Saturday 11 March 2017

橘子果酱 【Mandarin Orange Marmalade】

桌上摆着一盒的年柑,无人问津。喜见亲~Michael 的橘子果酱食谱。 然而明日复明日, 眼看那橘皮皱得比我这老女人的脸还皱.  然后再看它逐渐变黑变坏, 顺手也扔了好几粒。   之后,拖着一身的懒意,将那剩余的几粒橘子剥皮,去白色膜, 然后还得自罚站了约1小时。  

哎哟哟, 早知道就让它变老变皱算咯!

不过哦, 幸好坚持着, 这果酱好食哦!我加了蔗糖, 所以果酱的颜色有些变样了。  

7粒橘子 (991克)
1粒柠檬汁, 55克
1粒橘子皮, 切丝

1。 以食盐清洗橘子的外皮,并以清水清洗干净, 抹干水份。
2。剥除橘子外皮, 然后用小刀子尽量除白色部分, 再切成丝并以盐水浸泡30分钟。捞起, 用清水洗净, 挤干水份, 备用。  (白色部分带有苦涩, 将橘子丝浸泡盐水以便去除苦涩味)
3。将所有橘子的白色膜去除, 然后再把每一片的橘子剥开, 并以剪刀把保住果肉的白色膜剪掉, 除掉种籽, 再以果汁机搅打成果汁。(保留所有剪下的白色膜和种籽, 备用)
4.  将步骤3所保留下的白色膜, 种籽和150克清水以小火煮5分钟至稍微浓稠状, 过滤取汁液。
5.  取一锅, 倒入步骤4的汁液, 橘子果汁, 橘子丝,细糖, 蔗糖和柠檬汁以大火煮至蔗糖溶解, 再转小火煮至浓稠, 必需不时的搅拌以免焦底。 (大约熬煮了55分钟)
6.  趁热将煮好的果酱倒入备好的玻璃瓶里, 封盖倒扣冷却后, 放入冰箱里保存。

【Mandarin Orange Marmalade】 

7 mandarin oranges (991g)
100g castor sugar
85g bee honey rock
165g water
55g lemon juice from 1 lemon
peel from 1 mandarin orange

1.  Wash and scrub the mandarin orange with salt thoroughtly., drain it。 
2.  Peel mandarin orange, then remove any remaining pulp and empty segments, then use a sharp knife ad scrape off as much of the white pith from the inside of the peel.  Cut the peel of mandarin orange into thin strips and soak with salt for 30 minutes to remove to bitter taste.
3.  Split mandarin orange and use the sissor to cut off the center of the white parts.  Unless the membrane between the segments,  remove seeds and blend the segments. (kept the seeds and membranes, to be used later)
4.    Place membranes, seeds and 150g water to the pot,bring it to boil and simmer for 5 mintues in small heat. Filter and keep the juices. 
5.  Place the segments, lemon juice, orange strips, castor sugar, bee honoey rock and juices from method 4 into the pot and boil rapidly.  uncovered until it gels which will takes about 55 mintues and stirring occasionally.      
6.  Ladle the hot jam into the prepared jars, invert the bottle to cool before store in the refrigerator.


  1. 家里的年柑已解决完了, 不然也来试一试。不过想到要罚站, 我还是来妳家讨吃好了, 呵呵。。

  2. 亲爱的,你家的美味果酱终于登场了。棒棒涅。
