Wednesday 24 August 2016

蓝莓乳酪塔 【Blueberry Cheese Tart】

做了柠檬塔,相隔几天后又做了这款漂亮即好吃的蓝莓乳酪塔。  换汤不换药, 只在材料方面略微做了少许更改, 将柠檬酱换成蓝莓酱, 又担心外卖的蓝莓酱偏甜, 所有又添加了2大匙的柠檬酱和新鲜蓝莓碎以作调和。 

好久没举相机了, 旧作还是旧作。  如今,竟连写也得懒得写了。 大丫头大赞她妈妈懂事了, 不再为“这个家”频频而忙, 更不必再问这道食物可以吃了否!

 蓝莓乳酪塔, 共做3个4cm 塔模, 1个5cm 塔模

70克奶油, 25克糖粉, 1茶匙香精, 20克蛋液, 150克底筋面粉 

1.  将奶油, 糖粉及香精以打蛋器混合均匀, 加入蛋搅拌均匀。
2.  筛入低粉, 搅拌成光滑的面团。
3.  以保鲜纸包好, 放入冰箱里冷藏至1小时以上。
4.  将面团取出, 擀成3mm厚度并以4cm和5cm切模切出面皮, 放入塔模里挤压好。 然后, 把塔模放入冰箱里冷藏10分钟, 取出。 
5.  放入预热烤箱里以170度烘烤16分钟至浅黄色即, 脱模备用。


2大匙柠檬酱, 食谱参考这里

1.  将乳酪奶油和细砂糖搅打至光滑, 加入蛋黄拌匀后, 再加入蓝莓酱,新鲜蓝莓碎, 柠檬酱搅拌均匀。
2.  将蓝莓酱舀入挤花袋里, 挤入备好的塔皮中至9分满。
3.  放入预热烤箱里以170度烘烤15分钟至表面膨胀, 或芝士稳定无动摇即可。
4.  取出, 待冷却后放入冰箱里冷藏后享用。

yields 3 tarts-4cm tart mould, 1 tart-5cm tart mould

[Pastry Ingredients]
70g unsalted butter, 25g icing sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, 20g egg, 150g cake flour

To prepare pastry】
1.  Combine butter and icing sugar in a large bowl and stir evenly incorporated.  Add in egg and whisk for 30 seconds.
2.  Sift in flour, mix well to form into a soft dough.
3.  Wrap with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for at leave 1 hours.
4.  Remove the dough, roll out dough into 3mm thick and cut with 4cm and 5cm pastry cutter, place dough disk into tart shell and press lightly to fit into the tart shell.  Chill the lined tart shell for 10 minutes.
5.  Bake the pastry in preheated oven at 170C for 16 minutes until  is lightly bown.  Let it cool a bit then remove the tart from the pans.


120g cream cheese (at room temperature)
15g castor sugar
1 egg yolk
50g blueberry jam
20g fresh blueberry (mashed)
2 tbsp lemon curd , please refer to recipe HERE

1.  Cream cream cheese and sugar till creamy and smooth.  Add in egg, whisk to combine and add in blueberry jam, mashed blueberry and lemon curd, mix well.
2.  Place the lemon jam into the piping bag, pipe the jam onto the cooled tart shell until 90% full.
3.  Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 15 minutes until the cheese is fully set.
4.  Remove from the oven, let it cool and chill before serve.

最后也不忘赞扬自己, 用了一个星期的时间才成功的“搞掂”这道帖子!接下来, 我又要做个不回家的人了! 嘻嘻。。。

Wednesday 17 August 2016

班兰麻糬蔓越莓吐司 【Pandan Mochi Cranberries Milk Toast】

习惯性的将将面包模具推入烤箱后, 转身就上楼洗澡了。 再度步入梯间的一刹那, 一股飘着面包香气的烘烤味已经钻入我的鼻孔里了。分不清是习惯了, 还是爱上了梯间那股飘来的阵阵面包香味, 喜欢那种感觉, 让人感觉幸福,  原来简单的面包香味也能带给人喜悦啊! 

备好晚餐后, 面团已在预料的时间内搅拌结束了,分割了三份, 又大功告成了。  渐渐地, 不知不觉间我也爱上了吐司, 爱上了它的简单, 爱上了它的香味!

