Friday 17 June 2016

奥利奥巧克力布丁 【Oreo Chocolate Pudding】

之前用这食谱做了绿茶奶昔布丁原味的奶香布丁, 像这样类似的布丁是家里最为畅销的甜品。大丫头接到”圣旨“负责教师节的甜品,于是俩母女“夹手夹脚”的在晚饭后完成了这项任务。选了巧克力口味是丫头的意思, 撒入奥利奥饼碎亦是丫头的好主意。发现哦,原来这丫头还蛮多鬼主意的, 配上这充满香气的饼碎, 不但让这甜品添分了, 也加色了!   

 做了丫头要所要的份量, 更为了家人也有得品尝, 我做了以下食谱三倍的份量, 蛮惊人哦!


12克双燕牌的燕菜丝 /琼脂条(剪短)
1罐淡奶 Evaporated milk

** 适量奥利奥饼碎
** 适量双色巧克力豆

1.  巧可力碎隔水融化, 加入可可粉混合均匀至顺滑,备用。
2.  将燕菜丝,糖, 班兰叶和水放入锅里,煮至燕菜丝完全溶解,倒入淡奶奶煮至小滚即可。
3.  将淡奶混合物(步骤2)分成两份, 一份加入步骤1的巧克力酱,搅拌至混合,而另一份则保持原味。 
4.  倒入一份原味燕菜混合物, 倾斜着杯子至稍微凝固后, 再舀入一份巧克力味混合物至满, 放入冰箱里冷藏至少一小时至凝固。 
5.  待凝固后, 撒入一适量奥利奥饼碎和双色巧克力豆即可享用。

【Oreo Chocolate Pudding 

12 g agar-agar strip (cut into small pieces)
1500 ml water
200 g castor sugar
1 can evaporated milk
125g chocolate (chopped)
15g cocoa powder
4 pandan leaves (tie)

** adequate amount of oreo crushed 
** adequate amount of chocolate chips

1. Place the chopped chocolate in a bowl that can be placed over a small sacepan of simmering water.  Gently melt the chocolate over water simmering in a saucepan until melted and smooth.
2.  Combine agar-agar strip, sugar, pandan leaves and water into a pot and cook until agar-agar strip completely dissolved.  Then, add evaporated milk and bring it just to boil. 
3.  Divide mixture into two portions, mix in chocolate mixture (method 1) into one of the mixture, mix well and set pot aside to cool slightly.
4  Pour the chocolate mixture into the prepared cups and leave it to set slightly before pouring the evaporated milk mixture into it.  
5.  Let cool and keep chilled. Serve with oreo crushed and chocolate chips. 

让丫头带去校园的布丁杯子是塑胶杯带盖的, 路途遥远, 否则。。嘿嘿!


  1. Thanks for sharing. I always want to try this chocolate pudding and I will start with your recipe. :)

  2. 朋友,好久不见,布丁类型的甜品在我家不laku,所以我只能默默地用眼睛享受你家的佳品了

  3. 喜欢这样间色的布丁,食谱记下了!Yummy!
