Sunday 26 August 2012

五彩繽纷巧可力棒棒糖 Cake Pop


对着这站不起来的小东西,有点失望。而女儿却在一旁说:“妈咪,很美,很美!” 我开完笑的回答:“妈咪当然美,只是这小东西站不起来,就不美了。”

                            人家做的棒棒糖是站着的,我的却站不起来,非要躺下不可。 呵呵!



1 1/2杯普通面粉,3/4杯无糖可可粉, 1 1/2杯细纱糖,1 1/2小匙苏打粉, 3/4小匙发粉,1/2小匙盐, 2个蛋,3/4杯酸奶, 3大匙粟米油,1小匙香草精,3/4杯温水

(这里我用250克的现成巧克力sponge cake粉 ,烘好完毕加上以上的奶油芝士霜即可)

  1. 将粉料过筛,慢速搅拌均匀。
  2. 倒入蛋,酸奶,粟米油,香草精和水。
  3. 搅打均匀至面糊中没有面粉颗粒。将面糊倒入7寸蛋糕模中,烤箱提前10分钟170度预热后,将蛋糕模放入,烘烤25-30分钟后取出待凉。
  4. 凉后的蛋糕用擦成末备用。


  1. 将奶油芝室霜加入蛋糕末中,用手揉成不会散开的面将面团分成每只25克,搓成一小圆球。放冰箱冷冻20分钟至略硬。
  2. 巧克力里加入10克淡奶油,隔热水融化后,将棒沾上少许巧克力,再把棒插入一圆球蛋糕里。
  3. 再把棒棒蛋糕放入巧克力液中滚动,使其表面蘸满巧克力。轻轻拍打握着棒棒蛋糕的手,使多余的巧克力液随震动而滴回碗中。
  4. 趁棒棒蛋糕上的巧克力未凝固时,将彩色糖珠洒在棒棒蛋糕表面作装饰即可。
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour, 3/4 cups unsweetened cocoa powder, 1 1/2 cup fine sugar, 1 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 large eggs, 3/4 cup butter milk, 3tbsp vegetable oil, 1tsp vanilla extract, 3/4 cups warm water
Cream Cheese Frosting: 70g Butter, 110g Cream Cheese, 1 cup icing sugar (sifted)
Preheat oven to 170C and line a 7" cake pan with parchment paper.
  1. Sift together flour, cocao powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a mixing bowl.
  2. In low speed add in eggs, milk, oil, extract and water. Mix well until smooth.
  3. Pour into cake pan and bake for 25-30mins or until an inserted testing skewer comes out clean. Cool cake completely.
  4. While waiting the cake to cool down, make the cream cheese frosting.
  5. Cream butter and cream cheese together until smooth with a mixer in low speed. Add in icing sugar and continue mixing until well combined.

  1. Crumble the cake into a mixing bowl. Add cream cheese frosting to the cake crumbs and mix well.
  2. Bind the cake crumbs into little balls about 25g.
  3. Place the balls in the freezer for about 20mins. First dip the tip of a lollipop stick into the melted chocolate.
  4. Push the lollipop stick into the cake balls. Dip the cake pop into the melted chocolate to coat the cake ball. Tap off excess coating. Sprinkle with some hundred & thousands.
  5. Stand the pops in a styrofoam slab and leave it overnight.

 参考食谱:Jane Chew

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