Monday 19 December 2016

潘妮朵芮 【Panettone】

潘妮朵芮(Panettone) 又称“米兰大面包”, 是意大利经典的圣诞水果面包。  传统 Panettone是以天然菌种发酵, 经过长时间的发酵制作, 并加入各式的干果蜜而成。  这款吃法别与一般的面包, 烤好封密后, 味道更佳, 香气扑鼻, 酒香诱人, 是一款非常独特风味的面包。 

终于做了这款即像蛋糕又像面包的圣诞经典面包, 从N年想到今年, 总算完成所愿! 


A:  25克高筋面粉, 1克即溶酵母,25克鲜奶, 5克朗姆酒
B:  75克蛋黄, 25克全蛋液, 3.8克盐, 30克细糖, 20克蜂蜜
C:  125克高筋面粉, 2.5克即溶酵母

D:  38克清水, 38克鲜奶, 100克高筋面粉, 2克即溶酵母, 75克鲜奶
E:  100克葡萄干+ 80克蔓越莓干+ 3大匙朗姆酒浸泡隔夜, 100克核桃(烤香)

全蛋液, 细糖适量

1.  将材料A混合搅拌均匀, 放入容器里冷藏发酵12小时。
2.  将作法(1)和材料B以慢速搅拌均匀, 加入材料C拌匀成光滑面团, 放入容器里, 温室发酵3小时。
3.  将主面团材料中的清水,鲜奶(38克)和作法(2)混合均匀。
4.  加入主面团中的面粉, 即溶酵母混合均匀, 再转快速搅拌至顺滑。  
5.  加入鲜奶(75克)搅拌至光滑的面团。 
6.  最后加入主面团材料中的材料E, 拌匀即可。
7.  将面团放入适合的容器里, 发酵1小时。
(原食谱将面团向上折1/3, 前端向下折1/3, 翻面轻拍几下, 再折3折, 折线朝下, 整成圆球状, 放入模具或纸模里。我的面团太湿, 很难操作, 我无法跟着步骤折上折下, 只好将面团放入模具算了。)
8.  表面涂上蛋液, 剪出十字切口, 塞入奶油并撒上细糖。
9.  放入预热烤箱里以170度烘烤30分钟即可。冷却后, 撒上一些糖粉, 即可切片享用。

小小记录: 我用1个5”x 5"圆模和2个纸杯


[Starter ingredients】
A:  25g bread flour, 1g instant yeast,25g fresh milk, 5g rum
B:  75g egg yolks, 25g egg (beaten), 3.8g salt, 30g brown sugar, 20g honey
C:  125g bread flour, 2g instat yeast

【Main dough ingredients】
D:  38g water, 38g fresh milk, 100g bread flour, 2g instant yeast, 75g fresh milk
E:  100g raisin+ 80g dried cranberries+ 3 tbsp rum, 100g walnut(roasted)

egg wash, castor sugar

1.  Combine the starter ingredient A , mix well.  Cover and place in the fridge, allow them to rest over night for 12 hours. 
2.  Combine method (1) and ingredients B,  mix and whisk well.  Then, add ingredients C until you get a soft and smooth dough.    Allow the dough to rise, covered for 3 hours until it's puffy (at room temperature)
3.  Add in water, fresh milk (ingredients D) with Method (2), mix to combine.
4.  Add in flour, instant yeast and mix evenly.  Then turn to fast mode, whisk well。
5.  Add fresh milk (75g), mix to combine until smooth and soft dough.
6.  Lastly, add in ingredient E and shape the dough into a ball, and place it in a panettone pan or other sutaible pan.  Let the dough rise until just crested over the rim of the pan, above 1 hour.
7.  Gently brush the egg on top of the panettone, cut out the cross incision,  stuffed with butter and sprinkle with sugar.
8.  Bake in preheated oven 170C for 30 minutes.
9.  Leave to cool completely before dusting lightly with icing sugar and cut and serve.

## I used 5X 5 inches round mould and 2 paper liners, refer picture below


  1. 亲爱的,我闻香而来噜,不客气自己拿了块。

    1. 你亲爱的我呀,拖拖拉拉了几年才做出这个面包,实在是。。。你比我勤劳,快快做了它吧!哈哈。。

  2. Thank you for the recipe. May I know you are using a small round baking tin (if possible can let me know the size) or a big cupcake liner.

    1. Hi! I used the 5x5 inches round mould and 2 paper liners. I just posted the image of the mould, please refer to the picture above! regards!

  3. Hi May,
    一,祝你"冬至快乐",二,祝你"圣诞快乐",三,再祝你"Happy New Year"


    1. 嗨! Eunice, 谢谢你又来探望我!
      这食谱的面团很湿很难操作,建议你可以用日本高筋面粉, 它的吸水量较强。
      有你的3贺3福, 相信明天明年都会更好! 感恩!
      同时我也送上这3福, 愿你天天都幸福!

  4. 圣诞还没到,我先祝你 冬至快乐!

    1. 谢谢小薇薇, 我也祝你冬至愉快, 圣诞快乐!


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