这面包充满了班兰香味, 我喜欢就这样的撕着吃, 空了了的不涂果酱也一样美味。  为了避免大丫头将蔓越莓一颗颗的楸出,我不敢加多, 否则肯定更加绝妙了啊 



1.  将所有材料放入面包机里搅拌15分钟(除了奶油和蔓越莓干果)至面团混合。
2.  然后再加入奶油, 继续搅拌至15分钟至面团顺滑混合。 然后再把蔓越莓干加入, 搓至均匀。
3.  取出面团滚圆放入盆中以湿布盖好, 进行基础第一次发酵至双倍大(60分钟)。
4.  发酵结束后, 取出面团放在撒有高粉的桌面上, 平分割成3份,滚圆, 盖上湿布休面15分钟。
5.  将松弛后的面团擀成椭圆形, 由上而下的卷起, 松弛10分钟后再擀成长条, 卷起。 (工作台上撒下一些面粉,否则会很难操作) 
6.  将面团排入吐司烤模里,进行第二次发酵至9分满。(取一杯热水帮助提高温度, 让面团加速发酵)
7.  将烤模放入预热烤箱里175度至35分钟至表面呈现金黄色即可。
8.  取出,将面包放置铁架上放凉。


Pandan Mochi Cranberries Milk Toast】

225g bread flour
25g korean bread mix flour
10g milk powder
3g instant yeast
25g egg (beaten)
70g fresh milk
55g pandan juice
35g castor sugar
3g salt
25g unsalted butter
50g dried cranberies 

1.  Place all the ingredients except butter, dried cranberries) into the a bread marker, let it knead for 15 minutes until all the ingredients come together .  (First, add the wet ingredients, then followed by the dry ingredients) 
2.  When all ingredients come together, add in butter, continue kneading until the dough is smooth and elastic for 15 minutes. Then, add the dried cranberries and knead until combined.
3.  Cover dough with wet cloth and let it proof until doubled in size (about 60 minus).
Sprinkle some flour over the work surface, place the dough on it and press the dough to release the air.  Divide the dough into 3 portions equally, roll it into ball shape and rest for 15 minutes.

5.  Flatten it and roll up like swiss roll and rest for 10 minutes.  Then, roll it again into long strip, and roll up like swiss roll.
6.  Place in into greased loaf pan to have of proofing until the dough reaches 90% of height of pan.
7.  Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 35 minutes until it golden brown . (you may cover bread surface with foil if it turns to brown color too fast)

此时, 天色已是十分昏黑, 黑压压的乌云, 仿佛要将这世界吞噬了。  左脑想着是否该将这吐司的倩影抓拿下, 右脑却在命令着我举起相机, 靠着窗外那仅有的一曙光芒, 乱来的咔嚓了几张, 收工吃晚饭去呀!


Monday 15 August 2016

黑白巧克力慕斯蛋糕 【White Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake】

5月31日~大丫头的生日蛋糕, 相隔了几个月, 终于有时间将它贴上。  依稀记得, 那时的我正为着手头上的工作而忙, 没时间找食谱之下,就想到Joceline家让人一见倾心的生日蛋糕。  所以”临时临急“的变出了这款的生日蛋糕, 也是丫头最爱的巧克力蛋糕。

蛋糕做的不是很专业, 但却让丫头情迷了。  我也侥幸得又通过了一次的“试验”, 而蛋糕的装饰也是依照丫头所提示的, 她说简单就是美! 


[材料A, 7寸巧克力蛋糕体]



1.  将UHT鲜奶油加入巧克力一起隔水煮至溶化顺滑, 备用。
2.  将蛋黄稍微打散, 加入油搅拌均匀。然后, 再加入步骤(1)的巧克力酱, 搅拌均匀。
3.  筛入低筋面粉, 无糖巧克力粉和发粉搅拌成均匀的巧克力面糊。
4.  将蛋白打至起粗泡, 滴入数滴柠檬汁, 分次加入黄糖  打发至发泡的蛋白霜。  
5.  把蛋白霜分次拌入巧克力面糊里, 拌匀。  
6.  倒入7寸脱底圆模里, 送入预热烤箱以165度烘烤约50分钟或至熟。
7.  取出, 立即倒扣, 待冷却后才脱模, 然后平均切成4片, 备用。 

【材料B, 慕斯夹心】
250克白巧克力 (隔水煮溶)
50克黑巧克力 (隔水煮溶)
4张吉利丁片(小张的, 共8克)
250克动物性鲜奶油 (打发)

60克动物性鲜奶油+1/2 茶匙巧克力粉(打发)

50克动物性鲜奶油 (UHT)

