左一句这个好吃, 右一句这道好吃的,
然后, 就哎呀哟声的感叹错失了好料!
抵达家门后的数日, 依然对它念念不忘,
然而, 吃了这道”钻石“后,
至今才将其取出亮相! 嘻嘻。。
13粒马蹄 (去皮, 洗净,切小块状), 5大匙薯粉,
225克浓椰浆, 70克细糖, 140克清水, 5片班兰叶(打结)
少许盐 ,适量冰块, 适量菠萝蜜(切条状)
1. 将细糖, 清水和班兰叶放入锅里,以中火煮至糖溶化。
2. 倒入椰浆和盐, 以小火煮至小滚, 放置一旁待冷备用。
3. 取一较大的碗,加入2大匙清水以及适量红色素, 混合。 将马蹄粒倒入备好的红色水中浸泡10分钟并将其染色。捞起, 沥干水份。
4. 将染红的马蹄粒放入装有木薯粉的透明塑胶袋里, 来回摇晃甩动着塑胶袋至马蹄均匀的裹上木薯粉。
5. 然后, 将裹木薯粉的马蹄过筛, 筛掉多余的木薯粉。
6. 取一小锅, 倒入适量清水,煮至沸滚。
7. 将步骤(6)备好的马蹄粒倒入沸滚的水里, 煮至马蹄粒浮上水面后, 捞起立即倒入一盆冷水中, 捞起, 沥干水份。
8. 将红宝石加入步骤(2)备好的椰奶里,再加入菠萝蜜条和适量冰块即可食用。
【Red Rubies 】
13 water chestnuts (diced into small cubes)
5 tbsp tapioca flour, 225g coconut milk, 70g castor sugar
140g water, 5 pieces pandan leaves (knotted)
a pinch of salt
some ice cubes and and some jackfruit (cut into strips)
1. Place sugar, water and pandan leaves into a pot and cook over medium heat until sugar dissolved.
2. Pour in coconut milk and salt, bring it just to boil and set aside to cool.
3. Mix 2 tbsp water with red food colouring, then add diced water chestnuts and mix well. Drain it.
4. Add water chestnuts into a plastic bag of tapioca flour and shake well to coat the chestnuts with flour.
5. Pour the water chestnuts from the plastic bag into a sieve, and sieve away the excess flour.
6. Boil a pot of water, pour the red rubies into the boiling water. Remove when they are floating and place it into the cold water.
7. Drain the red rubies, fill it with coconut milk mixture. Add jackfruit and some ice cubes into the bowl and serve immediately.

This post is linked to the event Little Thumbs Up (October 2015 : Coconut) organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY, and hosted by Jess from Bakericious.
So lovely and yummy! It's been a long time since I last had this dessert.
ReplyDelete哗, 又有那么"华丽"的甜品吃啰。。。好甜好甜 mmmm....