Wednesday 2 August 2017

班兰相思蛋糕【Pandan Ogura Cake】

熟悉的鸡贩档口放置了一堆的班兰叶, 听闻是一位顾客免费报效的。  当然,我也不认输的取了几束回家, 搅了一瓶浓缩的班兰汁。  香浓的班兰味扑鼻而来, 唤醒了我对相思蛋糕的记忆。

忆起当年迷上它的那一刻, 它便成了我的疯狂, 我的恋人! 最后一次见它~双色巧克力相思蛋糕, 一别已是三年。  仿佛,从历史悠久的小镇里闻到了班兰味, 不禁对相思蛋糕心起涟漪。   如今, 只想说一句“久违了, 相思蛋糕!”

还是忍不住要说“久违了, 相思蛋糕!”。  所以才烤出了一个,不怎么满意的”相思“, 幸好到访的友人不嫌弃, 依然声声赞好, 实在是太给脸了。  但愿辞别相思后, 不会是左三年又三年吧!  嘻嘻。。。

205克蛋白,30克白砂糖, 30克黄糖
* 蛋白份量可在200-225克之间。
2. 把蛋白用搅拌机打在至起泡。再慢慢的分次加入糖,用搅拌机打至硬性 (碗糊拿起,而蛋白糊有曲弯)
3.再把(2)的1/2 蛋白糊加入蛋黄糊里, 搅拌均匀后再加入其余的蛋白糊,拌均匀。
4. 7寸脱底蛋糕模的外层预先铺上锡纸,放入一个装有1/4水的蛋糕盘里(这个装着水的盘一定要比7寸的烤盘大)
5.  把蛋糕糊倒入铺好锡纸的蛋糕模里, 轻轻的敲出气泡。
6. 放入预热烘炉里,用水浴法以150度烘70分钟(放入底层),取出,倒扣放着至冷却才取出蛋糕。
** 这次我有点懒,有些懒散。  所以没将蛋糕模裹上锡纸, 就直接以”蒸鱼法“, 把蛋糕模放置铁架上。  然后再将铁架放在一个装有水的大盘里, 才放入烤箱里以水浴法蒸烤。
** 大烤箱又病料, 烤面包饼干还可以, 烤蛋糕嘛就不行了。所以就以“小白脸”来烤, 全程以150度70分钟。

【Pandan Ogura Cake】
7-inches square removable pan

[Ingredients A] 
110g egg yolk
50ml pandan juice
1 egg, 60g each with shell
50g corn oil
1/8 tsp salt
100g superfine flour

[Ingredients B]
205g egg whites
35g castor sugar
35g brown sugar

 **  Any amount of egg white between 200g-225g is acceptable.
1.  Wrapped the 7 inches removable cake pan with 2 layers of aluminium foil and put the cake pan into outer baking tray, set aside.
2.  Combine ingredients A (except flour), and hand whisk throughly.  Sift cake flour into the mixutre and whisk till just evenly mixed.
3.  Whisk egg whites until mixture forms soft peaks.  Gradually add in sugar in 3 batches and whisk till frothy and stiff peak form.
4.  Add meringue into egg yolk mixture in 2 bathes, each time gently mixed well before adding the next.
5.  Pour the batter into the cake pan, and put the cake pan into baking tray.
6.  Lightly tap the baking tray to release the air bubbes, add fill in the 1/4 of cold water into the outer tray.
7.  Steam-bake in preheated oven at 150C for 70 minutes.
8.  Invert the cake immediately after bake and let it cool before serving.  

**  This time, i didn't wrap the cake pan with aluminium foil. I placed the wire rack into the baking tray which contained water, and put the cake pan on top of the wire rack and make sure the water does not touch the bottom of the cake pan.  


  1. very nice cake!! did you line your cake pan with parchment paper?