1.  将吉利丁片以冰水浸软, 然后捞起把水挤干)
2.  UHT鲜奶油+鲜奶+蛋黄隔水煮热成奶油液体。
3.  将白巧克力隔水煮至溶化, 倒入步骤(2)的奶油液体里, 搅拌均匀成白巧克力糊。  
4.   离火后, 加入步骤(1)的吉利丁, 搅拌至融化顺滑。
5.  将步骤(4)的巧克力面糊平分成2份, 一份加入溶化黑巧克力酱, 而另一份则保留原味。 
6.  将动物性鲜奶油打发, 分成2份, 分别拌入巧克力面糊里, 即成黑巧克力和白巧克力慕斯酱。  

【 综合做法】
1.  放入一片巧克力蛋糕片在慕斯模里, 扣紧。  倒入一半黑巧克力慕斯。  
2.  放入第二片巧克力蛋糕, 稍微把蛋糕压一下, 再倒入第二层白巧克力慕斯, 重复以上的步骤至到把蛋糕完整的贴上。 将蛋糕放入冰箱冷藏至少6小时。
3.  取出, 将蛋糕脱模, 并在蛋糕周围涂抹一层薄薄的巧克力鲜奶油(打发), 放入冰箱冷藏30分钟至定型后方可取出淋面.  
4.  动物性鲜奶油(UHT), 黑巧克力, 牛油一起隔水煮至溶化顺滑。 稍微冷却后, 淋在蛋糕上, 让巧克力酱自然流下。  
5.  摆上自己喜欢的装饰即可。

【White Dark Chocolate Mousse Cake】

[Ingredients A, 7 inches chocolate cake base]
4  egg yolks
40g corn oil
100g UHT whipping cream
80g dark chocolate
60g cake flour
20g unsweetened chocolate powder
1/2 tsp baking powder

4 egg whites
few drops of lemon juice
40g brown sugar

1.  In a small bowl, dissolve dark chocolate and whipping cream in low heat by using the double boil method.
2.  Place egg yolks and corn oil in a bowl, mix well.  Add in chocolate mixture (step 1) and mix until combined.
3.  sifted in cake flour, chocolate powder and baking powder, use a hand whisk to mix until combined.
4.  In a mixing bowl, beat egg whites with few drops of lemon juice until mixture forms soft peaks.  Gradually add in brown sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form.
5.  Gently fold in 1/3 of meringue into chocolate mixture, mix well by using a rubber spatula, then add the remaining meringue until blended.
6.  Pour batter into 7 inches loose bottom cake pan, bake in preheated oven at 165C for 50 minutes or until it cooked.
7.  Remove from oven, invert cake onto table, leave to cool before cutting into 4 pieces.

【Ingredients B, Mousse filling】
250g white chocolate (dissolved)
50g dark chocolate (dissolved)
2 egg yolks
150 UHT whipping cream
50g fresh milk
4 gelatine sheet(small sheet , total 8g)
250g UHT whipping cream (whipped)

【Ingredients C~ top and side layer】
60g UHT whipping cream + 1/2 tsp cocoa powder(whipped)

【Ingredients D~Chocolate Ganache】 
50g UHT whipping cream
50g dark chocolate 
1 tsp butter

1.  Soaked gelatine sheet in cool water, and drain it. 
2.  In a bowl, place whipping cream+fresh milk+ egg yolks in low heat by using the double boiled method.  Stir the mixture until smooth. 
3.  Add in dissolved white chocolates into egg yolks mixture (step 2), mix well.
4.   Remove from heat, add in soaked gelatine sheet,  stir well until it fully dissolved and smooth.
5.  Divide chocolate mixture into 2 equal portions, add in dissolved dark chocolate into one of the mixture and remain same for another original mixture.
6.  Whisk whipping cream, divide into 2 portions and add into the chocolate mixture individually to form a dark chocolate mousse and white chocolate mousse.

【 To assemble cake】
1.  Place the 1st layer of chocolate cake in the mouse pan, pour in half of dark chocolate mouse. 
2.  Place the 2nd layer of chocolate cake , lightly press it and pour over the white chocolate mouse on top of the cake.  Repeat the same way till last layers and chill for at least 6 hours until it set.
3.  Remove cake from the mouse pan,  cover the whole cake with whipped cream and smooth the side and top.  Chill for at least 30 minutes until it set.
4.  Dissolved whipping cream, dark chocolate and butter over low heat by using the double boiled method.  Stir the mixture till smooth and let it cool slightly.
5.  Pour chocolate ganache over the top of the cake, let it flow naturally. 
6.  Decorate as shown or to you own desire.