都摆放了好久, 感觉非常碍眼。
趁着假日厨房关门, 空闲之余,
此刻, 仿佛已经身在冬至的夜里了。
有过期的汤圆, 也有今日刚出锅的湯圆,
”一碗汤圆圆又圆, 吃了汤圆好团圆“,
人说, 冬至到, 幸福到,
冬至虽没到, 提早吃上一碗热乎乎的汤圆,
幸福也会提前追随你左右的, 呵呵!
不久前才得知, 原来长得像“怪物”般的"大薯“ 即是紫山药。总觉得它很像一只“怪物”, 有着特别的外形, 外表粗有须毛,犹如一只毛毛的猩猩。走了一趟百度, 才知道紫山药也称“紫人参”,又名薯蓣和长芋。紫山药的营养价值极高, 最重是常吃紫山药有助宜于皮肤保湿,还能促进细胞的新陈代谢。
从这“紫人参”之名, 即可得知,这紫山药也是民间之宝啊!
【三色紫山药汤圆西米露 】
黄色: 55克檽米粉+50克南瓜(切块, 蒸熟)
原色: 55克檽米粉+30-35克热水
紫色: 55克檽米粉+70-80克紫山药糊
内馅: 红豆馅
1)将3色汤圆材料分别混合搅拌, 搓成光滑的面团。
2)将3色面团分别搓成长形, 然后以黄色, 原色及紫色的叠上, 再搓成长圆筒。
3. 以利刀切成块状, 搓成小圆球, 分别包入豆沙馅料。
4)放入已沸滚的水里煮熟,浮起来的便是已经煮熟的, 捞起, 备用。
350克紫山药(去皮, 切片)
1. 首先以小火将沙谷米煮成半透明。 (必需不断搅拌, 避免底部焦了)
2. 滤起, 在水龙头下清洗至没有黏糊。
3. 再将清洗过的沙谷加入适量的热水, 继续以小火煮至沙谷剩余一些白点。 , 离火, 盖上盖子至沙谷米完全熟透, 清洗, 过滤, 加入少许清水(避免沙谷米黏在一块),备用。
4. 将切片的紫山药,放入锅里蒸至软熟。
5.取出,放入果汁机里, 加入清水, 搅打至顺滑即成紫山药糊, 备用。
6. 取一锅,倒入紫山药糊(取70克做汤圆), 以小火煮至沸滚, 离火。 (过程中必须不断搅拌, 不够水量也可添加)
7. 加入煮好的沙谷米, 3色汤圆以及适量的糖, 即可食用.
【Tricolor Purple Chinese Yam Tangyuan Sago Dessert】
Tricolor Tangyuan Ingredients:
Yellow: 55g glutinous rice flour + 50g pumpkim (sliced and steamed)
Original: 55g glutinous rice flour + 30-35g hot water
purple: 55g glutinous rice flour + 70-80g purple yam paste
Filling: Red Bean paste
To make Tricolor Tangyuan:
1) Mix the 3 color tangyuan ingredients respectively, knead to form a soft and smooth dough. (Add more water if it's needed)
2) Roll each part of dough into long longs, with equal length, flatten them and stack.
3) Cut the stacked dough into a smallish pieces, roll into a small ball and wrap filling with the dough.
4) Place the rice balls in boiling water, and wait for them to float to the surface. Once the balls are floats, remove it with a sieve and placing in the soup
Purple Chinese yam Sago Dessert Ingredients:
350g purple chinese yam (peeled, cut into pieces)
1 liter water
** 100g sago
sugar (depend of individual)
** To cook sago:
1. In a small pot, cook the sago with some water, simmer with small heat until the sago had turned partially translucent but still can see some white dots. (Occasionally stir the sides and bottom of the pot to prevent sticking.)
2. Rinse the partially cooked sago through a sieve with running water and to remove the excess starch.
3. Add hot water into the sago, continue to cook with a small heat, until you can see the sago with some small white dots. Turn off the flame.
4. Cover the pot with lid and just let it stand for 10 minutes. The sago will turn fully translucent. Rinse the cooked sago through a sieve with running water and keep sago in a bowl of water, set aside.
To cook Chinese Yam sago dessert:
1. Steam the purple chinese yam until soft and cooked.
2. Put into the blender, pour in water and blending until smooth.
3. In a bigger pot, pour in purple yam paste (reserve 70g for tangyuan), simmer under low heat and bring to a boil. Occasionally stir the sides and bottom of the pot to prevent sticking. (Top up with hot water at any time if necessary.)
3. Add cooked sago, sugar and tricolor tangyuan into sago dessert, serve warmed.

I'm submitting this post to the Best Recipes for Everyone May 2015 Event (Theme: My Favourite Desserts) organized by Fion of XuanHom's Mom and co-hosted by Aunty Young.
Hello VIP,
很漂亮的汤圆,吃了还可以美美,我也要去找长得像“怪物”般的"大薯“ 了。
ReplyDelete我的那个天。。。我说亲亲呀。。。你真的是大厨。。家里多了一个你,简直是多了个厨宝呀。。。I want... I want.. I want YOU!!!!! Hahahahah
ReplyDelete要买吗? 这里的菜市可以买到, 我可以帮忙代劳!
Delete你的三色汤圆好漂亮!! 虽然不是冬至,但我也来一碗吧哈哈!