Wednesday 27 January 2016

杏仁焦糖曲奇【 CNY Almond Caramel Cookies】

今年往烘焙店里钻的时间少了,对于烘焙之心也已不如往日般的火热。  虽然年关近了, 但却依然提不起精神,而两并非不想做实在是有心无力。 这身体啊, 前一分钟还是龙马精神,后一分钟已是昏昏欲睡了。

提到年饼, 每年来来回回总是那几味儿, 也总是离不开杏仁饼。那日, 在烘焙店里拿起1公斤的杏仁片,杏仁碎粒, 还有杏仁粉。  咋看之下, 哇啦! 怎么这些杏仁的价钱飙高了许多。只不过买了几样的材料, 却搞得口袋空空了!  

终于做了这款想了三年的曲奇, 一款不能错失的年饼, 竟然让它苦苦的等了三年!

250克奶油 (温室软化), 50克糖粉 (过筛), 120克鸡蛋(2粒), 450克底筋面粉
110克黄糖, 20克糖浆, 80克蜜糖, 20克清水
1.  将奶油和糖粉以慢速拌匀, 再改以中速搅打至5分钟或成乳白状。 
2.  将鸡蛋逐粒的加入,  必须等至鸡蛋充分被搅拌后才加入另一粒。
3.  拌入过筛面粉, 以慢速搅拌均匀至成面团即可。
4.  将面团压入2个 11 x 9.5 x 1的烤盘, 以面棍擀薄至平,然后以叉子在面皮上刺洞。
5.  放入预热烤箱里以175度烘烤7分钟至饼皮半熟即可。
6.  将所有材料B混合,再以小火煮滚几分钟, 加入材料C搅拌均匀。 然后,倒入半熟的饼皮上, 再度放入烤箱里继续烘烤25分钟至金黄色。 取出, 趁热切块。


【Almond Caramel Cookies
[Ingredients A] 
250g unsalted butter (at room temperature), 50g icing sugar (sifted)
2 eggs (120g), 450g superfine flour 

[Ingredients B]
110g brown sugar, 20g golden syrup, 80g honey, 20g water

[Ingredients C] :   250g almond flakes

1.  Cream butter and sifted icing sugar on low speed until combined.  Then change to medium speed, beat for another 5 minutes until creamy. 
2.  Add in egg, beat well after each addition of egg until creamy. 
3.  Add in sifted flour on slow speed until it forms a dough. 
4.  Divide the dough into two.  Roll out the dough between plastic sheets and place each of them on a greased 11" x 9.5" x 1"baking tray.  Prick the flattened dough with a fork. 
5.  Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 7 minutes until half baked.
6.  Combine ingredients B and cook on low heat, bring it to boil for a few minutes.  Then stir in ingredients C and mix well.  Pour the mixture over the half baked cookie dough and bake in preheated oven at 170C for another 25 minutes till brown.  Remove from oven, cut into square before cool.  

This post is linked at Cook and Celebrate: Chinese New Year 2016 hosted by Yen from GoodyFoodies, Diana from The Domestic Goddess Wannabe and Zoe from Bake for Happy Kids at here.


  1. wow... looks really yummy ! Happy festive season baking !
    Blessings, Kristy

  2. 是咯,杏仁粉啊杏仁碎啊。。。价钱都飙高了许多!

  3. 我闻到杏仁香来了, 还有焦糖香, 又是一款很棒的杏仁饼。

  4. 这个食谱我要记下来明年才做! 对多多杏仁的饼干无法抗拒! 嘻嘻

  5. 没错呀! 今年的杏仁真的好贵, 偏偏新年有少不了杏仁这材料,所以我也是忍痛照买呀!
    我看到你家的扑克牌了, 可以边玩边吃饼吗? 哈哈哈!

  6. Hi May,

    I love this combination of caramel and almond in cookies. Sounds yummy!

