Monday 20 March 2017

班兰戚风蛋糕【Pandan Chiffon Cake】

因旧作, 贴上做个记录。  太久没烘戚蛋糕, 竟然不会为它“脱衣”了! 呵呵




1.  以打蛋器将鸡蛋打散, 加入玉米油, 鲜奶和班兰汁搅拌均匀。 
2.  加入过筛面粉, 搅拌均匀至无颗粒的面糊拌匀, 备用。
3.  把蛋白以搅拌机打发至呈粗泡沫状,将細糖分3次的加入,继续打发至硬性发泡。 
5.  将蛋糕糊倒入空心戚风模子里, 轻轻的轻轻敲出小气泡。 
6.  送入预热165度烤箱里, 烘烤45分钟即可。 
7.  取出蛋糕,倒扣在桌子上,待完全冷却后脱模.

Pandan Chiffon Cake

3 egg yolks large eggs )
30g corn oil
20g fresh milk
55g high ratio flour
3 tbsp pandan juice

3 egg whites 
40g castor sugar 

1. Combine egg yolks,  corn oil, pandan juice and fresh milk in a mixing bowl. 
2. Fold in cake flour, mix until there are no more lumps and forms a smooth batter, set  aside.  
3. Whisk egg whites until mixture forms soft peaks, and gradually add in sugar, whisk until frothy and still peaks form.
4. Gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk batter until combined. 
5. Pour the batter into square chiffon mould, lightly tap the pan to remove air bubble.  
6.  Bake in preheated oven at 165C for 45 minutes or until cooked. 
7.  Remove from oven, invert cake onto table until completely cooled. 

Thursday 16 March 2017

螃蟹煲仔饭 【Steamed Crab with Rice in Clay Pot】

家乡靠海,新鲜的海鲜海产特别多。老妈子最爱买螃蟹, 逢见螃蟹必买, 因此卖家们都纷纷的提着螃蟹送至家门口。  幸福的我托了妈妈的福, 家里又见螃蟹飘香, 有妈的孩子像个宝啊!

最爱这道简单的蒸螃蟹饭, 为那螃蟹汁渗透米饭的滋味而着迷,百吃不腻啊! 轻轻松松的一锅饭又解决了俩老的一餐, 幸福哦!  



2只螃蟹, 洗净剁块, 20克姜丝

[酱汁] 拌匀

1.  将香米放入瓦煲里, 加入清水和盐拌匀, 加盖以中火煮至沸滚, 再转小火煮至微干。
2.  将螃蟹排在饭上, 撒下姜丝并以慢火焗至20-25分钟至饭粒熟透。  最后淋上酱汁, 趁热食用。

Steamed Crab with Rice in Clay Pot】
~for 2-3 persons

[Ingredients A]
235g rice
230ml water(Depends on the type of rice)
1/2 tsp salt

[Ingredients B]
2 crabs, wash and cut into half
20g shredded ginger

[Sauce] Mixed
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp fried garlic oil
3 tbsp shaoxing wine
1/2 tsp sugar
80g anchovies broth

1.  Place rice in a claypot, add water and salt, mix well.  Cover and cook until boiled, then turn to low heat continue to cook until the water slightly absorbed.
2.  Arrange the crabs on top of rice, spread with shredded ginger.  Cover with lid, contine to cook over low heat for 20-25minutes until the rice and crab are cooked through.  Lastly, pour in sauce mixture and serve hot.

Saturday 11 March 2017

橘子果酱 【Mandarin Orange Marmalade】

桌上摆着一盒的年柑,无人问津。喜见亲~Michael 的橘子果酱食谱。 然而明日复明日, 眼看那橘皮皱得比我这老女人的脸还皱.  然后再看它逐渐变黑变坏, 顺手也扔了好几粒。   之后,拖着一身的懒意,将那剩余的几粒橘子剥皮,去白色膜, 然后还得自罚站了约1小时。  

哎哟哟, 早知道就让它变老变皱算咯!

不过哦, 幸好坚持着, 这果酱好食哦!我加了蔗糖, 所以果酱的颜色有些变样了。  

7粒橘子 (991克)
1粒柠檬汁, 55克
1粒橘子皮, 切丝

1。 以食盐清洗橘子的外皮,并以清水清洗干净, 抹干水份。
2。剥除橘子外皮, 然后用小刀子尽量除白色部分, 再切成丝并以盐水浸泡30分钟。捞起, 用清水洗净, 挤干水份, 备用。  (白色部分带有苦涩, 将橘子丝浸泡盐水以便去除苦涩味)
3。将所有橘子的白色膜去除, 然后再把每一片的橘子剥开, 并以剪刀把保住果肉的白色膜剪掉, 除掉种籽, 再以果汁机搅打成果汁。(保留所有剪下的白色膜和种籽, 备用)
4.  将步骤3所保留下的白色膜, 种籽和150克清水以小火煮5分钟至稍微浓稠状, 过滤取汁液。
5.  取一锅, 倒入步骤4的汁液, 橘子果汁, 橘子丝,细糖, 蔗糖和柠檬汁以大火煮至蔗糖溶解, 再转小火煮至浓稠, 必需不时的搅拌以免焦底。 (大约熬煮了55分钟)
6.  趁热将煮好的果酱倒入备好的玻璃瓶里, 封盖倒扣冷却后, 放入冰箱里保存。

