跨年夜, 无端端的咳了数声后, 就病垮了。 跨入2017新的一年, 日夜高烧不停, 时而浑身出汗, 妈妈说是虚汗。 就这样迷迷糊糊的躺着病榻上, 昏昏欲睡度过了十多天, 之后只能说”人老不中用“, 经不起几声的咳,更加经不起病魔的攻击, 整个人像似虚脱了, 变得手软脚软, 就连说几句话都浑身无力。。。
几天前, 老妈子还忧心的说”要过年了, 怎么你还是这个样子?
是的, 要过年了, 我也知道。 我每天望着壁上的日历, 眼睁睁的看着日子一天天的溜走, 心急人更急。 所以快快的“爬了起来”, 让这个家有点过年的气息。只是, 暂时家里除了毫无“年味”,就只有一阵阵的药材味了! 嘻嘻。。。
好久没上来这个家, 今天就找来这批漆黑一片的照片, 也是找不到一丝一毫的年味。 没法啦, 这是去年的拍摄, 几个月前烤的鸡蛋糕, 也是孩子们的早点之一。
4粒大蛋 (共227克, 不包括蛋壳)
110克低筋面粉 (过筛)
1. 将鸡蛋和黄糖以搅拌机快速打发至乳白色。 (我打了13分钟)
2. 将一半的面粉加入蛋糊中, 以低速稍微搅拌几下。然后, 再拌入剩余的面粉,用橡皮刮刀以切拌的手法翻拌均匀。
3. 加入橄榄油拌匀, 将蛋糕糊舀入预热已经涂上少量的奶油烤馍至9分满, 轻轻拿起烤馍在桌子上敲出小气泡。
4. 放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤15分钟至外皮金黄色即可。
5. 取出, 放置铁网上待凉。
【kuih Bahulu】
4 large eggs, total 227g without shell
75g brown sugar
110g cake flour (sifted)
15g olive oil or melted butter
1. Mix eggs and brown sugar in a bowl, beat on high speed till thick and fluffy. (take about 13 minutes)
2. Add in half of flour, stir it while utlizing low speed. Then, mix in the remaining flour and mix with rubber spatula till combined.
3. Lastly, add olive oil and mix well. Transfer to greased and hot mould, scoop batter into mould up to 90% full and lightly tap the mould to remove air bubble.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 15 minutes till golden brown.
4 large eggs, total 227g without shell
75g brown sugar
110g cake flour (sifted)
15g olive oil or melted butter
1. Mix eggs and brown sugar in a bowl, beat on high speed till thick and fluffy. (take about 13 minutes)
2. Add in half of flour, stir it while utlizing low speed. Then, mix in the remaining flour and mix with rubber spatula till combined.
3. Lastly, add olive oil and mix well. Transfer to greased and hot mould, scoop batter into mould up to 90% full and lightly tap the mould to remove air bubble.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 15 minutes till golden brown.
谢谢好友送的礼物, 喜欢极了!
may 姐,我还以为您不听话,不舒服了还在烘烤饼干呢!
Deletehi there, i wanna ask your permission to use your bahulu photo for my fb page?
ReplyDeleteCan i know what is the purpose?