草莓香叶, 但是还是比较偏爱之前的
煎哆椰糖菜燕月饼。 煎哆椰糖菜燕月饼是在匆匆忙忙中随便完成的,因为家里已经没有什么材料了,也不想到处去寻找材料了。临时接到朋友的通知,今晚有聚会,月饼又送到7788了,只好做燕菜月饼,即省时又省事。 唉!反正,今晚,我的小公主有补习,我也只是把食物送去而已,想必朋友也知道我在忙,所以才迟迟通知我吧!
食谱参自: Y3K美厨食谱32,pages 45
哈蜜瓜鲜奶燕菜月饼 Hami Melon Jelly Mooncakes
(可做12个, make
蛋黄内馅材料:Mock egg yolks
1茶匙菜燕粉, 1tsp agar-agar powder
40克幼糖, 40g sugar
200毫升水. 200ml hot water
1/8茶匙盐,1/8 tsp salt
100克金瓜泥, 100g pumpkin puree
中间鲜奶馅材 Filling:
3大匙菜燕粉, 3tbsp agar-agar powder
60克幼糖, 60g sugar
150毫升鲜奶 , 150ml fresh milk
450毫升热水, 450ml hot water
半茶匙盐, ½ tsp salt
1.5大匙菜燕粉, 1/5tbsp
agar-agar powder
90克幼糖, 90g
sugar (sugar can be deducted according to you own fancy)
150毫升鲜奶, 150g fresh milk
450毫升热水, 450ml hot water
750毫升哈蜜瓜水, 750ml hami melon juices
1。首先把 蛋黄内馅的糖和盐倒进锅里,再把菜燕粉倒入,用汤匙混合均勺,这样菜燕粉就不会结成粒状。然后,倒入水,用汤匙搅拌它,再把金瓜泥加入,轻轻搅拌至小滚即可。
To make mock egg yolks:
Pour in sugar, salt, agar-agar powder and add in water. Stir as you bring it to boil and add in
pumpkin puree, mix well.
Spoon no. (1) into ice
cube rounded moulds. Leave to set, then ease out and keep aside.
To make filling: Pour in sugar, salt, agar-agar powder and add
in water. Stir no-stop till contents
come to a boil and after boiled add in fresh milk.
Put in egg yolks into 12
small round mould and spoon in no. (3). Let them coagulate.
To make skin: Leave hami melon juices aside. Place all the rest of ingredients into a pot
(much add in sugar then agar-agar powder first.)。 Stir as you bring it to a boil. Turn off heat and add in fresh honeydew melon
juice, mix well.
Spoon some no. (5) into
mooncakes moulds. Let it coagulate(use a fork to scratch of set jelly before
pouring in another layer of jelly. To let it to adhere well. This will ensure it would not fall out) and
add in no. (4). Top in more of no。 (5)。
Leave to coagulate before
inverting out mooncakes. Keep chilled.