摩摩喳喳是带有南洋风味的甜品, 也是我国很受欢迎的甜品之一。 摩摩喳喳的主要材料当然是少不了沙谷米, 煮熟的沙谷米是晶莹剔透, 粒粒分明。 有些好奇这道甜品的由来,个人觉得,这道甜品还蛮有娘惹风味。
Bubur 即是马来语“粥”的意思, 那么cha cha又有何意义呢? 抛开不管它来自何方, 它却是我喜欢的甜品之一!
【紫薯汤圆摩摩喳喳 】
150克橙薯(去皮, 切小块状)
100芋头 (去皮, 切成小块)
100芋头 (去皮, 切成小块)
适量仙草 (磨成丝条)
适量仙草 (磨成丝条)
150克紫薯泥, 150克糯米粉,150毫升清水
内馅: 红豆沙
1)将紫薯泥和糯米粉混合搅拌, 再慢慢加入清水搓成光滑的面团。
2)将面团搓成小圆球, 包入豆沙馅料。
3)放入已沸滚的水里煮熟,浮起来的便是已经煮熟的, 捞起, 备用。
1. 首先把沙谷以小火煮成半透明。 (必需不断搅拌, 避免底部焦了)
2. 滤起, 在水龙头下清洗至没有黏糊。
3. 再将清洗过的沙谷加入适量的热水, 继续以小火煮至沙谷剩余一些白点。 , 离火, 盖上盖子至沙谷完全熟透, 清洗, 过滤备用。
4. 取一锅, 将橙薯, 芋头粒, 加入清水及班兰叶煮至橙薯和芋头熟透。
5. 加入椰浆煮至小滚, 离火。
6. 加入沙谷, 仙草及紫薯汤圆即可。
2. 滤起, 在水龙头下清洗至没有黏糊。
3. 再将清洗过的沙谷加入适量的热水, 继续以小火煮至沙谷剩余一些白点。 , 离火, 盖上盖子至沙谷完全熟透, 清洗, 过滤备用。
4. 取一锅, 将橙薯, 芋头粒, 加入清水及班兰叶煮至橙薯和芋头熟透。
5. 加入椰浆煮至小滚, 离火。
6. 加入沙谷, 仙草及紫薯汤圆即可。
【Bubur Cha cha with Tangyuan】
150g sweet orange potato (cut into cube)
100g taro (peeled and cut into cube)
100g taro (peeled and cut into cube)
200g coconut milk
500g water
90g sugar
a right amount of grass jelly (shredded)
1 portion of tangyuanpandan leaves
** 80g sago
**To cook sago:
1. In a small pot, cook the sago with some water, simmer with small heat until the sago had turned partially translucent but still can see some white dots. (Occasionally stir the sides and bottom of the pot to prevent sticking. )
2. Rinse the partially cooked sago through a sieve with running water and to remove the excess starch.
3. Add hot water into the sago, continue to cook with a small heat, until you can see the sago with some small white dots . Turn off the flame.
4. Cover the pot with lid and just let it stand for 10 minutes. The sago will turn fully translucent. Rinse the cooked sago through a sieve with running water and keep sago in a bowl of water, set aside.
Sweet purple potato tangyuan ingredients:
150g mashed sweet purple potatoes
150g glutinous rice flour
100g water
Filling: Red bean
To make Sweet purple potato tangyuan:
1) Combine mashed potato and glutinous rice flour, add the water and mix well to form a soft and smooth dough.
2) Divide the dough into small ball, wrap filling with the dough.
3) Place the rice balls in boiling water, and wait for them to float to the surface. Once the balls are floats, remove it with a sieve and placing in the green bean soup.
To cook Bubu Caca soup:
1. In a bigger pot, add pandan leaves, sweet potato and yam into the hot water, bring to a boil.
2. Reduce heat to a simmer, partially covered and cook until the sweet potato and yam are soft and cooked. (Top up with hot water at nay time if necessary.)
3. Add coconut milk, simmer under low heat and bring just to boil. Add cooked sago, grass jelly and tangyuan into bubur cha cha soup, serve warmed or chilled. .
3. Add coconut milk, simmer under low heat and bring just to boil. Add cooked sago, grass jelly and tangyuan into bubur cha cha soup, serve warmed or chilled. .
去年冬节时来不及挂上的汤圆, 收藏在存库里好久了。 幸得“甜品月”, 让我努力得将所有的旧作贴了它!

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young.
有汤圆的bubur chacha,想吃涅!
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