Wednesday 30 October 2013

醸豆腐卜汤(Bean Curd Puffs Soup)

吃腻了大鱼大肉的时候, 来一道清淡的青葱豆腐卜汤, 也好让我们的肠胃好好的松弛下。 我本人特别喜爱青葱, 所以就特意的加入了两棵的青葱, 小小的青葱, 加入汤后就是美味清香,我的最爱。

一碗豆腐卜汤,一碟炒饭, 一份平淡幸福的滋味。



1/2小匙盐, 半小匙胡椒粉, 少许糖

1小匙盐, 1大匙绍兴酒, 少许胡椒粉

1.  将鱼胶肉和鸡肉搅碎, 加入粟米粒, 红葱末, 红辣椒拌匀, 再加入调味料A拌匀。
2.  以剪刀把豆腐卜的上端剪开(不要剪断),将做法(1)的肉浆酿入豆腐卜里。
3.  熱一大匙的麻油, 爆香姜片, 注入高汤, 沸滚后放入豆腐卜。 加入调味料B, 煮至10分钟离火, 撒下青葱即可。 

Bean Curd Puffs Soup

150g fish meat paste
150g chicken meat
12 bean curd puffs

half of fresh corn kernels
3 shallots (chopped)
1 red chilli (chopped)
2 spring onion (cut into sections)
5 ginger slices
800ml  stock/anchovies soup

Seasonings A:
1/2 tsp salt,, 1/2 tsp pepper powder,sugar to taste

Seasoning B:
1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp shaoxing wine,A dash of pepper powder

1. Blend fish meat and chicken meat, add in corn kernels, shallots, red chilli mix evenly.  Add in seasoning A and mix well.  
2. Cut  a slit on  bean curd puffs  ,  stuff bean curd puffs with meat paste mixture from method (1). 
3.  Heat up 1 tbsp sesame oil in wok, saute ginger until fragrant,  pour in stock to boil and add stuffed  bean curd puffs.  Add seasoning B,  cook for 10 minutes, sprinkle with spring onion, serve.

and this post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

豆腐草莓乳酪 (Tofu Strawberry Yoghurt )

做了一款以豆腐和草莓乳酪制成的甜品,做法极其简单,只需几样的材料即可完成,绝对是零难度。 将豆腐和草莓口味的乳酪完美的结合在一起,  又是一款滑嫩爽口的小甜品。 在尚未尝试前, 还真的有所质疑这款甜品的口味呢!再尝试后,才知其中的美味之处, 就连家大少爷也赞这道以豆腐取代了芝士乳酪的甜品, 给了个小拇指呢! 嘿嘿

这款含有一股浓香的豆腐乳酪, 在炎热的午后取出享用,风味更佳!  真是一股浓香, 一缕温情哦!

(食谱参考于Little Bear Kitchen, 食谱厨苑自行调整的)

Method: (makes 6 glass)

1. Bring water in the steamer to a boil and steam tofu for 5 minutes, set aside to cool slightly. 
2.Combine tofu, fresh strawberry and yoghurt and blend till smooth.
3. Combine sugar and agar-agar powder into a pot, mix well. Then pour in water, keep stirring over low heat till it comes to a boil. Set pot aside to cool slightly.
4. Add in method (2) and mix well 
5. Pour mixture  in six serving glass, cool and chill before serving.

我个人觉得尚可加多几粒新鲜草莓, 这样不但能使其颜色更加的
鲜艳, 还可添加香浓的草莓味呢! 

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake.

Monday 28 October 2013

蒸三鲜豆腐 (Steamed Tofu with Mushroom and Ham)

三鲜所指的是冬菇, 火腿肉及豆腐。 豆腐本是个很常见的家常菜,冬菇清香,豆腐滑嫩,火腿肉则鲜香。 三样材料并合就添加了一份鲜嫩感,又不失为一道营养丰富又美味的菜肴了。

Steamed Tofu with Mushroom and Ham

1 box smooth tofu (slice), 1 piece of ham (cut into 6 small pieces)
7 mushrooms (soaked in water, remove the stems)

1 tbsp oyster sauce, 1/2 cup of water,1 tsp corn flour, 1 tsp shaoxing wine, 
a dash of pepper power and salt

1.  Smear a plate with oil, lay tofu, mushrooms and ham slices in respective order on the plate.  Steam over medium heat for 10 minutes.  Remove and pour away the steamed juices.

2. Combine all seasoning and bring to boil. Drizzle on steamed tofu before serving. 


1块嫩豆腐(切片), 1片火腿(切成六小片), 7朵香菇(浸水泡软, 去茎)

1小匙绍兴酒, 少许胡椒粉和盐

1. 将豆腐片,香菇及火腿片依序排上,置入蒸锅中,以中火蒸10分钟,取出倒掉汁。


This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs up organised by Doreen from my little favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids, hosted by Mich of Piece of Cake.

