三年的情, 三年的岁月, 就这样画上了句号。
没有灿烂的烟花, 没有金星闪耀着,
情牵于网络, 缘系于网络,
网络让你我相聚, 岁月让你我重相逢。
有缘相聚, 有缘相遇, 是福也!
犹如老友般的聚会, 匆匆太匆匆,
太多的思绪, 太多的话语,
若果, 人生不曾相遇,
若果, 我还是我, 而你依然还是你,
那么, 你我或许就错失了人生最绮丽的奇遇了!
朝八晚五的相聚, 抵达家门时已是夕阳西下, 满天红霞了。 仅仅为了第二日餐桌上的早点, 更为了能有个不被吵醒的假日。 于是, 便漏夜里烤了这款花豹纹吐司, 一款在聚会时让人涌起一股冲动的热门吐司。(以上的三张是第二次的作品)
刹那间, 那绚丽夺目的光芒却又消失了,
匆匆的岁月, 匆匆的三年啊!情牵于网络, 缘系于网络,
网络让你我相聚, 岁月让你我重相逢。
有缘相聚, 有缘相遇, 是福也!
犹如老友般的聚会, 匆匆太匆匆,
太多的思绪, 太多的话语,
若果, 人生不曾相遇,
若果, 我还是我, 而你依然还是你,
那么, 你我或许就错失了人生最绮丽的奇遇了!
朝八晚五的相聚, 抵达家门时已是夕阳西下, 满天红霞了。 仅仅为了第二日餐桌上的早点, 更为了能有个不被吵醒的假日。 于是, 便漏夜里烤了这款花豹纹吐司, 一款在聚会时让人涌起一股冲动的热门吐司。(以上的三张是第二次的作品)
个人觉得第一次的豹纹不够多, 所有又趁着椰浆月, 又动手做了第二次的椰浆版本的豹纹吐司, 香喷喷的吐司成了孩子们的活力早餐! (从这以上的照片算起至第五张, 都是第一次做的吐司。 而最后三张则是加入椰浆版本, 第二次的作品)
260克鲜奶, 30克细糖, 1小匙即溶酵母, 350克高粉,3克盐, 20克奶油
360克白面团, 15克可可粉, 10克清水
130克巧克力面团, 7克黑巧克力粉, 5克清水
(8 个 x 18克)
1. 将所有白面团材料依照材料的顺序搅拌均匀(除了奶油), 拌揉至面团光滑有弹性。
3)取出面团, 切出360克白面团,将剩余的白面团放入冰箱里, 低温发酵。
4)然后, 将360克的白面团, 加入巧克力粉和清水, 混合至均匀成团。
5)取130克加巧克力面团, 再将剩余的巧克力面团放入冰箱里, 低温发酵。
6)把130克的巧克力面团, 加入7克黑可可粉和清水,搓至均匀成团。
7)将白面团分割成8份 (3份@44克, 5份@35克), 将巧克力面团分成8份 (3份@35克, 5份25克), 同时也将黑巧克力面团分成8份, 每份18克16, 分别以湿布盖上, 静置10分钟。
8)将巧克力面团擀平再卷紧成长条状, 收口捏紧。 将白色面团和黑巧克力面团分别擀平, 取黑巧克力面团半包着巧克力面团。然后, 再取白色面 团全部包裹着。
9) 将所有面团搓成适合模具的长条状, 3条小的面团并排着放入模子里, 然后再放入2条大面团, 接着再排入剩余的3条小面团, 进行第二次发酵至9分满。 (封盖)。
【Leopard Patches Toast】
White dough:
260g fresh milk, 30g castor sugar, 1 tsp instant yeast350g high protein flour, 3g salt, 20g butter
Cocoa dough:
360g white dough, 15g cocoa powder, 10g water
Dark chocolate dough:
130g cocoa dough, 7g dark chocolate powder, 5g water (8 x 18g)
1) Place all the ingredients (exclude butter) in the mixing bowl and mix well.
2) Add butter, mix into form a smooth elastic dough.
4) Then, mix in cocoa powder and water with 360g white dough, knead to form a smooth cocoa dough.
5) Remove 130g cocoa dough, wrap the balance of the cocoa dough with cling wrap and chill in the fridge until requied.