【Mandarin Orange Marmalade】 

7 mandarin oranges (991g)
100g castor sugar
85g bee honey rock
165g water
55g lemon juice from 1 lemon
peel from 1 mandarin orange

1.  Wash and scrub the mandarin orange with salt thoroughtly., drain it。 
2.  Peel mandarin orange, then remove any remaining pulp and empty segments, then use a sharp knife ad scrape off as much of the white pith from the inside of the peel.  Cut the peel of mandarin orange into thin strips and soak with salt for 30 minutes to remove to bitter taste.
3.  Split mandarin orange and use the sissor to cut off the center of the white parts.  Unless the membrane between the segments,  remove seeds and blend the segments. (kept the seeds and membranes, to be used later)
4.    Place membranes, seeds and 150g water to the pot,bring it to boil and simmer for 5 mintues in small heat. Filter and keep the juices. 
5.  Place the segments, lemon juice, orange strips, castor sugar, bee honoey rock and juices from method 4 into the pot and boil rapidly.  uncovered until it gels which will takes about 55 mintues and stirring occasionally.      
6.  Ladle the hot jam into the prepared jars, invert the bottle to cool before store in the refrigerator.

Thursday 2 March 2017

百香果蛋糕【Passion Fruit Cake】

今早下了一场雨, 一直以为啊,雨后就是天晴了。  傍晚时分,天空又飘来了细雨, 仿佛被人调了闹钟似的。 同样的时辰, 同样的天空, 它总是烟雨蒙蒙 。。  
此时此刻, 只能说又见黄昏又见细雨啊!

百香果装饰蛋糕~几个月前的蛋糕, 几乎都忘了。 

百香果又称为热情果, 喜欢百香果那诱人的香味,那股令人难以形容的香味亦不负百香之名啊!


1/2 茶匙苏打粉

4 蛋白

1) 将幼糖加入蛋黄里以打蛋器搅拌成蛋黄糊再加入粟油鲜奶和过筛的面粉用打蛋器以不规则的方向拌均备用。
2) 以搅拌机将蛋白搅打至粗泡状分次加入幼糖,以快速搅打至呈硬的发泡状。
3) 1/3的蛋白霜,,加入做法2里, 以橡皮刮刀稍微拌合再加入剩余的蛋白霜, 再以橡皮刮刀从底部刮起拌匀。
4) 倒入8寸活动圆模(无需抹油铺纸), 送入预热烤箱以170度烘烤约40分钟.
5) 蛋糕出炉即倒扣待冷后脱模, 切成四片备用。



1)将所有材料倒入小锅里混合(除了牛油),用双烤盘(隔水煮法)热水上搅煮至松发, 无需过滤。

3)将剩余的打发鲜奶油涂在蛋糕的表面, 抹平。淋上百香果酱即可。
4) 随意摆上喜欢的装饰。 

【Passion Fruit Cake  Recipe adapted from here

[Cake base ingredients]
4 egg yolks30g brown sugar 50g corn oil 60g fresh milk
125g high ratio flour+1/2 tsp baking soda 

4 egg whites
 80g brown sugar

1) In a bowl, place egg yolks and sugar together, use a hand whisk to mix until combined.  Add corn oil, fresh milk and shifted flour, continue mix well and smooth. set aside.
2) In a mixing bowl, bean egg whites until mixture forms soft peaks.  Gradually add in castor sugar, beating at high speed until frothy and stiff peaks form. 
3) Gently fold in 1/3 of meringue into egg yolk batter, mix well by using  a rubber spatula, then add the remaining meringue until blended.
4) Pour batter into ungreased 8-in cake pan.  Bake in preheated oven at 170C for 40 minutes or until cooked.
5) Remove from oven, invert cake onto table, leave to cool before cutting into 4 layers.

[Passion Fruit Ganache]  
4 eggs 
120g castor sugar
100g passion fruit juice
1 lemon juice (55g)
5 tbsp passion fruit puree
90g butter

**200g whipped cream

[Passion fruit ganache preparation]
1Put all the ingredients into a small pot and mix well (except the butter), use double boiled method stir and cook till mixture fluffy and smooth.
2Continue to put the pot on double boiled pan, add butter and stir continuously until mixture has thickened.
Remove from heat,  leave it to cool, set aside.

[To Assemble]
1Place 1 slice of cake into the cake pan, apply passion fruit ganache on the layer of cake  and spread with some whipped cream.
2)   Cover with the 2nd layer of cake, repeat the same way till the last layer. 
3Cover the whole cake with the balance of the whipped cream and smooth the side and top.  Pour passion fruit ganache over the whole cake, chill before serving.
4)  Decorate as shown or to your own desire. 

以下2张是6寸的百香果蛋糕, 儿子下的订单给朋友的生日蛋糕!匆忙中。拍了2张记录下厨苑里所制作的装饰蛋糕。