Thursday 24 October 2013

香辣甘香螃蟹 ( Kam Heong Crab)

妈妈又托二弟带来了螃蟹, 说是给她唯一的女婿吃的。 妈妈知道她家的女婿最爱螃蟹了, 所以每次看到鲜美的螃蟹, 总是不忘的买了几只带来。 托了这女婿的口福,我又有机会品尝到大闸蟹了!

问这女婿该如何处置这几只螃蟹, 开出了菜当;番茄酱,清蒸, 盖饭或甘香任选。  结果, 选了这道家喻户晓的香辣甘香, 任何菜肴煮成甘香, 那香辣够味非它莫属了。 甘香不辣又不够味,太辣带劲的吃到会直吐舌头,只适合妈妈的女婿吃, 所以来个适中的吧! 喜欢吃辣的, 可以加多些指天椒, 你肯定会吃到辣稀稀而不停灌冰水了! 嘿嘿

香辣甘香螃蟹 (Kam Heong Crab)
(食谱: 厨苑食谱)

六只螃蟹(洗净, 切件), 40克虾米(浸软,切碎)
8-9粒葱头(切碎), 9条指天椒(切碎), 1条红辣椒(切段)

2小匙巴拉煎, 1大匙田师傅辣椒酱, 1大匙酱油, 1小匙黑酱油, 1大匙鲍鱼酱
1大匙糖, 少许胡椒粉

1. 锅里烧熱2大匙油, 爆香葱头和虾米, 加入指天椒, 红辣椒和疯甘叶炒香。
2. 加入螃蟹和调味料, 以大火炒均。再加入50克的清水煮至沸。 盖上锅盖, 将螃蟹焖熟即可。

【Kam Heong Crab】

6  no crabs ( clean, cut into pieces)
40g dried shrimp (soaked and chopped)
8-9 shallots (chopped), 9 bird’s chilli (chopped)
1 red chilli (sliced)
8 pcs kaffir lime leaf  (curry leaf will do)

2 tsp belacan, 1 tbsp tean's gourmet curry paste
1 tbsp light soya sauce, 1 tbsp abalone sauce/oyster souce
1 tbsp sugar, some pepper powder

1. Heat up 2 tbsp oil, sauté shallots and dried shrimp until fragrant.  Add in bird’s chilli and kaffir lime leaf , stir well.

2. Add in crabs and seasonings, stir-fry over high heat  until the surface of crabs change colour. Add in 50ml water, bring to boil. Cover with lid and simmer crabs until cooked . 

Wednesday 23 October 2013

全蛋式~班兰海绵蛋糕 (Pandan Sponge Cake)

第一次烘烤这样重份量的海绵蛋糕, 以往总是采用纸杯来取代。 这次决定冒险以六寸圆模烘烤, 结果没让我失望。 这蛋糕啊,外表看上去没有什么特别之处, 但吃在嘴里,口感非常松软,细腻, 绵绵轻轻的而含有阵阵的班兰香,吃下肚里,没有一点负担。 另外就是这个制作过程十分简单, 也无需把鸡蛋分离!

班兰海绵蛋糕 (6寸圆模一个)

4粒全蛋,105克特幼粉或蛋糕粉,75克幼糖,20克鲜奶, 25克粟油,少许盐

1)将班兰汁, 鲜奶和粟米油混合备用。
3)将鸡蛋从冰箱里取出放入搅拌盘里,搅拌至粗泡末时加入一半的幼糖以快速打一分钟, 再把剩余的一半糖份加入,再以快速大约打发8分钟, 再加入做法(1)的液体继续打至5分钟至乳白或干性泡末。
4再慢慢的倒入过筛的粉类, 用刮刀从底往上翻拌均匀
5)把面糊倒入6寸圆模, 轻轻敲出气泡。

Pandan Sponge Cake

4 eggs (cool from fridge)
105g cake flour
75g castor sugar
20g fresh milk
25g corn oil,  A pinch of salt,
20g pandan juice
1Mix pandan juice, fresh milk and corn oil, set aside.
 2Combine cake flour and salt together, sift twice.

3Whisk the cool eggs in the mixing bowl, use low speed to whisk till bubbles state.  Turn to high speed, add in half of caster sugar and whisk for 1 minute.  Then, add the remaining caster sugar, maintain the speed level and whisk for 8 minutes. Add in pandan juices liquid, continue whisk for 5 minutes till pale, thick and fluffy

 4Gradually add in flour, use a rubber spatula to fold the batter evenly from the bottom to the top.

5Pour batter into a 6 inch round (lined base) cake pan.  Gently tap the cake pan on the table top to release air bubbles.  

6)  Bake in preheated oven at 165C for 25 minutes or until cooked.

7Remove from oven, invert cake on a wire rack and remove the cake after cool.