6) Add 7g dark chocolate powder and water into 130g cocoa dough, knead to form a smooth dark chocolate dough.
7) Divide the white dough into 8 portions ( 3 portions @ 44g, 5 portions @ 35g each) and divide the chocolate dough into 8 portions (3 portions @ 35g, 5 portions @ 25g each) , divide the dark chocolate dough into 8 portions (18g each) and shape all the dough into a balls, cover with wet cloth, rest for 10 minutes.
8) Roll out the chocolate dough with a rolling pin into flat and square shape and roll it up like swiss roll . Then roll white dough and dark chocolate into a flat square shape, place the chocolate dough on chocolate dough and seal partially or full . Then, place again the dough on white dough, seal it .
9) Roll the dough into long strips (depend on your loaf pan), place the 3 small strips into the prepared loaf pan, then follow by 2 large strips and top with the balance of 3 small strips. Complete the 2nd round of proofing until it's doubled in size.
10) Bake at pre-heated oven at 175C for 45 minutes until golden brown.
6) Add 7g dark chocolate powder and water into 130g cocoa dough, knead to form a smooth dark chocolate dough.
7) Divide the white dough into 8 portions ( 3 portions @ 44g, 5 portions @ 35g each) and divide the chocolate dough into 8 portions (3 portions @ 35g, 5 portions @ 25g each) , divide the dark chocolate dough into 8 portions (18g each) and shape all the dough into a balls, cover with wet cloth, rest for 10 minutes.
8) Roll out the chocolate dough with a rolling pin into flat and square shape and roll it up like swiss roll . Then roll white dough and dark chocolate into a flat square shape, place the chocolate dough on chocolate dough and seal partially or full . Then, place again the dough on white dough, seal it .
9) Roll the dough into long strips (depend on your loaf pan), place the 3 small strips into the prepared loaf pan, then follow by 2 large strips and top with the balance of 3 small strips. Complete the 2nd round of proofing until it's doubled in size.
10) Bake at pre-heated oven at 175C for 45 minutes until golden brown.
Recipe adapted from Giraffe Patches Toast
*** 一样以上的材料, 只是以150克椰浆和100克的清水取代了鲜奶的份量。
取白面团380克, 加入20克可可粉和13克清水。
然后, 取145克可可面团, 加入8克黑可可粉和6克清水。
白面团分割成11份 (3份28克, 8份20克)
可可面团分割11份 (3份30克, 8份22克)
黑可可面团分割11份, 每份16克
为了省时间, 在附近的烘焙店买了两包高粉, 结果发现这高粉的吸水量差强人意, 面团稍微潮湿, 途中加入了不少高粉。 早就听闻, 面粉也有吸水力强和弱之分, 而今日才让我碰上了。
【Second version with Coconut milk~ Leopard Patches Toast】
*** Please refer to the above recipe, but to replace the fresh milk with 150g coconut milk and 100g water .
Leopard patches dough:
Remove 380g white dough, add 17g cocoa powder and 12g water, mix well.
Then, remove 145g cocoa dough and add 8g dark chocolate powder and 6g water.
Divide white dough into 11 portions (3 portions @ 28g, 8 portions@20g each)
Divide cocoa dough into 11 portions (3 portions @ 30g, 8 portions @ 22g each)
Divide dark chocolate dough into 11 portions, 16g each
I just bought 2 kg of HP flour from the nearest market, and found that this HP flour water absorption is low and the dough is slightly sticky and i need to add additional flour to shape the dough. Different flour have different water absorption ability, you may need to add addtional flour when necessary.

ReplyDelete哇! 太厉害了! 长颈鹿找到朋友了耶!
ReplyDeleteso pretty May, and thanks so much for being so supportive, love u!
ReplyDelete最近也是bookmarked 了很多这种美美的造型面包,可惜一直没有办法挪出时间来做,先来你家欣赏欣赏 :)
ReplyDelete(*@ο@*) 哇~So......BEAUTIFUL & CUTE
ReplyDelete哇! 这个豹豹皮太漂亮了啦!长颈鹿、豹豹。看来下一次会有老虎、斑马了。。。。。。 哈哈哈 ~ 或是开菜园。嘻嘻嘻 ~