Friday 23 March 2018

免烤巧克力饼干蛋糕【No Bake Chocolate Biscuits Cake】

匆忙中凖备了这款谁都会做的~免烤消化饼巧克力🎂!让人惊喜的蛋糕,心喜自己做对了选择,小小的六寸蛋糕, 没几下一扫而空了, 下次要做8寸了, 哈哈!


400克消化饼干 (捏成小块)
核桃和榛果各80克 (烤香)
90克黄糖 (这次我减至80克)

60克白巧克力或半苦甜巧克力 (切成小块)
10克奶油 (切成小块)

80克植物性鲜奶油, 打发

装饰:  烤香杏仁片和草莓

1.  将捏成小块状的消化饼和烤香核桃,榛果,混合备用。
2.  取一小锅, 加入黄糖和巧克力粉混合均匀, 分次加入热水和鲜奶, 搅拌至均匀。
3.  加入奶油, 以小火约煮5分钟至奶油融化成巧克力酱(过程中必须时而搅拌)。
4.  离火, 待稍微冷却(大约10分钟)。
5.  然后, 将巧克力酱倒入步骤(1)的饼块中, 以刮刀搅拌均匀至饼干均匀的沾上巧克力酱。
6.  倒入一个6寸活底圆模或慕斯圆模 (如采用慕斯圆模,必需在底部外层裹上一张锡纸), 以汤匙紧按至铺平饼干混合物, 放入冰箱里冷藏大约1小时。  
7.  这时, 将切碎黑巧克力和奶油放入碗里, 然后倒入鲜奶油, 隔水加热并不断搅拌至巧克力和奶油完全融化。   
8.  将温热的的巧克力酱倒入饼干蛋糕上, 静待几分钟至巧克力酱变得平整。 
9.  将蛋糕连模放入冰箱里, 冷藏4个小时以上。  取出, 脱模即可享用。  (脱模时, 以小刀沿着蛋糕模壁或以热毛巾围绕着蛋糕模子)
10.  将打发鲜奶油涂抹在蛋糕的外层和顶部, 抹平。
11.  撒上烤香杏仁片作为装饰, 摆上草莓即可。

** 经验之谈:
记得要紧压, 否则蛋糕会出现很多洞洞哦!

【No Bake Chocolate Biscuits Cake】

400g digestive biscuits (break into small pieces)
80g roasted walnut
80g roasted hazelnut
90g brown sugar ( i used 80g)
45g unsweetened cocoa powder
80g fresh milk
70g hot water
80g butter
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)

[Chocolate layer]
60g UHT whipping cream
60g white or dark chocolate (chopped)
10g butter (cut into cubes)

Top layer
80g whipped cream

Decoration:  Roasted almond slice and strawberry 

1.  In a mixing bowl, Combine digestive biscuits and roasted walnut, hazelnut set aside.
2.  In a pot, add sugar and cocoa powder and mix well.  Gradually add in hot water and fresh milk, mix until incorporated.
3.  Add butter,  simmer over small heat for 5 minutes or until butter is fully dissolved. ( stirring occasionally
4.  Remove from heat, set aside to cool slightly for above 10 minutes and add vanilla extract, mix well.
5.  Then, pour the chocolate mixture over  the biscuit mixture and mix well until the biscuit crust have coated with the chocolate 
6.  Pour the chocolate biscuit mixture into the 6 inches loose bottom pan, use the back of the spoon to press the mixture evenly and place the cake pan into the fridge for about 1 hour.
7.   While waiting the cake to set, place chopped chocolate and butter in a bowl.  Then, add in whipping cream , gently melt the chocolate over water simmering in a saucepan until melted and smooth. 
8.  Take the biscuit cake out from the fridge and pour the warm chocolate mixture across the top of the cake.  Let it cool for a minutes until the chocolate mixture spread evenly.  Place the cake pan into the fridge for 4 hours.
9.  Remove the cake from the refrigerator, slice it and serve. (you may use the hot tower to heat the sides of the pan to make it easier to remove)

10.  Cover the whole cake with whipped cream and smooth the side and top.
11.  Sprinkle with almond slices and decorate as your own desire.


  1. 好好吃的樣子……

  2. May,

    1. 巧蓉, 确实是多了一些时间回来走走,还是记挂着这个家! 哈哈。。
      谢谢你的支持, 有你真好啊!

  3. Hope you share more recipe in the future. I learnt a lot fr you end.
