Sunday 30 October 2016

杏仁鲨鱼片 【Almond Shark Meat Fillet】

平时在菜市上很难看到鲨鱼肉, 记得只看过一次, 而且是大大只的鲨鱼。  听妈妈说过,大只的鲨鱼肉非常粗糙不好吃, 肤浅的我对于鲨鱼肉并不熟悉。   所以每次总是妈妈买”便便“包装好带给我的, 幸福的我哦! 家乡的菜市里所卖的鲨鱼都是中等式的小鲨鱼, 很少见到大只的。

上一趟回乡, 逛了家乡的巴杀, 买了十几只的鲨鱼。  平时总是将鲨鱼肉切片煮酸甜鱼片,今天就顺从小丫头之意, 来个炸鱼片吧! 


1只鲨鱼肉 (家乡买的, 经已剥皮)

1茶匙盐, 适量胡椒粉
**4大匙面粉+3大匙清水+1粒鸡蛋 (调匀)

1.  将鲨鱼切半, 除去硬骨,滴干水份, 加入1茶匙盐和适量胡椒粉腌制15分钟。
2.  将腌好的鲨鱼放入面粉蛋糊(**)里浸泡一下, 取出, 将外层沾满杏仁片并按紧。然后, 放置冰箱里15分钟, 这样油炸时杏仁片就不容易脱落了。
3.  取一平底锅, 热适量炸油, 将杏仁鱼片炸至香脆或杏仁片呈现浅褐色。(油炸的过程中, 必需不时的将热油淋在杏仁上)
4.  离火, 对半切块, 挤上适量柠檬或配搭辣椒酱和即可享用。

【Almond Shark Meat Fillet】

1 shark meat (bought from hometown, remove skin)
80g almond slice

1 tsp salt, a dash of pepper
**4 tbsp flour, 3 tbsp water, 1 egg (mixed)

1.  Cross-cut shark meat into half, remove hard bone and drain it.  Marinade shark meat with 1 tsp salt and pepper for 15 minutes.  
2.  Place the shartk meat into flour batter and soak for a minutes.  Then, coat well with almonds slice and press it.  Place it in refrigerator for 15 minutes to avoid almond fall off during the frying. 
3.  Take a pan,  heat up of fry oil and place in almond fillet and fry until cripsy or the almond slices turn into light brown.  
4.  Remove from heat, cut the fillet into half, serve with mayonaise and chili sauce.

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