每次逛菜市途径娘惹糕点档口, 看着那精巧的糕点,总会忍不住拎了几样回家。 提到糕点, 脑袋里便浮现各种琳琅满目的糕点, 想要做这款可是又想吃那款。哎哟!死性不改, 还是样样都想吃, 馋嘴的人啊!
可是立刻想到妈妈刨好的那些木薯泥, 心想啊还是蒸个木薯糕吧! 后来,在橱柜里又见着了之前买了一大包的沙谷米预备包裹水晶粽子。 从云南回来时,端午节已过了,包裹粽子的心情也告吹了。 刻不容缓的从冷冻库取出了木薯泥,打铁趁热的马上蒸个木薯+沙谷糕吧! 否则,深怕自己这颗善变之心随时变卦, 那么这木薯泥和这大大包的沙谷,不知又要被收藏到何年何日呢!
500克黄肉木薯泥, 80克细糖, 50克溶化奶油, 1/4茶匙盐, 2茶匙粟米粉
200克沙谷米 , 45细糖, 50克白椰丝, 40克椰奶, 1/4茶匙
1. 将一片香蕉叶铺在6寸方形蒸盘里, 备用。
2. 将沙谷米洗净, 浸泡水中20分钟, 沥干水份。
3. 将所有其它的材料加入沙谷米中, 充分搅拌均匀, 备用。
4. 将所有木薯层材料, 以及3大匙步骤(3)的沙谷混合均匀, 倒入蒸盘里, 铺平。
5. 放入沸滚的蒸炉里, 以中火蒸至20-25分钟或熟。
6. 取出, 吸干木薯糕表面上的水气。
7. 然后, 再将剩余的沙谷混合物(步骤3),倒入蒸好的木薯糕上, 铺平。
8. 放入沸滚的蒸炉里, 以中火蒸20-25分钟或熟透。
** 或许待冷却后, 切片沾上蒸好的椰丝, 即可享用。
【Steamed Sago and Cassava Kueh】
[Tapioca Layer]
500g well drained grated yellow cassava
80g castor sugar, 50g melted butter, ¼ tsp salt, 2 tsp corn flour
[Sago Layer]
200g sago , 45g castor sugar, 50g grated coconut, 40g coconut milk
¼ tsp salt,2 tbsp pandan juice
** grated coconut + a pinch of salt (steam for 5 minutes)
1. Line 6 inch square pan with banana leaf.
2. Rinse sago and soaked in the water for 20 minutes and drained it.
3. Add all the sago ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
4. Mix all the tapioca ingredients and add 3 tbsp sago mixture until well combined. Then, pour the batter into 6 inch square pan and press until firm and tightly.
2. Rinse sago and soaked in the water for 20 minutes and drained it.
3. Add all the sago ingredients in a bowl and mix well.
4. Mix all the tapioca ingredients and add 3 tbsp sago mixture until well combined. Then, pour the batter into 6 inch square pan and press until firm and tightly.
5. Steam over medium heat for 20-25minutes until well cooked.
6. Remove from heat, absorb the moisture on the surface of cassava cake.
7 Pour the balance of sago mixture onto steamed cassava and press tightly.
8. Steam over medium heat for 20-25 minutes until well cooked.
** You may coat the kuih with grated coconut once the kuih is cooled.
喜欢吃木薯糕, 更喜欢这个加了沙谷的! 棒!
Irene, 简单有简单的美, 也不必没完没了的拍, 也可以很快的收拾好gachang啊!
ReplyDeleteHijau kuning, 很好看啊。。很 suka!我肚子好饿啊!