Tuesday 8 August 2017

南瓜豆沙球【Pumpkin Ball with Red Bean Filling】

为了消灭南瓜和豆沙馅所做的糕点,才刚刚消灭了一粒南瓜却又来了另一粒南瓜。  天! 怎么办呀, 消不完的南瓜, 吃不完的南瓜哟!


150g 糯米粉
150g 南瓜泥, 南瓜去皮切片蒸熟
35克清水 , 水量似南瓜的湿度而慢慢加入
100克白椰丝, 加入适量盐, 蒸熟待用

1.  将南瓜泥和糯米粉混合搅拌均匀。
2.  再慢慢加入清水搓成光滑的面团。
3.  将面团搓成小圆球约12克,包入适量的豆沙馅料。
4.  放入已沸滚的水里煮熟, 浮起来的便是已经煮熟的。
5.  捞起, 放入一盆装有冰水里,然后再将南瓜球捞起, 粘上椰丝即可享用。 


【Pumpkin Ball with Red Bean Filling】

150g glutinous rice flour
150g mashed pumpkin
35g water
for filling, appropriate amount of red bean paste
100g shredded coconut+1/4 tsp salt (slightly steam)

1.  Mix mashed pumpkin with glutinous rice flour and slowly pour in water and stir well until soft dough is formed.
2.  Divide soft dough into small balls (12 each) , wrap in red bean paste.  
3.  Cook the balls in boiling water, remove wehn they are floating and place in the cold water.
4.  Remove the balls from cold water and coat well with sheredded coconut, serve.


  1. 哗,我超爱南瓜球。。。还加麥红豆馅真是我的最爱,阿May 先要五粒来!呵呵呵😜

  2. 看到这个自然想到汤丸呢!好想吃。

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