2.5cm thick and stamp out with the cutter straight down without twisting then at the end twist make sure it’s cut all the way through.
7. Brush the tops of the scones with the milk and bake in preheated oven at 180 degree C for 12-15 minutes until golden.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (May 2015: YOGURT) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Cheryl of Baking Taitai

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young.
喜欢你这个加了奶粉和乳酪粉的司康、一定很美味! 家里刚好还有Permesan cheese, 要试试了! 谢谢分享!
ReplyDeleteScone 配上厚厚的奶油和果酱,再加上一杯茶,典雅的下午茶!你的scone看起来好好吃!
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女王的下午茶点么?亲亲,咋们两也是彼此的女王哈? come come come.. 我意思是,我come... 稍晚了些些。。。不过有心,还是来了。。也带来了我不乌乌的美录蛋糕献丑。。。吃咯!
我赞成,现在的物价真是越来越高,很多时候,吃到心很痛哦,还是自己做得,比较划算 ~
ReplyDelete很美高高的司康! 配一杯我喜欢的拿铁应该很爽! :)
ReplyDeleteHi May,
ReplyDeleteWith yogurt and Parmesan, I'm sure that these scones must be very delicious with extra umami taste :D
Hi may
ReplyDeleteThe high ratio flour ,- can I use bread flour instead or all purpose flour. Thanks for your help.
Hi Chloe, you may replace with all purpose flour, but i seldom see people using bread flour to make scone.
DeleteHi may . just to be sure. So you need to roll into rectangle and fold letter fold and do this total 3 Timex. Is that right cos I would like to try it. Thanks
ReplyDeleteJust to be sure. So you roll the dough into rectangle and fold letter fold and do this total 3 times??? Thanks for help.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are right !